Homeopathy Remedy China

Eructations; after eating; empty; as from nausea, also with colic; bitter, also after eating; bitter, sourish, after bread and butter; tasting of food; of badly tasting mucus; hot, then taste of China beginning at root of tongue and spreading through mouth; incomplete, sourish, after milk; something half way between E. and sobbing. Nausea; when he hears not unpleasant things spoken of, with aversion to labor, sleepiness by day and yellow color of eyeballs; (>) eating, with flushes of heat and orgasm of blood; in region of pit of throat after eating. Vomiting; at 11.15 A.M., principally of water, of sour taste, of penetrating odor, like the bark.

Spasm in cardiac region. Sticking here and there, and in abdomen; s. in pit; in pit during inspiration; in pit extending to sternum; jerking. Clawing. Soreness in pit mornings, with pain as from pressure on a sore place. Pressure; after eating a little; after eating vegetables, then flatulence, then vomiting, then burning extending half way up chest; (>) while eating; in region, (>) rising from a seat; below pit as if everything were excoriated, then violent diarrhoea. Constriction in morning when lying on side, (>) lying on back. Compression in pit, impeding respiration. Oppression. Fulness; after eating; as full for a long time after a meal as when he had just eaten, the food seems to stick high up (Lycopodium). Sensation as if he had eaten, drunk and smoked to satiety (Lycopodium). Weight. Emptiness, with nausea. Nauseous anxiety when sitting after a moderate meal followed by a walk, together with hunger. Coldness. Agreeable warmth from region to navel, with tasteless eructation. (Indigestion); of supper. Disordered by milk (nitricum acidum, Nux-v., Sulphur); by too much food.

Clinical Dyspepsia, constant satiety, with coldness in stomach, craving for pungent spices and sour things and stimulants; digestion extremely slow; after eating he feels full, drowsy, taste of the food rises, with dyspnoea, etc. Dyspepsia, with painful pressure and distention in region of stomach after eating and drinking a little. Appetite entirely lost, and after eating a little loud belching and inability to work. Acid dyspepsia, heartburn even after milk, constant satiety, no relief from belching gas. After haemorrhage from the stomach, with great sensitiveness of the stomach and great prostration, etc., the abdomen sensitive over the region of the liver, which is sometimes swollen (Compare gastric symptoms with Lycopodium).


      Distention; after eating; after a moderate supper (Lycopodium), with griping and here and there sharp pain; in morning without flatulence; until eructations; with colic and diarrhoea; as from flatulent food and much drink. Fermentation from fruit (Arsenicum, Bryonia, Pulsatilla) (Cherries). Flatulence. Rumbling; between 6 and 10 P.M., with movement of flatus and aching, then emission of flatus. Rattling. Commotion. Emission of flatus; offensive (compare Carbo-veg.)

Sticking when sitting, extending downward on inspiration; griping S. Cutting at noon; during and after passage of whitish, turbid urine, with pressure; shooting in all directions before passage of flatus. Griping; towards evening when walking; after drinking, as after a purge; (>) rising from a seat; with pain on passage of flatus; with hunger and weariness. Pain like a pinching and drawing, (<) sitting. Cold, colicky cramp, when diarrhoea. Sharp pain. Colic before stool; before passage of flatus; during digestion; with thirst; flatulent; pain in evening when sitting, as before diarrhoea; spasmodic, composed of pressure and constriction; bruised, in muscles; contractive, in evening when sitting. Contracted sensation, with rumbling in lower. Drawing, with emission of flatus and hard, difficult stool. Heaviness. Warmth.

Sides. – Crackling downward and backward in l., as if in ascending colon. Drawing-jerking pain when eating. Drawing pain in r. on walking. Pressure in both sides as if stool should follow but could not. Beating in r.

Upper. – Rumbling. Swelling of liver (Chelidonium, Mercurius, Lycopodium). Sticking in several parts in morning in bed; in spleen (Cedron), on walking; in hepatic region, beneath ribs; in hepatic region on expiration, extending outward; below l. ribs, extending outward, (<) inspiration; pinching, in l. hypochondrium; pinching, below region of stomach in evening, as before diarrhoea. Cutting as if spleen were hardened. Pinching, (>) bending double, alternating with nausea, urging to stool and shaking chill all over, then pressure in upper abdomen. Intermitting pressure in hepatic region while standing, (>) bending forward, with pain on touch as if suppurating. Fulness after eating, the food remains long. Constriction. Internal coldness after every swallow of drink, renewed on every inspiration (compare Arsenicum).

Umbilical Region. – Sticking on l. side below umbilicus on walking rapidly and afterwards; in r. side above umbilicus, (<) touch; in l. side and at same time below r. nipple, extending inward. Tearing; below umbilicus, with rumbling; on r. side, extending into hypogastrium, (>) bending backward. Cutting, with cold sweat on forehead; attacks of C. Griping externally below r. side of umbilicus in evening when sitting. Pinching in evening in bed; above umbilicus, noon and evening after moderate eating, (<) motion, (>) rest; above umbilicus on rising after stooping, with constriction. Colicky spasms. Colic, with shivering. Pain on sides below umbilicus after eating. Pressure. Contraction in r. side below umbilicus when sitting, as from an induration. Heat.

Lower.- Painful distention. Gurgling. Increased peristaltic motion, with pressure. Sticking in l., in region of kidney; in bend of groin, on mons veneris, (<) walking. Tearing on l. side near mons veneris. Griping drawing back and forth above mons veneris as before diarrhoea, when sitting, with short passages of flatus. Pressure in l. Pain during chill; in region of caecum when sitting; paroxysmal cramplike, in groin when standing; flatulent, with constriction and tension, the flatus endeavored in vain to expel itself, with tension under short ribs and anxiety; sore, in ring, with sensation as if a hernia would protrude through the ring. Drawing in bend of groin when sitting, (<) tendon (of psoric muscle).

Clinical Gastro-duodenal catarrh, especially with yellow tongue, oppressive headache at night, loathing of food and yet canine hunger. Enlarge spleen, which is painful (especially in chronic malarial poisoning) (compare Ceanothus, Cedron); the pains in the spleen are acute and sticking. General distention of abdomen, with desire to eructate gas, which affords no relief. The fermentation which results from the acid dyspepsia involves the whole abdomen and there are a great deal of rumbling and pains of different sorts. Gall-stone colic (Dr. Thayer declares that China 6th will permanently cure a tendency to gall-stone colic, with all the attendant symptoms). Jaundice in nursing children abdomen tympanitic, spleen and liver enlarged.


      Sticking in lower part, (<) in sphincter; during stool, then sticking drawing. Tearing when in bed, with tearing jerks. Pressure. Contractive pain, (<) sitting; spasmodic, extending through urethra to glans penis and through testicles, in evening. Burning pain after midday nap. Crawling as from ascarides and discharge of many of them; C. as from ascarides after stool. Urging to stool; in morning soon after rising; to thin stool; ineffectual, with emission of flatus.).


      Haemorrhoids, painful; H. bleeding. Sticking during a stool, mixed with blood; when not at stool, and in rectum. Sensation of an acrid substance during stool. Burning, with burning-itching. Crawling. Crawling-creeping, and in urethra, with burning in glans. Sticking in perineum, (<) sitting.


      After eating. Diarrhoea; with urging; with burning pain in anus; of undigested faeces (Ferrum), also passed in several pieces, then ineffectual urging; and nodular, yellow; (frequent, blackish); and frequent, with biting-burning pain in anus, and colic before and after every stool. Pappy; but difficult, then ineffectual urging with pain. Hard. Difficult, painful, after long urging. Constipation; with accumulation of hard faeces in rectum; with accumulation of faeces in intestines, heat in head, and dizziness. White, with dark urine. Bilious. Two in morning. Intermitted for two days.

Clinical Painless diarrhoea, with bloated abdomen, stools containing undigested food, (<) at night, with great fermentation in bowels, general desire for acids and relishes of various sorts. Stools, sometimes involuntary, of cadaverous odor. Diarrhoea from eating fruit. Diarrhoea, recurring after meals (Crot-tig.). Diarrhoea occurring in the course of debilitating diseases. Dysentery, rarely.

Urinary Organs

      Pressure in bladder after frequent and almost ineffectual efforts to urinate. Micturition frequent; two calls at night; involuntary; in a feeble, slow stream. Urethra, sticking when urinating; sensitiveness also when sitting and rising up, with stiffness of penis; burning in orifice; burning pain in orifice during and after micturition; burning-biting in forepart in evening, when urinating; bubbling sensation in region of bulb. Urine dark; with brick-red sediment (Lycopodium); copious; increased, with burning in orifice of urethra; whitish, turbid, with white sediment; pale depositing a cloud; pale, depositing a dirty yellow, flocculent sediment; scanty and dark; scanty, with brick- red sediment.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.