Homeopathy Remedy China


      Redness in afternoon, with burning pain and heat. Pain on motion, with sensation of mechanical hindrance. Biting in one, then other, with lachrymation; B. as from salt, with necessity to rub them. Sensation in night on waking as if swimming in water. Painless pressure as from weakness and loss of sleep. Sensation as in general weakness, as if sunken. Lachrymation, with crawling pain in eyes and on inner surface of lids. Pupils dilated; and almost immovable, with myopia; contracted.

Lids. – Gum in external canthi after sleep. Twitching of r. upper; l. upper; twitching, blinking, trembling. Closure from weakness and sleepiness. Tearing in l. external canthus. Pain; in external canthi. Dry sensation between lids and ball, with rubbing pain on moving lids. Tickling. Itching on l.

Pressure on brows, more externally, (<) motion of frontal muscles. Photophobia. Darkness before eyes. Vision of black floating points. Room lighted by a candle appeared in a blinding sulphur- yellow light, then all surroundings were of a shimmering rosy-red (this appeared as the headache suddenly disappeared during a sluggish stool, with tenesmus).

Clinical Retinal asthenopia, with transient blindness or with flickering before the eyes (after sexual excesses). Hemeralopia. Neuralgia about the eyes; ciliary neuralgia, supraorbital neuralgia (Ced.); the neuralgia (<) slightest touch. The weakness of vision and the neuralgia about the eyes are frequently associated with spinal irritation and great soreness of the spine, extending into the occiput and even into the eyes; the pain frequently (<) at night when lying down, but not always.


      Sticking from middle upward through brain; here and there in parotids. Tearing in lobules; in cartilage and external meatus. (Pain in middle); in l. on touch; drawing, behind ear, extending to mastoid process. Tickling. Throbbing, then ringing. Hearing difficult. Deafness as if something were before the ear internally. Ringing (Cannab-ind.); with pain in temples; in r., with tickling crawling as of an insect. Roaring. Ticking as of a distant watch.

Clinical Ringing and roaring in the ears, loss of hearing. Frequent neuralgic pains in ears, (<) touch. Hearing extremely sensitive to noises. External ear very sensitive to touch, sometimes inflamed.


      Redness and heat. Stitches in cartilage of septum. Tearing in back. Pain in root (Ignatia) (after heat of cheek had disappeared), extending to side. Pressure across root, extending upward, and on eyebrow, (>) touch, with tension of skin of l. wing of nose. Sudden biting deep in l. nostril in evening, (<) compression of nose, sticking on every inspiration, then itching externally on back of nose. Sneezing; at beginning of fever; with coryza. Catarrh, with sensitiveness of nose and pimples on margin of nostrils and septum, which are painful to touch; fluent C., with sneezing and lachrymation; trickling from nose; watery discharge, with stoppage; attacks of stopped C. Bleeding; between 6 and 7 A.M., after rising; after violent blowing.

Clinical Smell very acute. Nosebleed in anaemic persons, with ringing in ears, or relieving headache.


      Red; and swollen; cheeks and lobules of ears. Pale; and sunken, pinched, sickly. Hippocratic (pointed nose, hollow eyes with blue rings), with indifference, insensibility. Earthy. Changing color frequently. Sticking in l. side; in r. cheek, (>) pressure. Pain in r. side; picking, in zygoma and r. back tooth. Pressure across, (<) near nose and cheek, with contraction of lids as if upper and lower lids were drawn towards each other. Lip (cracked); in middle of lower when sneezing; (shrivelled); inner surface of lower sore and excoriated; dry, without thirst; lower painful near l. corner as from a corroding ulcer; sore sensation in r. upper near corner, as after much wiping in coryza. Jaw, jerking, sticking in r. side of lower; tearing in l. side of lower; T. in r. before midnight; cutting-burning pain in upper when standing.

Clinical Facial neuralgia. Occasionally useful in erysipelas of the face, of the vesicular variety, with low delirium. Facial erysipelas in an infant, with hot, swollen extremities (Aconite).


      Teeth. Looseness (Mercurius); and pain on chewing. Sticking extending outward in incisors; s. in r. upper back on inhaling cold air, with tearing. Jerking tearing in l. upper back; drawing tearing upward and backward in upper, then faintness. Digging in upper back, (>) for a moment by biting teeth together and pressing upon them. Pain; in crowns of r. back when biting teeth together; throbbing; picking, in upper back; in lower incisors as if they had been knocked against something. Drawing pain in l. lower; D. pain in incisors in morning; in upper back in morning, with numbness; in open air and in draft; in l. upper back, with feeling as if gum or inner part of cheek were swollen. Gum and lip swollen.

Tongue coated, (<) afternoon; on waking; white in morning; yellow; dirty white crust; (yellowish, not coated); whitish; painful swelling posteriorly on side; vesicle beneath, painful swelling posteriorly on side; vesicle beneath, painful when tongue is moved; burning stitches; sticking in tip; biting in middle as if sore or burnt; biting on tip as from pepper, then accumulation of saliva at this place; sensation as if dry and covered with mucus. Swelling of velum palati and uvula. Bright blood suddenly came into mouth after an agreeable surprise. Mucus in mouth; in morning after waking and after exertion, and he believes there is an offensive odor from his throat. Scraping on palate. Sensation as if he had smelled too strong vinegar, causing coagulation of mucus. Sensation as of an offensive exhalation. Dryness (Arsenicum); of palate in evening after fever, with thirst. Contractive sensation in salivary glands. Salivation (Mercurius); with nausea. Offensive breath towards morning, (>) eating.

Taste bitter (Chelidonium, Bryonia), even to tobacco-smoke; B. in morning (Nat-m); when drinking coffee; to everything, (>) after eating; to bread on swallowing, although it tasted good while chewing; to food, (<) wheat cakes; to beer and the beer mounts to the head; in throat, obliging him to swallow saliva constantly. Slimy (Mercurius), which disgusts him with butter; bitter slimy. Sweetish; to tobacco-smoke; S., then sour. Sour; to coffee; to black bread; as if stomach had been disordered by fruit. Salt; to food, then bitter; sweetish salt; bitter, salt to bread and butter. Watery and flat. Flat, qualmish after drinking. Nauseous, at times bitter, (<) morning, with unpleasant taste to food; N. as after cheese. Acrid in posterior part of palate from tobacco-smoking, with biting. Little to supper. Lost when smoking tobacco; after smoking tobacco.

Clinical Neuralgic toothache (>) clenching teeth tightly, yet (<) slightly touching teeth, in anaemic persons. Chronic salivation, the effect of mercurial poisoning.


      Submaxillary glands painful, (<) touch and motion of neck. Choking in r. submaxillary gland, (<) touch and motion of neck, with pinching. Choking and contraction in gullet. Sticking in evening when breathing after lying down, (>) swallowing; in r. side on swallowing; from a draught of air. Scraping, (<) on margin or larynx, as after rancid eructations or heartburn. Roughness. Contractive sensation. Swollen sensation internally and when swallowing sticking on l. side of tongue, with pain in that spot on talking or breathing. Sensation as if food remained in upper part. Sensation as if food remained in upper part. Sensation in pit as if it would become sore, sensation when swallowing like a sore throat although swallowing does not hurt it. Tension in gullet on bending head backward. Empty feeling in pharynx and oesophagus. Dryness, with cool breath. Swallowing painful, with swollen submaxillary glands and pain in them on swallowing; difficult on account of narrow feeling. Contraction of muscles of oesophagus.


      Appetite increased; at 8 A.M. without knowing what he wishes to eat; in afternoon; for various things but does not know exactly what; for sour cherries; ravenous, with nausea; ravenous, with insipid taste; hunger but want of appetite, food tastes natural yet is disagreeable in mouth; relishes supper, but is immediately satiated (Lycopodium); indifference to eating and drinking, only while eating appetite and natural taste to food return; little appetite at noon; dinner is eaten without relish; does not relish tobacco- smoking. Anorexia; before and after noon, with ineffectual desire to vomit.

Thirst; in evening after fever, with hunger, then after eating coldness and rumbling in abdomen; after shivering through skin; after chill; (During chill); during sweat on back and forehead after fever; (<) morning; then heat over body, with throbbing in all bloodvessels, burning in ears and forehead, internal sensation i cheeks. hands and feet as if too hot; for cold water, with chill and heat, (<) morning after waking; for wine; little; none when eating. Aversion to coffee (Nux-v.); to beer (Nux-v.); to water, with longing for beer (Nux-v.).

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.