Homeopathy Remedy China

Sexual Organs

      Swelling of spermatic cord, painful to touch, and of scrotum, (<) epididymis. Sticking in fraenum of glans, (<) touch, with tension. Pain in glans before urinating; jerking pain between glans and prepuce when walking; itching of glans in evening, in bed. Sore sensation on margin of prepuce, (<) rubbing of clothes. Frequent erections; at night. Scrotum hangs down; sticking itching of scrotum; itching crawling on scrotum in evening in bed. Tearing in l. testicle and in l. side of prepuce in evening in bed; drawing pain in testicles. Desire increased. Emissions nightly; at 3 A.M.

Metrorrhagia, with black clots. Suppression of menses.

Clinical Impotency resulting from sexual excesses; nocturnal emissions, very debilitating; in general, frequently useful for symptoms resulting form sexual excesses. uterine haemorrhages, especially after labor, with atony of uterus, discharge of large quantities of blood, cold skin, fainting, convulsive jerks, etc. Menstruation too early and profuse, with dark clots, distention of abdomen, etc. Leucorrhoea that comes on instead of the menses; bloody, fetid, purulent, great weakness, etc. Metritis. Ovaritis from sexual excesses or following haemorrhages, all the parts are very sensitive to the slightest touch. General anaemia resulting from prolonged nursing. Haemorrhage from the lungs while nursing.

Respiratory Organs

      Tickling in evening provoking cough, which, however, he can suppress. Whistling and wheezing in trachea on breathing. Collection of mucus in larynx; which he constantly loosens and which causes hoarseness; something is adherent to larynx, so that the voice is deep and rough. Stitches in larynx, with roughness. Pain in trachea and sternum on coughing. Drawing in trachea below larynx, then cough in one impulse. Hoarseness.

Cough caused by laughing (Phosphorus, Stannum); C. after eating (Nux- v., Arsenicum); waking after midnight, with sticking in both sides of chest at every paroxysm of cough; irritation to hacking, as from sulphur fumes, whereby nothing could be loosened, mornings; suffocative (a kind of whooping cough), at 2 and 4 A.M., with screaming on account of it after coughing a few times; (coughing up bloody mucus). Suffocative attack as if larynx were full of mucus, (<) towards evening and at night on waking. Inspiration difficult and painful, expiration quick. Dyspnoea, (<) walking, with difficult, at times rattling expiration and with roughness of chest. Inclination before dinner to breathe deeply.

Clinical Asthmatic attacks. Nervous cough, dry and hacking, with pain in spleen, palpitation, intolerance of tight clothing, dyspnoea, etc. Bronchorrhoea, with great prostration, simulating the last stage of phthisis, intolerance of the slightest pressure over chest, which is extremely sensitive; loud rales through the chest, and extreme debility. Haemoptysis, with anaemia, oedema of the extremities. Phthisis from excessive loss of fluid and vitality, night-sweats (compare Acet-ac.).


      Twitching here and there in muscles. Sticking l.; in forepart beneath last ribs, without relation to respiration; between l. seventh and eighth ribs; in cartilages of l. third and fourth false ribs; in morning; in side at night, but during the day only on motion and touch; in side when sitting and reading; in a spot below last r. ribs on pressure and on walking; above praecordial region when at rest, (<) reading; in l. on expiration when sitting; on l. side near ensiform cartilage on expiration, and in pit of stomach; in side when eating and drinking, and in back, with nausea; when walking rapidly; in sides, with heat, hard pulse and staring eyes; from sternum through to back, after drinking; below r. arm, in region of fourth rib, as if in pleura, (>) pressure and stooping; beneath last ribs on inspiration, arresting breathing; compelling inspiration; outward near r. nipple; outward in region of sixth and seventh true ribs, without affecting respiration; tickling, in l., extending towards praecordial region. Tearing below last true ribs, on l. side of ensiform cartilage. Tearing drawing beneath last rib when standing. Intermittent cutting across when sitting bent.

Pain; in region of r. fourth and fifth ribs; when coughing, with soreness in larynx; in side, impeding breathing; in side as if beaten; drawing across lower when sitting, causing anxiety, (>) standing and walking; drawing, behind sternum; in joints of ribs as if bruised, on inspiration; contractive, in middle of r. side, so that he must expel the breath suddenly; contractive, beneath last ribs when walking, and a bruised sensation; tensive, in morning, (<) external muscles. Pressure upon chest; on l. side near ensiform cartilage; over anterior part at night when lying upon back; in sternum after eating, (<) sitting bent, raising arm; externally upon middle of sternum when upper part of body is bent and when upper part of body is bent, causing anxiety and insufficient inspiration; (sharp, with crawling in one side); outward in region of last ribs; burning, inward; drawing, on r. when sitting. Oppression; in evening, (>) sighing, with uneasiness, weak pulse and anxious, impatient mood; at night, with whistling and rattling, and with wheezing and rales in trachea; in region of pit of stomach as if something were burrowing there. Agreeable fulness as form satiety, with sweetish saliva. Burning; extending form upper part of stomach, then agreeable warmth. (Throbbing in sternum in morning and evening.) (Crawling in one breast.)


      Dilatation of r. side. Sticking in praecordial region after drinking. Palpitation; waking at 3 A.M., (<) lying on l. side, returning at 9 A.M., (<) motion; after dinner, (<) movement, (>) quiet; after slight exercise, with oppressed breathing; with rush of blood to face, which was hot and red, and with cold hands; with intermitting pulse, intermission of every ninth beat, then three or four rapid beats; with depressed pulse and cold skin; with anxiety; then chill.


      Rapid; and irregular; and hard, with flushes of heat alternating with chilliness of back, which is covered with cold sweat and cold sweat on forehead. Full and hard. Slow and weak. Thin and irregular.


      Sticking, then stiffness; slow drawing sticking in anterior muscles when at rest. Pain on motion; pain in nape as if glands were swollen, on turning head, extending after a walk to throat, (<) touch, which it is a part of nape when standing, (>) stooping.


      Stitching in l. side when sitting; throbbing sticking. Bruised pain on motion. Sticking in middle of spine; across r. scapula and in l. chest. Tearing in region of l. scapula on inspiration; drawing tearing in l. scapula. Pain in scapula as from dislocation. Contractive pain between S. when standing. Jerking across sacrum; painful. Sticking in lumbar region; in region of r. kidney, (<) bending. Jerking tearing in l. side of small of back. Aching in sacral region, extending down thighs, with languor, distention of abdomen and ineffectual desire for stool; sticking drawing, in middle of sacrum, extending towards lumbar vertebrae; tensive, in sacrum, as from a heavy load or or after long stooping; in small of back as form cramp or s if bruised and crushed, with sudden crying out on motion.

Clinical Spinal irritation; the spine is extremely sensitive to touch, pain shooting into head, etc. Many symptoms of tabes have been relieved (see under Extremities.)


      Cracking in joints. Trembling from a chill and creeping shivering over thighs in open, not cold air. Twitching. Jerking tearing, (<) touch, (<) hands and soles. Sensible, but invisible trembling, with a cooling sensation. Laxity of all and trembling of hands; trembling weakness. Heaviness, as if lead were hanging to them (Phosphorus), (<) thighs. Numbness and stiffness. Paralytic stiffness in all joints on rising from sleep in morning and from midday nap, causing mental depression. Falling asleep of those upon which he lies.

Upper Extremities

      Paralytic jerking-tearing in long bones, (<) touch; paralytic tearing, extending into all parts, (<) more by touch than by motion. Tearing in l. axilla and on anterior and inner border of scapula. Intermittent drawing pain on margin of r. axilla, near forepart. Paralytic jerking-tearing on top of shoulder, with sensitiveness to touch, the pain renewed by touch, even of coat.

Arm. – Tearing if she stands by the window, with drawing. Tension, and in hands. Weakness noticed when clenching hands. Sticking in upper, (>) motion. Tearing in l. upper, and then in r.; jerking tearing in humerus, towards upper and inner part; paralytic jerking-T., extending form head of humerus along muscles and bones to phalanges, where it is painless, the pain (<) touch, with weakness of whole arm. Paralytic pain in head of humerus, losing itself if hand as a tearing, with general warmth, (<) forehead.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.