Homeopathy Remedy Chamomilla

Sexual Organs

      Stitches in “bulbo-cavernous” muscles; itching, on margin of prepuce. Itching of prepuce and glans. Soreness on margin of prepuce. Erections; in morning in bed; violent; violent in afternoon. Itching of scrotum. Desire (later action). Emission nightly.

Female.- Smarting-burning in vagina. Acrid, watery discharge after dinner; yellow, biting leucorrhoea. Discharge of dark blood from a newly-born girl. Drawing from anterior part of small of back, griping and pinching in uterus, then discharge of large clots of blood. Dragging towards uterus like labor pains, with frequent urging to urinate. Profuse discharge of clotted blood, with labor pains in uterus and tearing in veins of legs. Metrorrhagia, even in old people. Suppression of menses, with swelling of pit of stomach and pain as if it would be pressed down, swollen abdomen, labor pains and anasarca.

Clinical A very valuable remedy for uterine haemorrhages, the flow is irregular, dark and clotted; sometimes there is constant oozing of dark, foul blood, with occasional bright gushes (Belladonna). Membranous dysmenorrhoea. Menstrual colic, especially the result of anger. Severe pains following labor, especially if they extend down thighs, with great nervous excitement. Threatening miscarriage from fits of anger. During labor the patient is intolerant of the pain, the os is rigid and pains extend into the thighs. Puerperal convulsions after anger, one cheek hot, the other pale. Suppression of milk from anger. Inflamed breasts.

Respiratory Organs

      Tickling in afternoon, with irritation to hacking cough. Larynx raw; and scraping; oppression in region, with constriction; tickling in morning, with hacking cough and expectoration of clear blood; irritation to cough, with sweetish mucus, which rises from trachea into larynx, but is involuntarily swallowed; feeling as if a fluid would rise out of it; burning. Hoarseness; on account of tough mucus in larynx, which is only detached by violent hawking; catarrhal, of trachea, with dryness of eyelids. Trachea, whistling, wheezing and rattling when breathing; mucus, with rattling respiration; rawness in upper part; pressure, with irritation to cough (Aconite).

Cough at night from irritation low in trachea; in a paroxysm at midnight, with which something seems to rise into throat, as if she would suffocate; on account of rattling mucus in upper part of trachea, with pain in place from which the mucus was detached (when the child is angry); dry; dry in sleep; dry on account of itching and tickling in trachea behind pit of throat. Expectoration of blood after tickling in larynx and trachea. Moaning and groaning. Short breath after a short, rapid walk, with palpitation and small, hard, rapid pulse; and croaking; and deep, with heaviness of chest. Rapid breathing.

Clinical Catarrhal laryngitis, with hoarseness and rawness in larynx. Catarrhal croup in children, with suffocative attacks. Bronchitis, with free expectoration of mucus; especially in children. Irritable dry cough from tickling in larynx. Expectoration only occasionally. (All cough symptoms to be compared with Pulsatilla)


      Scirrhus hardness of mammae. Rattling in r. in night on waking, (>) hawking of clear blood. Jerking in l. pectoralis major. Stitches; in r.; in inner part of r.; r., about nipple; in r., near sternum; near r. side of ensiform process; in r. nipple; anteriorly in region of r. fifth rib, also in evening, (<) deep breathing; in cartilages of r. sixth and seventh ribs; in streaks along l. ribs, above nipple and around it, then above heart, and in anterior half of seventh and eighth ribs; above l. nipple; below l. nipple; in l. lower part; anteriorly on l. lower part; in cartilages of l. sixth rib; to l. of middle of sternum; beneath ensiform cartilage, somewhat to l.; above heart; deep above heart during the day, (<) morning; in r. half at 11 A.M.; r. half in forenoon; beneath ribs and scapulae when breathing; through chest on every respiration; from middle towards r. side after every expiration; between l. nipple and sternum on inspiration.

Tearing in clavicle and neck. Pinching transversely across upper in evening. Pain beneath sternum; under l. clavicle after long sitting; on r. side after long stooping, then in l., then farther backward; beneath sternum, impeding breathing; drawing, in r. or feeling as if repeatedly drawn inward; tensive, across chest on inspiration; burning, from beneath sternum to mouth. Pressure above r. nipple; below r. clavicle, and sticking in small of back. Constriction; o level with nipples; in upper part, which hurts on coughing. Suffocating tightness, constriction of larynx, in region of pit of throat, irritation to cough (Pulsatilla, Sulphur). Oppression; in morning; at 11 A.M., while sitting, pain while walking; as from flatus in upper abdomen, with pain, and with pain in stomach as in beginning of heartburn, then burning in spine. Contraction. Internal soreness, as if bruised. Irritation to cough beneath upper part of sternum, without cough. Burning, with Dullness of head, as if he did not know where he was, with anxiety. Rush of blood.


      Stitches; above r. ventricle; during motion, arresting breathing; flying, in cardiac region and extending, now shooting, now drawing, now r., now l., down legs to dorsum of feet and ankles, then back to r. shoulder or hip or l. side of head. Nausea. Sinking about. Rush of blood. Palpitation.


      Rapid and irregular and small and tense. Hard and full in morning on waking. At one time strong, at another small and weak, also irregular as to frequency. Small and soft; small in morning and easily compressible.


      Stitches in near ear. Pain behind l. ear; rheumatic pain in muscles. (Tensive stiffness of muscles.)


      Stitches; forenoon, towards evening; on inspiration; on l. side. Tearing; drawing. Pain; afternoon, 11 P.M.; on long sitting; drawing. Bruised sensation in muscles of back and loins B. pain in morning on waking; on lying down to sleep, with drawing along nerves, extending into pelvis and parietes of abdomen; (<) stooping. Fulness after eating, with anxiety and tearing, afterwards extending to abdomen.

Contractive sensation in spine. Stitches in r. scapula; in region of r.; between r. and spine; in r. cucullaris muscle; jerking, in region of r. scapula in evening. Pain in r. scapula while stooping; in r. acromion. Bruised sensation in rhomboid muscles of scapulae; B. pain between scapulae, (<) stooping, and in intercostal muscles.

Lumbar Region.- Stitches; r. Pain in afternoon after sitting; pain after stopping, with bruised feeling and stitches; in sacral region, (<) night; unbearable, at night if he lies on opposite side, and in hip-joint; (labor pain); drawing paralytic pain extending into thigh. Feeling in bed as if it would be broken, with dragging and drawing pains extending from hepatic region over abdomen deep into pelvis. Bruised feeling, also after stopping; on lying down to sleep, with drawing along nerves extending into pelvis and parietes of abdomen; with drawing and pressure extending into walls of abdomen; extending with drawing over walls of abdomen to inguinal region. Drawing pain when stretching on walking. Stiff pain after sitting. Weakness.


      Cracking of joints, (<) lower, with bruised pain in joints. Jerking on falling asleep. Trembling of legs and hands. Stitches around joints, (<) shoulders and ankles; around joints, (<) r. knee; in joints extending into bones; in ankles, knees and wrists, extending outward and downward into long bones; deep in joints, usually with paralytic feeling; in arms and legs, following the nerves, with weakness; paralytic from joints along long bones, (>) rising; wandering, in joints, extending into long bones, with feeling as if pain in bones would appear. Tearing; (>) tossing about in bed; in joints, (<) of arms; wandering; (<) arms and legs, now in lower, now in upper half of fibula, then along tibia, now in metacarpal, now in metatarsal bones and (<) along outer side of radius, then pain in knees and elbows, along flexor surface, in tendons and in bellies of flexors, (<) stretching joints. Drawing tearing jerks in shafts of bones or in tendons.

Pain; in knees and elbows; l. forearm and r. leg; in periosteum, with paralytic weakness; wandering, (<) at the beginning; in joints on motion, as if they were stiff and would break; rheumatic, in bends of knees and elbows. Drawing pain now in fibula, now in ulna, extending from joint above; the drawing pains and stitches about joint seem intolerable and make him peevish; paralytic D. pain in various joints, in elbows, wrists knees, extending thence ends of bones, then weakness. Drawing in articular ends of long bones, with digging; D. in joints, jumping from one to another, in morning; D. and tearing, (<) along r. forearm into wrist, with feeling in forearm as from pressure on nerves. Soreness of all joints as if bruised and turned out (Arnica), no power in hands and feet, though without ordinary weariness. Bruised feeling; in joints at 7 P.M., (<) r. wrist; even in bones, with stitches in ulna and tibia, with seem to start from joints; preventing sleep. Paralytic pains in volar surface of metatarsus or dorsal surface of metacarpus or lower half of bones of forearm and leg, (<) on their dorsal surface.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.