Homeopathy Remedy Chamomilla

Tongue coated; yellow; dirty while; with slime; blisters on and beneath it, with stinging; red; smarting on back and on palate; dry; with thirst for water, loss of appetite, flushes of heat, sweat of face and palpitation, then unnatural hunger. Jerking from posterior end of hard palate to scalp. Spasmodic drawing pain in palate towards fauces. Scraping-burning in back parts towards noon. Tickling in hard palate. Dryness in morning, with bitter-tasting mucus; in morning, then distention of abdomen and imperfect stool. Stitches in salivary glands. Pressure in salivary glands. Salivation; of sweetish, metallic taste, also after supper; tough. Foul breath after dinner. Taste bitter; in morning; bitter, aromatic; fatty; like rancid fat, to everything; sour; sour to bread; slimy; (putrid at night).

Clinical Various toothaches and neuralgia of the face. Extremely valuable in the distress of teething children.


      Spasmodic contraction of external pterygoid muscle; l. Sticking in parotid; r., with pressure. Pressure in parotid, with tension and salivation. (Throbbing pain in submaxillary glands.) Tough mucus, causing hawking. Hawking of mucus and blood; offensive taste to what he hawks up. Stitches in tonsils; r.; with sensitiveness to touch. Pain; in l. side of fauces on swallowing; redness of velum and pain in fauces on pressure under angle of jaw; in back part, (<) moving throat and swallowing; burning pain in soft palate, with irritation to cough. Pressure in pharynx, obliging frequent swallowing; P. in soft palate, with stitches. Constriction of pharynx; in morning and towards noon; afternoon; with stitches extending to base of skull; with pressure on hard palate; spasmodic. Tension in soft palate, then spasmodic contraction in it; tension and pressure, with pressure upon uvula. Oppression.

Soreness, with swelling of parotid; on swallowing, as from a plug. Rawness. Throbbing in back part. Swollen sensation in tonsils; in morning, with difficult swallowing; with feeling of hardness and heaviness. Food at supper seems to remain in pit, with fulness, nausea and eructations. Uvula feels too long. Tickling in soft palate at noon. Feeling in oesophagus, as if ball filled with air were raised into throat by contraction of oesophagus, with anxiety.


      Appetite diminished, with pressure and tension in stomach and nausea, which was (>) by eating; lost; lost, but returned on eating. Disgust at food. Shuddering when food is st before him. Aversion to animal food; (to both). Unnatural hunger in evening. (Desire for sauerkraut.) Thirst; in evening; with febrile heat and redness of cheeks; unquenchable (Aconite). Eructations (Pulsatilla); after breakfast; after supper, with pain in abdomen, near l. anterior superior spinous process of ilium; of gas smelling like bad eggs (Sulphur); sour; almost sour, after eating; as after radishes; of burnt-tasting, salt fluid, in afternoon; of food. Hiccough. Nausea, in morning; after morning coffee, with attacks of suffocation; 8 A.M.; after eating; after breakfast; with salivation; with tension in stomach; faintlike; faintlike in pit of stomach, (>) eating. Vomiting; bilious; sour (sour smell from mouth); of food, caused at first by fulness of abdomen, then by nausea.

Rumbling. Stitches; in l. side near pit; in pit. Griping in pit, inclined to chest, in morning on getting out of bed, (>) pressure, warmth and bending double. Pain; on r. side near pit; in pit on pressure; and beneath short ribs, impeding breathing, (<) coffee. Pressure after eating a little; at cardiac orifice in afternoon, not seldom extending to oesophagus; (<) cardiac orifice, with spasmodic constriction; anxious cries about pain at pit as if it were pressed down, with sweat; as from a stone.

Constriction. Oppression; in pit, with pressure downward. Tension; and in oesophagus; and in umbilical region; spasmodic, and above navel; spasmodic, and about navel; spasmodic, extending along oesophagus to throat, with apprehension and nausea from profuse sweetish saliva. Drawing, with pain and heaviness as if distended by a hard body. Heaviness. Fulness; after eating; while eating, with nausea after eating; extending into pharynx, with heaviness and tension, and with heartburn. Heartburn. Burning; in epigastrium, with fulness. Coldness in epigastric region. Sinking at pit, he is beside himself with anxiety, moans and sweats. Indigestion.

Clinical Gastralgia.


      Distention; in evening on going to sleep, with hardness; after eating; with tension; with hardness. Tympanitis in afternoon. Rumbling; (<) below navel; with feeling as before diarrhoea; with cutting as before diarrhoea, (>) pressure and rubbing; with pain and sensation as before diarrhoea, (>) emission of flatus which has the odor of sulphuretted hydrogen. Emission of flatus.

Sticking; and in anus; on walking, (>) pressure; while walking or breathing deeply, (<) in hepatic region; after dinner, with urging to stool, and stool; with urging to stool and passage of flatus; transversely across; before midnight, extending into chest, with thirst; into chest after starting as in fright; as from flatulence, extending into middle of chest. Cutting rather than sticking, with salivation; C. before menses, with drawing in thighs; C. in afternoon, extending downward into bladder, (>) emission of flatus and rubbing; on walking, extending deep into pelvis. Pinching. Griping; after a glass of water, with rumbling.

Pain; in morning in bed, (>) doubling up; with rumbling urging to stool, with consisted of dissolved faeces, with rushing wind, the pain causing nausea and sweat, (<) on face; intolerable at sunrise; intermittent, with flatulent in hypochondria and stitches through chest; flatulent; flatulent, with motions of flatus as if it would push through muscles, rumbling and grumbling, pushing especially on abdominal rings, then emission of flatus; compressive; drawing. Troubles as in constipation. Tension, (<) above navel, with nausea. Sensation as if hollow, with constant motion in it (with blue rings around eyes), when the attack occur in the evening it is associated with anxiety. Coldness, (<) region of kidneys, extending over back, lasting between scapulae, with stitches in r. frontal eminence.

Upper painfully distended in morning. Nausea in upper in morning on rising, causing anxiety, restlessness and peevishness. Griping-tearing in region of navel and lower down on sides, with pain in small of back as if broken; cutting above navel after dinner. Pain above navel. Gurgling in side extending into abdomen. Sticking in r. side; l. while walking. Tearing in side as if parts were rolled into a ball. Stitches in r. hypochondria; (<) walking an standing; in l. on walking, (>) pressure and retracting abdomen. Tensive pain in hypochondriac region, with tension around brain and dry catarrh in chest. Pressure in hypochondria and stomach after eating. Pushing outward of flatus in hypochondria. Sensation as if a hernia would protrude in hepatic region while walking; while sitting, (>) pressure and rubbing; below anterior margin of liver while walking at noon, (>) pressure and rubbing.

Stitches above pubis; in r. inguinal region, with sensation as if something would protrude; near r. ilium after violent running; near ilium, (<) l., when walking, (<) after eating, (>) pressure or bending far forward while walking. Cutting deep in pelvis, (>) emission of odorless flatus; spasmodic, in lowest part of abdomen in morning. Pain above pubis after dinner; near r. and l. anterior-superior spinous process after breakfast. Bruised pain in lower muscles. Dragging towards ring as if a hernia would appear. Uneasiness along chest of ilium on motion, with pain.

Clinical Flatulent colic. Colic, especially after anger, with red cheeks and hot perspiration. Indigestion produced by anger.


      Sticking after stool. Urging to stool in morning on rising; after eating. Blind haemorrhoids; tendency to; bleeding (Pulsatilla). Itching pain in anus.


      Diarrhoea; nightly, with colic so that she must bend double; hot, smelling like rotten eggs; green, watery (Pulsatilla, Gratiola, Mag.), painless, consisting of faeces and mucus; white, slimy, with colic, watery, also with colic; painful at night, with nausea; with pain and passage of wind. Hard; and sluggish. Constipation; from inactivity of rectum. Diminished. Dark. Light- colored, with griping. Faeces coated with mucus, with mucus between the faeces (Graphites). (Undigested.) Like those of a healthy baby, bile increased.

Clinical Diarrhoea, green, slimy, mucous; chopped, white and yellow mucus; often of a changeable color; often undigested; often like chopped eggs and spinach; nearly always of foul odor, especially in children during teething or after taking cold; associated with colic, often with soreness of the anus.

Urinary Organs

      Sticking in neck of bladder when not urinating. Burning in neck of bladder when urinating. Micturition in a weak stream; involuntary M. Biting pain in urethra when urinating. Urine increased.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.