Homeopathy Remedy Carbolic Acid

Sleeplessness; after midnight, the smell of carbolic acid seemed to keep her awake. Waking frequently; W. early; wide awake in an instant at 6 A.M. after a sound sleep. Unrefreshing sleep, with many unremembered dreams. Restless sleep; with busy dreams.

Dreams – Frightful, waking her several times. Vivid of fire, waking him, when he found that he was feverish, though the room was cold. Many, some amorous, others unremembered. Of traveling. Of great mental activity, and awoke with clear intellect. That she could not get to sleep on account of thinking about the body I had embalmed, that she tossed about, that she pulled me out of bed to wake me, but I was bathed in perspiration, face pale, and she thought I was dead, awakened by the fright she found herself lying on her back, with mouth open, apparently paralyzed with fear, she aroused me, whined for something to make her sleep and could not be persuaded at first that she had been asleep.


      Chilliness; at 9 A.M.; at breakfast; in open air; with great nervousness and distress, although externally warm, pulse unsteady, weak and irregular, vertigo and impending convulsions. Temperature lower, then higher. Shuddering. Coldness of surface; especially of limbs. Coldness of limbs; with insensibility of them; hands and feet; feet all the afternoon; on skin just below knee, as if touched with ice; in one spot on stooping, as when the nerve of a tooth is touched, then clammy sweat. Chill running from face downward, in a hot room. Shivering chills along spine, with pulse 80, full and strong, head hot and dry, hand cold, inward trembling, could feel heart beat. Creeping shuddering or horripilation in l. forearm. running upward.

Heat; with flurry and rapid pulse. Room feels close and hot, with rush of blood to head, flushing of face, then chilliness. Heat of head; hot feeling in forehead, (>) pressure of cold hand; of face and forehead, especially of l. side, with pressure in l. temple, seemingly on surface of brain; of face, with sweat on it. Burning in skin.

Sweat; on waking in middle of night. Clammy; on forehead. Cold; on head on least exertion. Cold and clammy; on face and hands.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.