Homeopathy Remedy Carbolic Acid


      Crowded feeling. Intermittent aching in l. Beating pain, with a humming sound. Humming-buzzing. Roaring. Ringing when stooping, with pulsations.


      Sensation of coryza, r. nostril plugged up and r. eye watery. Nostrils plugged up. Tickling in r. nostril, with sneezing. Discharge of bloody mucus and bright blood when blowing. Watery discharge in open air, (>) in house, returning on entering cold room. Exudation of froth. Smell very acute; and the odor of food satisfied the appetite.


      Pale; and pinched; and covered with sweat; and covered with cold sweat; with weakness and cachectic condition. Pinched and anxious. Flushed and burning. Red, then pale, then red, with a trace of cyanotic color. Cyanosed. Dusky. Leaden-hued and covered with cold sweat. Livid; with cold clammy sweat; with clammy sweat. Idiotic expression. Pain. Drawing in r. zygoma. Sensitiveness to touch. Trismus. Drawing pain in r. jaw. Mouth open and filled with mucus. Lips and finger-tips livid. Lips, gums and pharynx coated with a white membrane, and white membranes were ejected from the mouth. Lips, mouth and throat white; grayish-white. Bloody foam before the bluish-red closed lips. Burning in lips, mouth and oesophagus, with heat rising from stomach.


      Pain in r. upper teeth. Tongue retracted. Tongue foul. Biting on tongue. Burning on tongue, especially at tip; on tongue, with tingling, stinging and with sharp taste. Swelling on inner side of l. cheek, with soreness. Mucous membrane livid; and in throat. White and corroded, and tongue and fauces. Corroded and painful, and tongue, afterwards mucous membrane came off in great flakes. Pain; burning, and in throat and pit of stomach. Burning. Soreness, and of throat. Frothing. Mucus continually ejected, and from nose. Exuding bloody slime. Constant discharge of saliva. Filled with thick saliva. Bluish-white, frothy, copious saliva. Tarry odor to the breath. Taste nasty; T. horrid, pungent and metallic, making him feel sick and squally all over; coppery, on tongue and upper palate; sweetish.


      Spasm of carotid (common, left) while walking rapidly after dinner. Fauces red and covered with mucous exudation. Uvula whitened and shrivelled. Soft palate relaxed, making breathing noisy. Much mucus. Hawking of clear white mucus while in open air; of much white mucus, and from posterior nares. Choking, with disposition to hawk up mucus. Intermittent stitches. Pain; on swallowing; burning. Burning; pricking, as if she had eaten something strong. Soreness; on r. side in evening; on swallowing; on empty swallowing; (<) r. side, when swallowing and on pressure on upper larynx; with hoarseness. Sensitiveness to pressure, (>) smoking after tea. Dryness in morning on waking, and in posterior nares. Irritation. Nausea. Swallowing difficult; impossible.

Oesophagus – Spasmodic contraction; just behind pomum Adami while drinking ice-water, with pain. Burning.

Clinical In diphtheria, especially with tendency to involve the nose and inside of mouth, extremely fetid breath, regurgitation on swallowing liquids, urine highly albuminous, face dusky red, white about the mouth and nose, rapid sinking of vital forces.


      Appetite lost; for supper; diminished; D. for dinner; unusual A. for supper; voracious, with thirst, then colic and call to stool. Wanted to smoke a cigar and thought that would relieve him. Felt as if a little more whisky would do him good. Thirst. Eructations; after a light breakfast; empty; tasting like butter- milk and cabbage (after drinking milk at dinner). Hiccough after dinner.

Nausea; most of the morning; while eating a little breakfast; after tea, till next noon, (<) sherry; from cold water; (>) drinking much water; (>) after tea, but she was drowsy; with shuddering, shaking of head, dry faces and frequent spitting; with desire to eructate; with prostration. Retching. Vomiting; on getting up; bilious; of a white creamy substance, smelling of Carbolic Acid; of blood and oily matter, next day of greenish watery matter.

Dyspepsia. Gastritis. Gastric catarrh. Pain; in pit; in epigastrium; and in r. side, with inability to eat any dinner; with dragging feeling, and low down in abdomen; burning; burning, in epigastrium. Burning; with heat rising up oesophagus; with sore feeling to touch; as from a corrosive acid, with good appetite and good digestion. Burning, ulcerating feeling after smoking a pipe, and in oesophagus, with nausea. Distress (<) lying on either side, (>) lying on back with legs drawn up; D. as from indigestion.

Feeling as if he had eaten too much. Fulness after a hearty lunch, with rising of heat tasting of carbolic acid; F. as if filled with wind, then eructations, afterwards distention impeding respiration. Wind is very troublesome, (>) raising a sweetish-sour liquid. Heaviness in epigastrium as from flatulence, with inclination to relieve himself by fruitless efforts at eructation or by pressing hand into pit of stomach. Food lies heavily. Empty, gone feeling (instead of hunger at meals), with fulness in throat and constant desire to swallow. Tenderness on pressure, and over caecum. Dull, uneasy feeling. Irritation. Spasm of diaphragm.

Clinical Vomiting of drunkards; vomiting of pregnant women, with violent, frontal headache. Has been found useful in cancer of the stomach.


      Distention, with emissions of fetid flatus; D. especially in epigastric region, but neither hard, tense nor sensitive; flatulent, also with soreness of abdominal muscles. Rumbling and rolling, with sense of distention; rumbling, and after walking feeling as if diarrhoea would come on. Emissions of much flatus all the evening; E. of much putrid flatus; of fetid flatus. Bloated feeling, with soreness. Feeling as if gas were incarcerated; with inability to discharge any. Feeling of goneness, with heaviness about stomach, ineffectual disposition to rift up and constriction about middle of oesophagus. Discomfort from jolting while riding, with heat and soreness. Soreness on walking; S. of muscles.

Pain in hypochondria; in r. and in both iliac regions; over H. and along back; over region of liver and across fifth, sixth and seventh dorsal vertebrae. Soreness in hypochondria, (<) motion. Pain and soreness in r. side and iliac regions. Crampy stitch in l. inguinal region while sitting. Pain in hypogastrium; burning.

Clinical Great flatulent distention of abdomen and accumulation of flatus, with belching of wind and desire for stimulants (compare Arg-nit.).

Rectum and Anus

      Desire for stool all day after a natural stool in morning. Urging, stool loose, with much flatus. Itching in anus, with feeling as if skin were rubbed off.


      Thin, blood-streaked. Watery, frequent, with pain and nausea. Dark. In thin strips, like tape, appearing as if composed of thick glue and mixed with currant seeds, though he had eaten nothing of the kind, with flatulence. Copious and consistent, but almost inodorous. Insufficient and sluggish. Constipation. Involuntary, and I. micturition. Frequent; and involuntary, at night in sleep, small and in strips like tape, next morning symptoms of bad diarrhoea, burning in rectum, but no stool, and feeling, especially in head, as after a large dose of opium; at first black, then dark brown.

Clinical Dysentery, of bloody mucus, like scrapings of the intestines, often involuntary diarrhoea, putrid, dark, with vomiting of dark green substances.

Urinary Organs

      Acute nephritis, with uraemia. Urging at 5 A.M., and copious urine. Micturition frequent; at night; and copious; involuntary, giving the linen the color of red wine; straining at, then discomfort; ineffectual attempts at. Urine copious; a night, and pale; and of strong odor; and limpid, colorless, with a peculiar odor. Urine scanty; and high-colored; and blackish, not containing urea. Urine almost black (Ars-hyd., Phosphorus, Kali-chl., Mercurius c.). Dark; and offensive, depositing urate of ammonia and sometimes phosphates, but no albumen. Dark brown, alkaline. Dark smoky color, alkaline (Benz-ac., K-carb.), with sediment of granular urate of ammonia, and with a mixture of different- colored pigments, which apparently came from the coloring matter of the dissolved blood-corpuscles. Smoky and of aromatic odor, the addition of strong sulphuric acid causing a purple color, changing rapidly to blue, without odor of drug and without albumen.

Urine greenish, with disappearance of all deposits of lithates; dark G., acid, albuminous, with thick sediment of pus; dark olive green, without odor. Of the color of blood, the microscope showed no red corpuscles, but the spectroscope showed bands of oxyhaemoglobin, afterwards the urine had to be drawn off, no more haemoglobin, but some albumen, granular casts, some red globules and renal epithelium, afterwards hyaline casts. Haemoglobinuria, as determined by the spectroscope, but no red corpuscles were detected. Contained whitish flocculi, but on standing it turned a dirty brown color. Acid.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.