Homeopathy Remedy Carbolic Acid

Clinical Diabetes.

Sexual Organs

      Burning-itching. Relaxed, weakened state during the day, and every night lascivious dreams, with emissions, which caused weakness and horror. Prickling pains through glans and in urethra. Excitement, waking at night. Appetite decreased. Pain in region of l. ovary when walking in open air. Menses profuse; and later; and dark, then headache and nervous irritability.

Clinical Ulcers of the cervix uteri, with fetid, acrid discharge from the vagina. It nearly cured epithelioma which involved the labia and extended to other organs; it was prescribed from the indication of the eruption on the skin of vesicles and pustules which contained a bloody matter, with offensive discharge. Leucorrhoea in children.

Respiratory Organs

      Vocal cords red and swollen and mucous membrane of larynx injected. Soreness of larynx and of bronchial membrane, with hoarseness; S. of l. side of larynx on pressure. Rales in trachea. Hoarseness. Bronchitis.

Cough; after slight exercise, with palpitation; with expectoration; without expectoration; hacking, with tickling in throat; hacking, from irritation in throat; hacking, from tickling in upper part of trachea and in fauces; croupy, at night. Constant inclination to cough. Expectoration rusty; E. of much thick, whitish mucus.

Respiration stertorous; and rapid. Difficult; and jerky; with large vesicular rales fully covering the sounds of breathing; irregular, noisy during inspiration. Panting; and tracheal. Gasping and inability to lie down. Groaning. Rapid; and irregular. Slow and irregular. Irregular. Feeble and shallow. Free and deep, inclination to take a deep breath.

Clinical Whooping cough, with frontal headache. Palliative in offensive, purulent expectoration in tuberculosis of lungs.


      Full of large mucous rales. Dullness and bronchial breathing on r. side of back, below angle of scapula, absolute D. on back, right from angle of scapula to lower limits of lung, with loud bronchial breathing and rales. Pneumonia; circumscribed, at base of r. lung. Pain (<) on r. side; under l. clavicle; through upper lobes of lungs; under sternum in region of sixth rib; in whole l. side of chest and abdomen, running around to scapulae; uneasy, in r. lung. Narrow feeling, as if diaphragm oppressed lungs. Tight feeling in lungs, especially in centre of chest. Compressed feeling across lower end of sternum. Oppression; as from a load in front (Phosphorus). Feeling of expansion (of lightness) in lungs and nasal passages while walking in open air.


      Sounds scarcely audible. Stitches. Palpitation when quiet. Action irregular. Action weak, free from murmur; W. and intermittent.

Clinical Great palpitation or violent beating of heart at night.


      Rapid; and full; and weak; and weak, trembling; and intermittent, weak; and intermittent, small; and irregular, undulating; and sometimes extinct during inspiration. Slow; and small. Small, intermittent. Compressible and occasionally intermittent. Weak; and fluttering; and unaccountable. Irregular. Imperceptible. Intermittent.


      Livid color. Stitches in r. side in morning, increasing during the day, afterwards with intermittent twinges. Pain. Sense of weight, with tenderness even to touch over seventh cervical vertebrae. Soreness of muscles (splenitis capitis). Drawing in muscles of r. side, seemingly in splenitis capitis. Lameness and stiffness; L. of nape while smoking after tea, and of shoulder.


      Pain; and in r. side; in spine, extending down posterior muscles of thigh. Soreness of muscles of back and limbs. Weakness and soreness. Pain in loins; (<) straightening himself and by jolting while riding; (>) pressure of hand; and in lower limbs. Boring in loins. Sore or bruised feeling in loins and in abdomen. Tired in renal region.


      Twitchings. Relaxation. Flaccidity, except convulsions of r. arm. Occasional pains; in hips and shoulders. Pain in hip, then in l. shoulder-joint. Bruised pain beneath l. tendo-achillis, close to posterior part of tibia, then sharp pain in middle joint of l. large finger, then in leg again. Difficulty of motion, and when raised they dropped like those of one dead drunk, as indeed she was. Numb feeling.

Upper Extremities

      Pain in r. shoulder-joint; in r. shoulder when bending forward. Lameness of r. shoulder when walking, with soreness. Atonic spasm of r. arm. Pain in l. arm and in r. wrist; drawing, from l. shoulder to elbow; burning, in arm waking him, elbow, lower third of arm and upper third of forearm swollen, tissue tense, dark red and hot, vesicles filled with yellowish watery fluid around elbow, skin could be detached by gently rubbing finger over it, temp. 102 4-5 (from application to axillary abscess), in another case the inflammation was not confined to the elbow, but extended slightly behind scapula. Soreness of muscles of r. arm. Tired, heavy feeling in l. arm. Weakness of arms, so that he could not write. Pain in l. forearm.

Hand – Swelling so that he would not write. Trembling. Contracting pain in r. palm. Numbness of r. when trying to write, with inability to close it tightly. Stiffness, with discomfort (pricking), the discomfort remaining on middle finger until night, and in one spot until a pimple formed, which increased until it became a sore resembling a carbuncle, suppurating until a probe could be passed nearly through the finger, with pain which prevented sleep. Pain in second phalangeal joint of r. middle finger.

Lower Extremities

      Staggering. Draggy sensation, causing unsteadiness in walking. Leaden heaviness. Tingling. Pain in hips; in r.; in r. hip and in l. knee; in r. hip-joint when walking; in r. hip like sciatica, moving along that nerve, and at night in bend of knee. Bruised or sore feeling in hips.

Thigh – Pain in muscles of r.; deep-seated in muscles on inside of upper third of l., almost making him lame. Bruised feeling in r.; B. feeling, with weakness and lameness of back; deep-seated, in middle of anterior part of r. about 7 P.M. while walking. Drawing in r. Faint feeling, spreading all over body.

Pain on inside of l. knee; at night; bruised P. in r. knee. Cramp in calves. Pain under r. patella; to the left of middle of l. shin-bone; sharp pain in l. shin. Aching soreness beneath l. patella all day till 4 P.M., feeling as if it would be stiff and sore if moved, but (>) during motion. Weakness of legs. Pain in r. ankle; most of the morning, and in l. knee; P. in l. outer malleolus.

Stinging through corns. Bruised feeling in feet; in r. foot. Heaviness of feet. Feeling in feet as though they could not support the body, though he was lying on his back. Pain in l. great toe; in under surface; in r. great toe as if pressed upon. Tingling in l. great toe, then feeling as if pressed upon.


      Pallor. Cyanosis. Lividity. Horripilation. Pustules on r. side of face. Vesicles all over body; on hands and all over body, with itching, (>) rubbing, but leaving a burning pain; on centre of nose, changing to a pustule. Nettle-rash.

Hands, especially fingers, rough and scaly, afterwards erythematous blush over hands, with eruption on fingers of small, round, hard elevations, close together, giving a bossy appearance, not red nor inflamed, with itching, which was (<) at night, gradually the fingers became rougher and rougher and large scales peeled off, leaving reddened patches of varying size, then deep, bleeding, tender fissures, mainly in folds around knuckles on dorsal surface (palmar surface of fingers never being affected), and about this time a boil on neck, afterwards on renewed use of the solution the erythema and nightly itching reappeared, with itching over whole body, beginning one night in feet and during succeeding nights progressing up legs and trunk, then down arms, till it centered, with increased virulence, in hands, with burning smarting when rubbed, and with red wheals on trunk and arms, painful abscesses upon fingers, some upon phalanges and some under nails, boil on neck, painful pimples on face, the former scaly, and fissured condition of fingers, the hands presenting appearance of eczema.

Sensitiveness to touch. Numbness, on hands. Formication in limbs. Itching; of face; r. cheek; r. ear; nose; nape; l. elbow; l. shoulder; r. forefinger; hypogastrium about l. hip; outside of thigh and genitals; r. thigh, buttocks, back, shin, etc., inner side of l. knee; ankles, arms, calf and other parts; of inner part of thigh and scrotum, (>) scratching, but returning; tingling, of r., then l. little finger.

Clinical It seemed to cure epithelioma in cheek and nose, with haemorrhages. Prairie itch. Ulcers following burns. Chronic ulcers on the feet. Vesicular eruptions over the body, which became bloody, with burning pain, fetid sweat.


      Yawning; with long inspirations. Sleepiness; in afternoon, with inability to fall into sound sleep; with desire to stretch; with chilliness; with heaviness, but perplexing dreams on lying down and waking unrefreshed, with coated tongue and nausea. Heavy sleep, and on waking general soreness, especially in legs (gluteals), back, chest and arms.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.