Homeopathy Remedy Carbo Vegetabilis

Tearing in r.; oppressive, in l.; in morning in bed, extending into back, arms and l. ear, with internal heat, especially in head. Pinching in a spot, caused by flatus. Pressure on l. Pain on expanding it; P. in r.; in l., then r., (<) expiration; in upper, with rough cough; in r. upper, extending to r. scapula; externally on l. breast when touched, like a pressure and tension; in a spot on sternum, above pit of stomach, as if caused by stooping or touch; as from incarcerated flatus.

Rheumatic pain in r. short ribs; extending from l. ribs into hip; drawing, in r. short ribs. Painful drawing in C. (shoulder and arms), (<) l. side, with hot sensation and rush of blood to head and coldness of skin to touch. If the tearing-drawing, burning pains attack the external chest they are accompanied by oppression of breathing. Pain when coughing as if flesh were raw. Lungs and throat feel scraped. Roughness, with frequent irritation to cough. Oppression; on waking, with weakness of it; after disappearance of coryza, with wheezing and rattling, inability to remain in bed on account of want of air and the cough, which caused vomiting and was difficult to loosen; (>) eructations; of lungs and heart; with short breath, as from flatus pressing upward; spasmodic O. and contraction; as if coming from abdomen, and caused by flatulence.

Compression in morning after rising, and in shoulders. Tightness in morning after rising, like a catarrh, with hard cough, which caused shooting through head. Constriction in attacks, with impeded respiration; hot C., causing dyspnoea, and short dry cough. Burning, as from glowing coals; B. in l. chest and in r. side near pit of stomach. Rush of blood in morning on waking, with coated tongue; R., with burning in it; warm, with anxiety caused by flatus in abdomen; it seemed as if blood were rushing to it, with chilliness within the body. Pulsation, with uneasiness and anxiety. Weariness; on waking. Itching internally.

Heart and Pulse

      Sticking in praecordial region; ending with rumbling in l. side like the escape of flatus. Pain in praecordial region, burning rather than sticking. Palpitation; in evening on going to sleep, with intermittent pulse; after eating; (<) sitting; with rapid beats. Pulse weak; P. rapid. Throbbing in all pulses if she spoke in the presence of others, with puffiness and bluish-redness of the usually pale face.

Clinical Useful in weak heart from fatty degeneration with cold sweat, desire to be fanned, tendency to haemorrhages.


      Cervical glands swollen, especially posterior ones, near nape. Paroxysmal shaking and trembling of neck and head. Tearing in muscles; l. muscles; in l. muscles, (<) motion. Pain in muscles; drawing, in nape, extending to head, with nausea and rush of water from mouth; burning, in muscles; tensive, in vertebrae. Stiffness, and of spine.


      Twitches in muscles of l. side. Pinchings near spine. Bruised pain in side. Drawing pain, (<) sitting; D. pain evening. Rheumatic drawing, (<) stooping. Drawing only when sitting, and in feet. Weakness. Heaviness, with oppression of chest; H. at night as if weary, and in limbs. Stiffness in morning on rising. Sticking between scapulae at night, arresting breathing. Tearing in l. scapula on bending arm back. Rheumatic sensation in l. scapula when writing; R. pain in upper part of l. S. after the usual bath.

Loins – Tearing; near sacrum; which sometimes extends to hips. Pinching near lowest part of spine. Pain near lowest part of back; above r. loin, arresting breath; as from a plug, with inability to sit and necessity to put a pillow under it; tensive, with stiffness. Drawing pain, extending into coccyx; D. pain, and in abdomen and l. side of back, causing l. side to be bent over. Sore pain beneath coccyx. Hot stitch extending from coccyx through rectum and anus.


      Twitching of arms and legs evenings, preventing sleep. Drawing pains; in hands and feet. Drawing and tearing pains, then burning pain. Bruised feeling; in joints in morning after waking, (>) stretching limbs and rising. Tension in knees and l. hand, as if overworked. Uneasiness in evening in bed, with necessity to stretch them frequently. Heaviness and stiffness on rising after long sitting, (>) walking; H. of l. arm and leg, as if paralyzed. Going to sleep; of that on which he lies.

Upper Extremities

      Drawing pain beneath r. axilla, (<) motion. Shoulder, stitches in r.; tearing in joint; T. in r. joint, (<) motion, with drawings in humerus; frequent paralytic T. in r. joint; burning pain on r. S.; drawings in joints; drawing pain in l. joint; rheumatic drawings in r. S.; paralytic weakness of r. S. and r. arm.

Arm – Cramp. Bruised pain in r. Drawing pain when lying on it at night. Drawing in r. Heaviness, with drawings in back; H. on motion, and exhaustion; A. and hands go to sleep, (<) night. Upper A., tearing in r., (<) motion; T. in l.; paroxysmal T. in l.; drawing pain, with burning; drawing pain from above downward in r.; drawing on inner side of l.; heaviness.

Bruised pain in elbows in morning in bed. Tearing in r. forearm; drawing, from l. elbow to hand; drawing, in upper side of l., near elbow, with pain on pressure upon bone; drawing, in l. radius; drawing pain extending down ulna towards wrist; drawing extending down F. to fingers, (<) motion, with tearing. Wrist, stitches, extending into ball of thumb; tearing in r. or l.; W. feel too short, numb and go sleep; sensation in l. on certain motions as if tendons were too short; drawing pain; drawings in W., elbow and shoulder-joints in morning, (<) wind, (>) motion; paralytic pain in W. on motion.

Hand – Spasmodic contraction. Stitches in evening, then second and third fingers were drawn spasmodically across each other and caused the others to stand far apart. Tearing in inner part of l., extending into base of little finger. Pain in back; throbbing, in metacarpal bone of middle finger; bruised, in back of l.; sprained, in r. H. and wrist. Drawings in r. metacarpal bones. Weak sensation, (<) when writing. He could write only slowly and with difficulty. Inclination to numbness. Going to sleep; sensation as if they would go to sleep in morning on washing.

Fingers – Swelling of ungual phalanx of l. middle, with drawing pain in it. Stitches when rising from a seat; in ungual phalanx of fourth; in metacarpal joint of l. middle; sudden deep, in first joint of r. middle; tearing, in middle joint. Tearing in l.; in r.; in evening; in two r. middle; in tip and beneath nail of l. fourth; in r. little, (<) motion; in joints of two last; in middle joint of r. index; in last joint of l. index; under thumb- nail; in thumb, as if in bone; burning, in tip of r. thumb. Boring in metacarpal joints of middle, and of thumb; in middle joint of l. index when at rest, but stitches on motion or bending. Slow throbbing pain in ungual phalanx of thumb. Gouty pain in last joint of thumb. Drawing in r. index, extending towards tip. Pulsation on back of thumb. Paralysis of r. when grasping any-thing, with weakness of them.

Lower Extremities

      Tearing in upper and lower leg. Legs pain, especially lower legs, when sitting or lying, so that he did not know where to rest them. Drawing in evening in bed; in legs, especially in lower legs. Weariness and paralytic sensation. Joints seem unable to sustain the body.

Thigh – Twitches on posterior part of l. in morning in bed. Stitches in upper part; down through T. when walking. Tearing frequently in middle; in r. hip; frequently near l. hip, extending to back and sacrum; paroxysmal, in hips; down r. thigh through leg. Cramplike pain in outer lower part of l. when walking, (<) raising thigh and ascending steps, with pain on touch. Drawing pain in hip-joints, extending down thighs, (<) when walking. Contractive pain when walking, extending to knee, so that she has to bend the knee inward. Rheumatic drawing in l., evening in bed, (>) lying upon it. Tension above knees in morning on rising; in hip-joints and knees in morning on waking; and drawing as if paralyzed or sprained. Uneasiness in r. T. and leg. Numbness when walking Paralyzed sensation in l. caused by flatulence.

Knee – Tearing, and in lower legs. Stitches in cap after rising from a seat, with sensation as if knee were swollen. Soreness of bone from a moderate blow. Pain when ascending stairs; burning, in inner side of l.; paralytic, when sitting or rising from a seat and when lying at night, if she turns over a stretches the knee; drawing, when standing. Drawing extending down leg. Tension, and in ankles; in hollow, as from weariness. Weariness, with stiffness; W. when walking or standing, with sensation of unsteadiness. Stiffness and falling asleep. Paralyzed sensation after walking.

Leg – Cramp at night in bed, especially in soles; when walking in open air; especially in soles. Tearing in r.; in bone above l. malleolus; (<) great accumulation of flatus; in calf, extending into inner malleolus. Drawing in l., with uneasiness; D. with jerkings and necessity to stretch them at one time and at another to draw them up; rheumatic, in both extending to metatarsal bones. Tickling restlessness in evening. Relaxation from noon till evening, so that he could not raise them. Heaviness. Stiffness after evening nap, so that the gait was unsteady until he had walked a little (Phosphorus). Numbness. Going to sleep. Paralyzed sensation in l. (Phosphorus).

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.