Homeopathy Remedy Carbo Vegetabilis

Carbo Vegetabilis homeopathy drug symptoms from Handbook of Materia Medica and Homeopathic Therapeutics by T.F. Allen, of the homeopathic remedy Carbo Vegetabilis…

      The finest birch (or beech) charcoal is triturated for use.

General Action

      A tissue remedy. It seems to have a marked effect on the digestion and in a general way acts as a tonic in conditions of great prostration. It seems also to control haemorrhages, especially in older persons.

Compare The Carbons, Lycopod., Phosph., Sepia, Sec-c.


      A wound from a stab began to bleed again at various times. Trembling every afternoon from uneasiness and anxiety, with feeling as if he had committed a great crime, ending in violent weeping, even in the street; T. from uneasiness and anxiety, with inability to remain in any place; with prostration. Starting at night on account of noises, with shivering in back. Stitches over whole body in warmth of bed; itching, in the side on which he was lying in evening. Tearing in various places at night in bed; in various places, with drawing pain; in morning on waking, in l. shoulder; then in r. hand, then in r. upper incisors; here and there, in l. side of occiput, l. half of face, l. shoulder, l. thigh etc., with pressure in arms and legs.

Rheumatic drawings in whole body, with coldness of hands and feet. Rheumatic pains and lameness, worse in arms and thighs. Drawing pain in most parts, especially below breast, in neck and arms. Every member of the body hurts, also the back, with headache and weakness. Anguish in all vital organs. Uneasiness; in evening; at night, with drawing pains in limbs; preventing sleep. Inability to rest in any other position than with limbs drawn up against abdomen. Disinclination for physical exertion. Indolence in morning, with weariness, trembling in all limbs and sweating easily; I. in evening, with sleepiness and indisposition. Sick and weary, as if he had just risen from a serious illness.

Weakness; in morning in bed; in morning in bed, especially in joints, (>) rising; in morning on rising; in morning, with trembling of limbs and feeling about stomach as after too much wine; in morning, with stretching of limbs; towards noon, with inclination to lean head against something and to rest, empty feeling in head and hunger; in evening; after breakfast; after dinner; after stool; after the pains; after a short walk in open air; (<) morning, with faintness; (<) walking, (>) sitting, mostly in arms when writing; sudden, when walking in open air; sudden attacks of faintlike; in forenoon, as from stupefaction; in evening, as after great loss of blood; tremulous, after stool; especially in limbs. Attacks of faintness, even to sinking down, with vertigo, then griping in abdomen as in diarrhoea, though he had an ordinary stool. Numbness of all external parts. Most symptoms appear when walking in open air.

Clinical Tendency to haemorrhage in low types of disease, as in pernicious anaemia, purpura, typhoid fever, etc. Tendency to putrid decomposition. Sometimes indicated after excesses. Faints readily, especially as the result of debilitating diseases. In the collapsed stage of various diseases the patient wants to be fanned constantly, with general fetid odors, bluish appearance of the skin. Senile gangrene, humid leg; varicose ulcers burn at night, offensive discharge, purple all around. The veins are swollen and livid.


      Excitement in evening, with distended veins. Anguish, (<) evening. Anxiety during and after eating; after stool, with sensation of trembling and involuntary movements; during the pains, with heat; increasing in evening, with heat in face; in evening so that he could scarcely remain lying; as in fever, with coldness of hands and trembling; inexpressible, from 4 to 6 every afternoon; trembling, in morning on waking; as if oppressed; in evening after lying down, as from oppression of chest, with heat in head and hands, sweat on forehead, inability to remain in bed on account of a sensation as if the heart would be pressed downward, objects seem to become constantly narrower and smaller, and when the room was dark horrible visions. Discouragement and fear. Weeping mood; with desire to shoot himself; lachrymose, afraid of everything, and he seemed to despair. Unhappiness with every little pain.

Violent mood; in forenoon. Irritability; after eating; with mental exhaustion; with hurry in business; with confusion of head. Anger; in involuntary outbreaks. Impatience; with desperation and desire to shoot himself. Indifference; to music, of which he is fond. Cried easily over sad events and laughed over trifles till tears came. Easily excited to foolish mirth, and, when laughing, muscles of arms and hands became relaxed. Immoderately jovial, but easily put out of humor.

Ideas flow slowly, they constantly turn about one object, with sensation as if head were bound; ideas slow, confused, with periodical loss of memory. Disinclination to think. Peculiar mental weakness, with confusion. Periodic want of memory; sudden loss of memory.


      Stitches through H. when coughing; S. in evening in bed, extending into occiput; here and there, extending into H., with general painfulness of surface of brain. Tearing in frequent attacks, extending to r. temple; T., sometimes starting from limbs and ending in head. Aching; at night; after eating; from sudden change from warmth to cold; with heaviness in forehead; and on stooping it seems to press outward in occiput and forehead. Throbbing headache; during respiration, and in teeth; in afternoon; in evening in bed, with difficult breathing. Headache in attacks, in several places, associated with flatulence. Jerking aching. Paroxysmal aching, with drawing. Drawing aching here and there, especially in forehead, extending to above root of nose; here and there externally. Pain as if too full. Contracting pain; (<) motion; headache which contracts the eyes, during menses. Pain as in beginning of coryza. Burning pain, evenings in bed, especially on vertex, and extending to forehead.

The hat pressed upon the head like a heavy weight, and the sensation continued even after taking it off, as if the head were bound up with a cloth (Phosphorus in part).

Heaviness; leaden. Tension in brain, more like a confusion than a pain; spasmodic tension of brain. Confusion; in morning after rising, (>) lying down, with inability to think easily and necessity to make a great exertion as if rousing him form a dream; after midday nap; in evening after walking; after dinner; with pressure in forehead; which makes thought difficult.

Buzzing, as from bees. Noise from reading. Rush of blood; with hot forehead and confusion of head. Sensation as of rush of blood several times on waking in night, with bristling of hair, anxiety, shivering, sensation as if some one stroked the body, a kind of formication on every movement, and such acute hearing that the slightest noises re-echoed in ears. Pulsation as if he would have apoplexy, waking several times at night, with anxiety, soon after waking he came to his senses and felt that it was an illusion, for the pulsation had disappeared, as he looked for further development of this symptom while in a state of slumber the limbs and knees were drawn involuntarily upward and the back was bent, and he felt that if he had longer postponed waking he would have fainted.

Vertigo; in forenoon, with nausea, obscuration of vision, ringing in ears, trembling, general sweat, which stood in drops on forehead, the attack preceded by nosebleed; in evening after sleeping while sitting, with trembling and faintness on rising from the seat, which continued after lying down; on slightest motion; on slightest motion of head; when walking or sitting; in bed after waking; on stooping, on turning in bed and on gargling; with staggering; so that he was obliged to hold on to something; when stooping, as if head reeled to and fro; when sitting, as if head reeled to and fro. Sickening, on looking out of the window, with falling down unconscious, on recovering consciousness it seemed as if he could scarcely rouse himself from a deep sleep, after waking nausea, which obliged him to lie down and returned on rising, afterwards he was lachrymose and despondent.

Forehead – Stitches above r. eye; above r. external canthus. Tearing in spot near temples. Boring. Aching, especially over eyes, in afternoon, with soreness of eyes on motion; A. over eyes, extending into them; in a spot formerly wounded, in r. side; pulsating, after eating, with pressure in occiput, heat in head and eructations; oppressive, above eyes, with nausea; intermittent. Drawing through head above r. eye. Tearing-drawing in upper anterior part of head.

Temples – Tearing, extending to back teeth; T. over l. Boring beneath l. Pressure outward in l. Pain in both and on vertex; in l.; in l., afterwards extended over top and sides of head and was almost unbearable. Throbbing after long, deep sleep in afternoon, with fulness of brain. Tension and pressure in T. and forehead, with inability to hold the lids open.

Vertex – Stitches; from reading; extending to temples. Paroxysmal tearing, and in temples. Pain in morning in bed, with painfulness of hair to touch; P. every afternoon; then drawing about whole head, though more pain on l. side; with soreness of hair to touch; as if something were lying on it, or as if integuments of head were too tight, extending to forehead.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.