Homeopathy Remedy Carbo Vegetabilis

Parietals – Tearing in l. half of head; with drawing in l. arm. Deep-seated, intermittent tearing stitches in one side of brain, as if a nail were driven into it. Pinching above and behind l. ear, with cutting. (Pain in r. side when shaking head); in whole r. side of head and face, with chill, coldness and trembling of body and jaws; biting, in r. half, on which he lay, and in occiput, like the sensation in the nose from a suppressed sneeze, in morning on waking, (>) raising head and disappearing on rising.

Occiput – Crackling while sitting. Burning-sticking in spot on. Tearing in r. side; T. in a spot, extending through the head. Pinching. Aching; at night, with boring in forehead, sweat, pale face, cold, trembling hands and nausea; (<) after supper; in and on lower part; in upper part of r. side, with pressure in eyes. Headache first in neck, then in forehead, then lachrymation, with closure of lids. Intermittent aching; throbbing A., as if suppurating, from morning till evening; short drawing, in r. Drawing in l. side, with tearing; D. affecting whole head. Confusion like a tension from within; C. as after intoxication. Vertigo as after intoxication, spreading forward, (<) evening, and involving whole head, (<) walking.

Tearing in skull. Hair falls out. Ulcer on fontanelle exuded a corrosive moisture. Tearing in an old scar on vertex. Headache as from contraction of scalp; (<) after supper. Crawling as if the hair moved.

Clinical Falling of hair, especially after pregnancy (Sepia.).


      Swelling of l. Inflammation of r. Stitches. Tearing pressure on l. Pain as if it would be torn out, with headache. Aching in l.; A. in evening after lying down; with confusion of head; as from sand in r., with sore feeling in canthi; as from sand, with sore pain, especially in canthi; with biting in r. eye. A heavy weight seemed to lie upon E., so that he must make a great exertion when reading and writing to distinguish letters. Burning. Itching in r.; with great dryness of lid; of l., with biting in it after rubbing, especially in internal canthus; with smarting and burning; biting, especially in r. external canthus. Lachrymation, with biting in r. eye. Pressure downward in r. ball.

Lids – Twitching; of l. Trembling of upper. Inability to open at night, even when unable to sleep. Agglutination in morning; l. seemed agglutinated, but were not. Pressure in upper, on motion in open air, and in upper half of balls; biting, in r. external canthus. Drawing in r. Itching on margins; in l. internal canthus. Biting, with redness of margins; B. in l. canthus.

Muscles painful when looking up. Shortsighted; after exerting eyes. Vision of black floating spots (Lycopodium). Flickering in morning on rising. Vision of rings surrounding a brighter field.

Clinical Asthenopia from overwork, floating black spots.


      Discharge of thick flesh-colored, offensive moisture from r. A thick brown substance comes out of r. Stitches extending inward in l. meatus. Tearing in r.; in fossa behind r. Tearing jerks in r. external meatus, or stitches. Twinges in l.; in r. in evening; coming out of both. Pinching in l. Tearing-burning pain in lobule of l. Something heavy seems to lie in front of them; and they seemed stopped, but without diminution of hearing.

Pulsations. Itching, with inclination to relieve it by swallowing; crawling, after boring in with finger. Sensitiveness to loud talking. Roaring. Ringing; in l. in afternoon; in l., with whirling vertigo; with humming and pressure. Humming before E. Chirping as of crickets. Crackling as of straw, on every motion of jaws during breakfast. Illusions of hearing, he thought he heard some one step up to his bed, and he woke with anxiety.

Clinical Offensive otorrhoea. Usually in mal-secretion of cerumen, with exfoliation of epidermoid cells. Deafness after exanthematous diseases.


      Trembling in skin and muscles of r. side of root. Tearing in l. half, extending to l. half of head. Drawing in root. Pressing in root and bones, as in severe coryza. Sensation in root as of commencing coryza. Heaviness. Crawling internally; in l. side in evening. Itching internally, with increased moisture.

Sneezing; with stitches in abdomen; with burning over a large part of r. side of abdomen; with lachrymation of l. eye, then biting in inner canthus; then biting pain when blowing nose; continual, at night. Frequent sneezing; at night in bed, with crawling and tickling in nose and catarrhal roughness in it and in upper part of chest; without coryza. Violet sneezing, then biting pain above and in nose, with lachrymation, outbreak of violent coryza, also same pain on blowing nose. Ineffectual attempts to sneeze; with crawling in l. nostril, which became moist, and after blowing nose the r. nostril was stopped, with catarrhal crawling and biting in l. side of palate.

Stoppage of l. nostril; after sneezing. Catarrhal irritation on waking nights and mornings, (>) during the day, except occasional sneezing. Coryza; with hoarseness and rawness in chest; so that he could scarcely speak aloud; dry; dry, with scraping in throat; fluent; fluent, every evening; fluent, with sneezing. Increased moisture preceded by stoppage. Watery discharge. Discharge of mucus, with crawling in l. nostril, then sneezing, lachrymation of r. eye and coryza; D. of green mucus. Bleeding several times daily, preceded and accompanied by pallor of face (Phosphorus, Sec- c.); B. morning in bed, then pain in chest; every forenoon; at night, with orgasm of blood; that could scarcely be stopped.

Clinical Recurring nosebleed in persons who have been overtaxed with anxiety, especially in elderly people. Varicose veins on nose.


      Pale (Sec-c., Sepia). Grayish-yellow. Swollen cheeks; about chin. Tearing stitches in r. cheek. Tearing; in l. cheek; drawing, in bones; jerklike, in l. zygoma, in front of ear, evening in bed. Intermittent boring-burning pain in l. cheek. Twitching pain in several parts. Twitching-drawing pain in cheeks and in jaw. Drawing pain in cheeks.

Lips – Swelling; of upper, and of cheek, with jerking pain; dry and cracked. Ulceration of r. corner. Burning pustules below red portion of upper. Painful eruption on upper, the red portion is full of pimples. Itching tetter in l. corner. Twitching in upper. Tearing in l. corner; extending to cheeks. Drawing from r. corner to chin.

Jaws – Tearing-jerking in l. lower. Jerklike tearing in upper r. side. Soreness of bones. Drawing pain on both sides, with drawing and confusion in head. Cramplike pain in lower.


      Teeth. Bleeding when cleaned; and of gums, when sucking them with the tongue. Sticking, then in abdomen; tickling, in first upper l. back, with drawing. Drawing tearing in all molars. Drawing and tearing pain, with chronic looseness and with soreness of gums. Pinching in r. lower back. Drawing-jerking in a hollow back tooth. Sudden throbbing while eating. Aching at root; in anterior incisors; in l. upper back; with dry lips; as from acids, especially in gum, as often as she ate anything salt. Gnawing and drawing pain in a hollow tooth, with swelling of gum. Drawing pain; in upper incisor; in hollow T., in hollow molars; intermittent; in r. molars, with jerking; biting, in incisors, more in gum. Sore pain in first l. upper back, with drawing. T. seem to protrude, with ulcerative pain when touched by the tongue and when eating.

Gums – Swollen about a hollow tooth. Pustule. Bleeding (Lycopodium); after sucking. When sucking the gum pure blood flows into mouth, at the same hour several forenoons. Retracted from lower incisors (Sepia); from incisors. Lossened from teeth, and sensitive. Sensitive when chewing (Sepia). Sore pain during the day. Drawing pain. Heat.

Tongue – Coated white. Yellowish-brown mucous coat. Fissure, with vesicles around edges, that smart as if burned. Stitches. Tearing in r. side. Cramplike pain on l. side of root. Sensitiveness, with rawness. Soreness; of r. side, with sticking. Heat of tip, with dryness. Heaviness and stiffness, so that speech was difficult.

Blister in upper part of palate. Mouth filled with mucus by eructations always only a few hours after dinner. Bitter mucus in morning. Aching on posterior part of palate. Heat, with rawness and dryness of tip of tongue; H., especially in upper lip. Sensation in M. and tongue as after drinking wine freely in the evening. Dryness in morning; in morning on waking; without thirst. Salivation. Breath offensive. Breath cold, with coldness in throat, mouth and teeth.

Taste bitter; before and after eating; B., with eructations; B. on palate, with dryness of tongue. Salt. Sour after eating. Flat, watery, offensive.

Clinical Spongy condition of gums, which repeat and bleed easily, with tendency to nosebleed, fainting fits. Teeth decay rapidly, gums, retracted. Tongue dry and black in late stage of typhoid fever. Tongue cold in the collapse of cholera, yellow, fissured, with cold breath. Offensive odor from mouth in persons who are debilitated, or during fevers.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.