Homeopathy Remedy Carbo Vegetabilis


      Swelling of parotid gland as far as angle of jaw. Inflammation, with stitches and sensation as if something were sticking in it; I. of uvula, with swelling and with sticking in throat. Much hawking of mucus. Much tenacious mucus, which he must raise; M. of unpleasant taste and odor; much M. constantly passes from posterior nares.

Tearing in muscles; in back part and in l. side of root of tongue. Aching; in r. muscles; when coughing; just behind palate; extending into stomach, with fulness, almost like heartburn. Sore pain on swallowing, coughing or blowing nose, and in posterior nares; sore, when eating. Sore, as from swelling on palate, with painful swallowing. Roughness in back part. Scraping; evening and morning, provoking dry cough; transiently (>) by hawking, with crawling; with rawness; with cough, which causes lachrymation, especially of l. eye.

Contracted sensation; deep-seated; sensation of constriction and internal swelling. Burning in upper part; in back part, as in coryza. Frequent sensation in forenoon as if something hot and sharp rose. Coldness low down. Dryness, and in posterior nares; D. when swallowing. Biting posteriorly, more acrid than in beginning of coryza; frequent B. and burning, and in palate. Crawling, transiently (>) hawking, with salvation. Swallowing difficult; of food, throat seems constricted with spasms, but painless; painless impediment when swallowing, the saliva was swallowed only gradually.


      Longing for sweet and salt things. Hunger, with aversion to the usually agreeable food. Aversion to meat, with loss of appetite; A. to fat meat; to milk, which makes her flatulent; to butter. Loss of appetite; morning and evening; with coated tongue and weariness; with eructations and confusion of head; with weakness of muscles of limbs; for coffee. Soon full and satisfied at a moderate breakfast. Little appetite towards noon, with nausea; L. at noon, with cutting in abdomen; with no taste, as in catarrh; with heat in mouth and rawness and dryness on tip of tongue; with aching in pit of stomach and emptiness in stomach.

Eructations (Phosphorus); after eating and drinking; (<) afternoon; violent, almost constant. Empty, (<) afternoon (Lycopodium); after soup and every time after drinking; and accompanied, especially in afternoon, with flatulence. Sweet. Bitter scraping. Sour in open air, towards evening; after milk; with burning in stomach; sour, bitter. Waterbrash. Hiccough after a moderate dinner; H. (<) every motion; inclination to H. from slightest, cause; painful, after eating.

Nausea; in morning; every day from 10 to 11 A.M.; at night; caused by every meal; with every meal; after eating, with pressure in stomach, then dragging-down pain about umbilicus; even when fasting, (<) eating, with loss of appetite, anxiety, vertigo, obscuration before eyes, white tongue and necessity to lie down towards evening, without sleepiness; with trembling feeling; without vomiting; without appetite and without stool; even to retching, before dinner; in attacks.

Cramp, with incessant acid eructations; C. in a nursing woman, with cardialgia; contractive, at night, extending into chest, with distention of abdomen, paroxysmal, arresting breath, obliging her to bend double, (<) lying. Griping in pit, as from flatulence. Gnawing in morning, fasting. Clawing, extending to throat, like heartburn. Pain beneath pit; in pit in evening, with sensitiveness to touch, nausea and aversion, even at thought of eating; in pit and in upper abdomen, as if in stomach, after 7 P.M.; beneath S. at night, with uneasy sleep and anxious dreams; when standing and walking, with feeling as if heavy and hanging down; after rumbling in abdomen; in region, (>) emission of flatus, with rumbling; which rises into head and destroys her senses; as from something sore, (<) touch; anxious, in pit. The simplest food distresses.

Contractive sensation beneath S.; beneath pit, (<) pressure of finger; near pit on r. side, morning and afternoon. Tension above S., extending from ribs, with pressure; T. and fulness. Oppression and fulness (Lycopodium). Fulness after a moderate breakfast, with eructations and general heaviness, writing is slow and difficult. Hard sensation, as if something were there that ought not to be, (>) sour, bitter eructations. On stooping it seems as if sausages were lying on sides near S. Heaviness, with trembling sensation in it. Sensitiveness of epigastric region (Phosphorus). Feeling of goneness (Sepia). Acidity when lying on back and when walking. Burning; with acidity constantly rising into mouth. Throbbing in pit.

Clinical Flatulent dyspepsia, with sour eructations, stomach is swollen like a drum, the distress comes on half an hour or an hour after eating; every sort of food disagrees, the stomach seems to be suffering from inertia, is unable to digest the simplest article. Acid dyspepsia, with heartburn, coldness of the surface of the body, feeble pulse, etc. Gastralgia of nursing women, with excessive flatulence, sour and rancid belching, vomiting of food. The sensitiveness in the stomach or burning sometimes extends into the small of the back (Bismuth), with excessive distention by gas.


      Distention after dinner; after eating a little, with rumbling; by flatus in afternoon; like an induration, after stool. Rumbling; with griping; moving about slowly. Incessant noise, without urging to stool. Motions; with frequent passage of loud or noiseless or moist flatus; with stitches here and there, especially in l. side, towards ribs. Fermentation, then diarrhoeic stool, with offensive flatus. Flatulence and distention from things which usually digested easily; F. in afternoon, with rumbling and loud movings; sudden, in afternoon, which passes without difficulty. Offensive flatus; and at last moist flatus, with dragging towards sacrum and thence towards abdomen. Much odorless flatus; in morning on waking.

Pinching-sticking extending upward. Pinching, (<) r. side. Cutting; in evening; C. shooting through A. like lightning. Dragging or griping after stool. Griping almost only in after- noon and evening, (>) emission of flatus; G. during and after eating; when sitting bent; with natural stool; then empty eructations; in various places.

Pain before stool; during diminished flow of menses, with bruised pain in back and all bones; (>) passages of hot flatus, with urging to stool; (>) passage of moist, warm, odorless flatus, with rumbling; in a small spot; obliging her to hold it with the hands; drawing across A. before stool; paralytic drawing, extending into l. leg; as after taking cold, (<) before emission of flatus and continues after it; as from lifting or a sprain, as soon as she lies on side, especially in l. side of A.; as from lifting a heavy weight, on touch and when slightly raising arm to work with the hand; bruised, in muscles; extending to small of back and bladder, almost as after rhubarb, after a stool; flatulent, with passage of odorless flatus; cramplike, from morning till evening, before menses.

Feeling as if it would burst if he eats or drinks. Tension; in afternoon from accumulated flatus, but it passed copiously and easily. Tensive and pressive pain over nearly whole A., with uneasiness and weeping; as from despair. Pain over whole A. as far as pubes as if muscular fibres were tense or hardened, causing anxiety. Constrictive sensation. Anxiety. Fulness as if overloaded, with eructations. Heaviness; sensation as if it hung down, heavily, obliging her to walk bent. Emptiness after stool, (<) walking. Burning.

Upper – Accumulation of flatus in l., more towards back, with pinching; here and there, under short ribs, in hypogastrium, causing pinching and pressure, and gradually passing into rectum, with heat. Sticking in region of liver. Tearing in liver, causing cries; sticking T. in hypochondria, starting from a point just below pit of stomach and extending to both sides. Pinching. Pain in r. hypochondrium; in l. H.; in hypochondria on touch; P. beneath short ribs after breakfast; in liver region on touch; in liver when walking in open air. Bruised pain in liver; in hypochondria. Drawing pain beneath l. ribs. Tensive and pressive pain in r. upper A., extending across stomach. Tension in liver region as if it were too short there, on waking from midday nap. Hypochondrium oppressed by clothing, which was unendurable. Feeling of a band around waist, (>) 8 O’clock, with discharge of offensive flatus.

Umbilical Region – Rumbling. Griping about, after a little harmless food, (>) eructations or passage of wind; G. about extending into stomach, (<) standing erect, preventing sleep at night, with chilliness and diarrhoea, the last (<) night. Pain; sore, in a spot below umbilicus; intermittent burning, in skin. Burning.

Sides – Sticking in l. side of A. and chest, (<) breathing. Pinching on l. side of spine while sitting bent. Pain in l.

Hypogastrium – Gurgling in l. Deep-seated movings. Deep-seated crawling creeping-sticking. Pinching stitches in l. after a hard scanty stool, with ineffectual urging to stool like a pressure upon rectum. Tearing stitches, extending to umbilicus. Tearing near l. hip, extending to back. Cutting during menses. Pinching; deep in r., extending towards hips; labor-like colic, which pressed upon sacrum (and bladder) on waking at 3 A.M. from uneasy sleep and anxious dreams, with rumbling in abdomen. Griping in l., with stitches; G. in r. inguinal region. Pain; in r. inguinal region; with cramp; sore, externally, even on touch; drawing, extending into small of back, before menses.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.