Homeopathy Remedy Calcarea carbonica

Clinical Diarrhoea of undigested stools; of sour odor, large in quantity sometimes fetid. Ascarides and chronic diarrhoea, with great appetite and distention of stomach, which is sore to touch. Cholera infantum, with vomiting of sour food or curdled lumps, ravenous appetite.

Urinary Organs

      Pain in urinary passages after wetting feet; in bladder through night, with cutting on urinating. Sensation as if he could not finish micturition, as if some urine remained in bladder. Flow of prostatic fluid after micturition; and after stool. Urging to urinate, (<) when walking; in a child, without urine following immediately, at another time involuntary discharge of a few drops; frequent, soon after micturition, with scanty discharge.

Frequent micturition; in forenoon and afternoon, with copious urine; at night. Micturition at night, with burning in orifice of urethra. Involuntary M. on every motion during menstruation. Trickling of urine after micturition.

Urethra – Stitches through female, cutting with ineffectual urging; tickling, through. Cutting, when urinating. Burning before and after micturition; when urinating; when urinating, with sore pain; and constant desire to urinate after urinating.

Urine – Copious, watery. Dark-colored, without sediment. Offensive, dark brown, with white sediment. Sour-smelling at night. Pungent odor; and offensive, clear and pale. Much mucus passes with the urine, like leucorrhoea. Turbid soon, with whitish flaky sediment, fatty pellicle on surface, and with a fatty smell. White mealy sediment in evening.

Clinical Inflammation of bladder; irritable bladder, the urine of a sour, disagreeable odor, sometimes abundant and fetid.

Sexual Organs

      Penis. Smarting, oblong transverse ulcer on lower surface, which burns with haemorrhoidal sweat on scrotum and perineum. Twitching in bed in morning and evening. Stitches. Cutting in tip. Tickling in forepart during coition. Itching in forepart, (<) after urinating. Inflamed and red prepuce, with burning pain on urinating and on touch. Erections in morning after rising, with inclination for coition; frequent E. at night; incomplete at night.

Pain in spermatic cord as if contracted. Scrotum hangs down relaxed. Sore spot on scrotum. Itching on scrotum. Stitches in testicles (previously indurated). Crushing pain in testicles; pressive pain in r.; pressive or bruised pain in l. Desire increased; in evening; (<) in forenoon when walking; caused by lascivious fancies, erudition only induced by rubbing, scarcely had coition taken place when the semen was emitted, then weakness, excitability of nerves, discontent, anger and giving way of knees. Emissions at night, then improved condition; frequent; incomplete, at night; late, during coition; omitted at the orgasm during coition, but a slow discharge afterwards; the usual E. during coition, but no thrill of enjoyment.

Female – Burning sore pain. Burning -biting, with soreness. Itching, with sticking. Voluptuous sensation in afternoon, with orgasm, then weariness. Pudenda of a little girl inflamed, red, swollen and purulent discharge when urinating. Moisture in fold between pudenda and thigh, with biting. Sore pain in pudenda after urinating. Stinging burning pimple on border of labia. Burning in labia before menstruation. Itching on internal and external labiae. Discharge of bloody water from vagina of an old woman, with pain in small of back as if menses would appear. Discharge of blood nine days before menstruation. Leucorrhoea like milk (Sepia): usually during micturition; like mucus. Menstruation too early (the other alkalies, Kali, Magn., Natr., are “too late”); next time too late; too early and lasting eight days; reappearing in a woman of fifty-two years, in whom it had long ceased; produce, twice in succession, bringing with it a small foetus, with labor-like pain, urging to stool and cutting and pressure in hypogastrium.

Clinical Hydrocele in children. Profuse menstruation is the rule in women who require Calcarea. General weakness of women, with exaggerated desires. Membranous dysmenorrhoea, with cold, sweaty extremities and sensitiveness to cold air ( see Calcarea acet.). Endocervicitis. Often indicated in girls whose menses do not come on, but in place there are congestion of the head, dyspnoea, palpitation, haemorrhage from the lungs, night cough, general anaemia, unnatural appetite etc. Constant aching in vagina. Leucorrhoea like milk very profuse, with general calcarea symptoms. Excessive flow of milk in nursing women; it is thin and does not satisfy the child; with itching of vulva, with swollen veins or sometimes glandular swellings. The milk of a nursing woman is disagreeable; to the child, who refuses it and does not thrive on it, though the secretion be very great.

Respiratory Organs

      Larynx – Whistling in evening after lying down. Mucus loosened by hawking. Roughness, (<) morning. Rawness with pain on swallowing. Painless hoarseness, so that she was unable to speak, (<) morning.

Cough at night; on waking, at night without waking; caused by eating; from playing on a piano; from inspiration; from a sensation as if a plug stuck in throat and moved up and down; from tickling in throat as if a small object were there; (<) in sleep, with stopped, then fluent coryza; tickling as from a feather in throat (Phosphorus); in single backs; spasmodic, in evening; forcible scraping, after the first waking (about 10 P.M.). Dry cough after midnight (Arsen.), so that heart and arteries throb; (<) night; hacking, in evening, (<) in bed. Violent cough, with pain as if something had been torn loose from larynx, first dry, then with profuse salt expectoration. Hacking, hoarse cough, which to the sound was not obstructed by mucus; hacking C. when moving rapidly, with expectoration of blood; vertigo and unsteadiness of thighs.

Cough, with expectoration; (>) night; with mucous E.; with sweetish-mucous E. (Stannum); in morning, with yellowish E.; at night, with thick mucous E.; in evening after lying down and at night, with mucous E., but during the day only a little dry C.; violent, in morning after he had choked himself, with E. of blood, then stitches in palate; violent in evening, with sweet E.

Expectoration of blood when coughing and hawking, with a rough and sore sensation in chest (Phosphorus). Mucous E. in morning, with hacking; at night, with scraping in throat.

Respiration – Short on going up slightest ascent (Coca); worse when sitting than when moving; almost sobbing, in sleep after previous weeping. Difficult; with stitches in chest; when walking, loud and through nose. Urging to take a deep breath; with distention and contraction of abdomen and pain in abdomen and chest; necessity to breathe deeply; which caused sticking now in r., now in l. side of chest, or hypochondrium. Desire to hold the breath. Loss of breath on lying down, then whistling R.; loss when walking in wind, the oppression of chest continuing in the room; (<) walking a few steps.

Clinical Chronic inflammation of larynx and bronchi and hoarseness, chronic cough. Extreme dyspnoea on going up the slightest ascent (one of the most marked indications for the drug). Chronic inflammation of the larynx, especially in the upper part. Asthmatic attacks in children from suppressed eruptions. Ulcers in the lungs, with purulent expectoration. Haemorrhage from the lungs. Calcarea is very frequently indicated in the general cachexia leading to various forms of consumption; the cough is usually troublesome at night and dry, with very free expectoration in the morning; the patient perspires easily and frequently has enormous appetite, though the emaciation is rapid.


      Swelling of r., with external heat; S. of l. mamma, with inflammation and stitches; glandular, of r. breast, with pain on touch. Mucus without cough. Disappearance of milk in a nursing woman.

Stitches in r.; around whole, in region of fourth and fifth ribs; in region of l. fifth to seventh ribs; in evening on breathing; deep in r. side in evening, (<) breathing; in l. on breathing and on moving; in l. on almost every respiration, usually (>) rubbing; in l., (<) evening; in various parts, with oppression; from l. to r. side, with feeling of contraction, the S. (<) breathing, beneath sternum, from anterior to posterior part; extending to throat; in l. side, extending to l. submaxillary gland, with drawing; jerking, (<) l. side.

Tearing under l. ribs; beneath r. arm; wandering, in r. Cutting on inspiration. Gnawing in l. as if externally on ribs and sternum, (<) inspiration. Gnawing-griping, extending into stomach and abdomen. Cramp in l. intercostals, (>) suddenly bending to left. Pain; in r. ribs; changing to stitches; in sternum as if pressed; in mammary glands as if suppurating, (<) touch. Sore pain, (<) inspiration; in r. mamma on slightest touch; sensitiveness to touch and on inspiration. Raw pain evening and nights during cough; after much speaking and walking and on coughing.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.