Homeopathy Remedy Calcarea carbonica

Vertigo in morning after rising, with nausea, roaring in ears and feeling as if he would fall unconscious; V. in morning when rising, (<) walking and standing, with painful; turning of head, as if in a circle, chilliness and stitches in l. side of head; in forenoon, so that everything seemed in a half dream; at night, lasting till noon, with flickering before eyes; on suddenly turning head and during rest; on waking in open air, as if he would fall, (<) suddenly turning head; after walking when standing and looking, as if everything were turning around with her; during menstruation, on stooping and rising again; even to falling, after stooping, when walking and standing; when stooping, then nausea and headache; from vexation; (<) sitting, (>) standing, and still less when walking; with loss of sense; even to falling, with weakness; as if he were raised up and pushed forward.

Forehead – Stitches; in l. side at 11 A.M.; in one half, (>) when lying; in l. eminence on waking, so that she believed the bone was being pressed out. Tearing in l. eminence, stitching; drawing, in l. nerve. Pinching. Boring externally in l. side after walking in open air. Digging in r. eminence, causing nausea, with redness of r. ear. Sharp tensive pains. Pain; then in occiput; in morning on waking, with confusion of head and dry coated tongue; at noon over nose; in middle; stupefying as in vertigo; throbbing; sticking throbbing, on r. eminence; spasmodic (after taking cold), extending to vertex; drawing in nerve (nervous P.); burning and posteriorly; burning P., with chilliness; as if too thick. Painful pressure, extending into nose in evening. Pressing out, (>) pressure of cold hand and walking in cold air, causing vertigo. Painful full sensation, with throbbing in temples. Heaviness, (<) reading and writing.

Temple – Stitches; in l; in l. nervous profundis; penetrating l. and coming out through r. Tearing, and in orbital bones and cheeks, with swelling; upward in l.; throbbing, in nerve. Pinching-drawing pain in l.; towards parietal bone, with heat of face. Jerking pain in r. Pain in morning on waking, with empty eructations. Pressure.

Vertex – Aching; waking him every day at 5 A.M., and lasting an hour; during menstruation; when walking in open air, (>) sleep. Drawing pain; beneath V. and in temples, seeming to come from back. Spasmodic drawing beneath V., with stitches in temples and heat in ears. Tension. Pressure after dinner, and in forehead; now in V., now in temples; outward, almost sticking, while stooping; stupefying, as after rapidly turning in a circle.

Side – Stitches in l., above temple; in both, with nausea, but inability to bring up anything; on r. extending into eye; on upper part of r., extending into r. eye. Pinching on l. Frequent one-sided aching, always with empty eructations; A. in bones; in side on which he had just been lying ( a burning? ); sudden, in l. bone as if hacked to pieces, with general shivering; drawing, in whole r., and in zygoma and in jaw. Paroxysmal tension in r., with pressure as if blunt instrument pressed downward through head.

Occiput – Crackling audible to himself towards noon, then warmth in neck. Stitches in r. side. Cutting, (<) walking and pressure of hand and in forehead. Gnawing. Pain; whenever she ties anything tight about head; drawing P., always towards the side to which he moved the head, (>) after sneezing. Tensive pressure on bone. Heaviness, with pressure.

Scalp – Hair falls out on combing. Swelling on r. side; in r. temple; below l. temple. Eruption; with swelling of glands of neck. Scales on vertex. Thin moist scurf. Pain in places on touch. Formication on l. temple. Itching; every night on waking; when walking in open air; on occiput; burning; burning, in evening before sleep; with crawling, and on lower part of face. Numbs spot on r. side.

Clinical Headaches in school children. Congestive headaches, with violent surging of blood in the head, which feels hot and heavy, with pale face and cold feet. Chronic headaches, with vertigo, (<) ascending stairs; in anaemic women who have profuse menses, leucorrhoea, etc. Hydrocephalus. Eczema on head. In children the bones of the head do not develop well, fontanelles remain open, with enlarged glands.


      Inflammation of r., with agglutination of lids. Purulent mucus. Paroxysmal twitching and throbbing. Stitches; during menstruation; and in head; as from a foreign body in l., in r. between lower lid and ball. Tearing in l. Sensation as if sand were under upper lid; as if sand were in l. eye. Sensation as of a foreign body. Sensation as if something painless were moving in r. Sensation as if fat were in them. Pressure; in evening. Pain as if they would be pressed in; so that she must close them, with feeling as if she ought to press them in. Biting. Itching; in evening, with pressure in morning. Burning; on closing lids; with heaviness of upper lids; burning, and on head and in throat. Cold feeling.

Lachrymation; in morning; on writing; of r. eye; of r., with burning; biting, from l. eye, which is red. Ball, injection; pressive pain in r.; stiffness of l. in morning after rising. Pupils dilated.

Lids – Swelling, with redness and nightly agglutination, during the day they are full of gum, with heat, smarting pain and lachrymation (Sulph); S. of lower in morning after rising. Redness of margins. Dry matter on margins and canthi. Agglutination; in morning; in morning, eyes watery, with pain if he looks at the light; in morning in various places; during menstruation, with lachrymation; heaviness of head, inability to fix the thoughts. Spasmodic trembling of lower l. lower spasmodically moved downward towards internal canthus. Twitching of r.; of r. lower; of upper, with sensation as if the eye were moving of itself. Necessity to wind when reading, with redness of eye and lachrymation. Smarting pain in lower. Itching on margins (Sepia)

Canthus – Inflammation and swelling of l. and of lower lid, with sticking and throbbing pain and itching all about. Stitches in inner (Zincum met.), with alternating stitches and throbbing in eyes, then frequent blowing of nose. Burning in inner, with stitches. Itching; in r. inner.

Redness of white of eye; with oozing of blood. Tension in muscles on turning them and on exertion in reading. Stitches in r. supraorbital nerve in evening; in supraorbital margin and nervous supraorbital and supratrochlear. Pain in supraorbital nerve as if pressed, and in supratrochlear. Drawing-tearing in suborbital nerve.

Far-sighted. Could scarcely see any near object in forenoon on waking from a nap. Dim vision after getting the head cold; D., with need to close the eyes without being sleepy. It seemed like a veil before inner canthi, which disappeared with lachrymation. Small objects seem more distinct than large ones. Sensitiveness to sunlight, with headache; to glare of candle, with headache. The light blinds her. Blackness at times sudden, after dinner, (>) sleep, with anxious sweat, nausea, and a bright light before eyes. Flickering vision; of letters; in morning on waking; with sparks of fire. Vision as if a shadow passed before eyes with dilated pupils, so that she saw only one side of objects, for example, only one eye in a person. Vision of black spots during physical exertion; black spot before l. eye; black floating spots before l.; a black point accompanying letters when reading. Dark objects like spiders webs on waking from noon nap. Feathers before eyes. Electric sparks in the dark. Halo around the light and around the moon. Frightful visions on closing eyes.

Clinical Scrofulous ophthalmias; parenchymatous inflammation of cornea; spots on cornea; ulcers on cornea; pannus of cornea. Inflamed eyes form working in water. Lachrymal ducts are closed, in scrofulous people. Asthenopia. Easy fatigue of eyes, feet sweaty and cold.


      Swelling of r.; of l. with itching; of inner and of r. side of face, with profuse earwax. Purulent discharge. Trickling of water from one, with difficult hearing in other. Twitching in r., with hissing, so violent that sometimes the whole body twitched with it. Stitches; when sneezing; in r., with pain; in l.; in l., (>) rest, with closed eyes, and in temples; behind l. in morning; in posterior auricular nerve; tearing, in r. Tearing in l.; behind l. Crushing when swallowing. Sticking throbbing pain in l. Cramplike pain. Drawing pains. Burning pain around. Pressure. Bones behind l. seem swollen, with itching, with pain on touch as if suppurating. Pulsation. Flapping, as if a piece of skin were loose. Sensation of fanning before l. Heat within, like hot blood; H. streams out of l. Crawling in r. Burning itching. On blowing nose hard something comes before the ear so that she cannot hear well, (>) swallowing.

Sensitiveness to a shrill sound. Hearing bad. Noises in l. and head. Cracking when chewing (nitricum acidum, Natrum mur.). Singing (Kali-c.), then cracking; S. and roaring; in l. at another cracking. Roaring in morning, with difficult hearing. Humming in l. Ringing before ears. Grunting when swallowing.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.