Homeopathy Remedy Calcarea carbonica

Calcarea carbonica homeopathy drug symptoms from Handbook of Materia Medica and Homeopathic Therapeutics by T.F. Allen, of the homeopathic remedy Calcarea carbonica …

      Triturations of the pure white middle layer of the oyster shell are used (Hahnemann).

General Action

      A general nutrition ( tissue ) remedy. It seems to produce a well-marked cachexia which may develop tuberculosis, epilepsy or other chronic disorders. The functions of various organs are disturbed, but the lymphatics are most prominently affected.

Allies. Baryta-c., Magnes-c., Kali-c., Sulphur, Phosphorus, Lycopodium, Sepia, etc.


      Restless motion of whole body on account of suppressed eructations. Trembling; in morning; in body on waking with twitches of various muscles in thigh and arm, (<) in open air; with weakness. Anxious, with weakness. Twitching of muscles. Epileptic attacks, while standing he suddenly fell to the ground sideways and on returning to consciousness found himself lying with outstretched arms, then heat and sweat; Starting from slight prick of a needle in finger, so that she became nauseated, tongue, lips and hands became white and cold, with coldness of forehead and face, obscuration of vision, uneasiness, flushes of heat, trembling and necessity to lie down, all (>) mesmerizing.

Congestions of blood. Rushing of blood in all veins in morning on waking from a restless sleep, with swollen veins and with bruised sensation in whole body. Pulsation in vessels after dinner, especially in chest, with rapid pulse. Stitches in various joints and muscles; in upper arms, in back and limbs. The pain was intense, but disappeared quickly. Strained easily (Conium), pain in small of back from lifting anything heavy (Silicea). Taking cold easily (Kali-c.). Painful tension over whole body. Drawing in whole body when walking, extending into head, obliging her to sit down.

Sick feeling in whole body, with necessity to spit much and dream of open air; S. feeling after a walk, with hoarseness and oppression of chest. Great indisposition, (>) motion, with coldness of hands and feet, paleness of face and palpitation. Indisposition, as in previous pregnancy. Discomfort in evening as before an attack of ague. Greatly affected by noise. Inclination to stretch in morning. Uneasiness; in evening, especially in limbs; in evening, after nausea in afternoon, with absent -mindedness; with orgasm of blood. Attack of general depression, with confusion of head, vertigo, pain in small of back and general chilliness.

Inability to go up-stairs and exhaustion from it (Arsenicum, Baryta., Spongia). Weakness; in morning, also on waking from deep sleep, so that the confused and sleepy condition continued after rising; in evening; on walking, especially in limbs, with exhausting sweat; after walking; even to feverishness, attack of chilliness and thirst; from speaking; for several days after coition; with sickness; after dinner; after stool; the day before menstruation, with fright at a trifle; (>) walking; (>) fresh open air; with oppression and anxiety; all day with sleepiness; with yawning; with attacks of convulsive laughter. Faintness; in evening, with blackness before eyes when sitting; with sweat on face; in attacks with coldness and indistinct vision. Heaviness if body. Parts on which he has lain during afternoon nap go to sleep. The chronic troubles are better every other day.

Clinical Very frequently indicated in affections caused by working in water. In chronic inflammations of joints; swellings, without inflammations. Pains, (<) change of weather; especially in damp weather. Muscular rheumatism. Glandular enlargement, with suppuration, with fistulous ulcers. Various phases of scrofula. It is generally indicated in persons of a fair complexion, who are very sluggish and inclined to be fat (fair, fat and flabby). The child is not able to walk, is very backward. Epilepsy; very frequently indicated in the cachexia; which leads to the development of epileptiform spasms and it will sometimes radically cure the disease. Marasmus. A general condition of mal- nutrition, the patient is flabby, weak, sluggish, has profuse sweats, profuse discharges generally, and cold extremities.


      Much crying in an infant. Lachrymose; in evening. Cries and complaints about long-past offenses. Weeping when remonstrated with. Eccentric fancies as soon as she closes her eyes in the evening. Despair, with dread of disease and suffering and foreboding of sad events; D. of her own life, with sadness, weeping and sudden attack of heat as if dashed with hot water. Hypochondriac, she thinks she is deadly sick, but can complain of nothing.

Anxiety, with palpitation; A. in afternoon, with headache, after nausea in forenoon; at night after waking from a frightful dream, with trembling; at night, as if she were or would become insane, then shuddering chilliness and sensation as if body were dashed to pieces; with busy mood, but accomplishing nothing; then exhaustion. Feat that people would observe her confusion of mind; F. that she would loss her reason (Cannab-ind.); that some misfortune were about to happen to himself for some one else (Chin-s.), which he couldn’t overcome; and restless, as if he expected bad news; at every near sound, (<) morning. Dread of the future, with fear of consumption. Despondency, with a kind of anguish. Sadness from every walk in open air, with necessity to weep. Melancholy about heart, not exactly a sad feeling, with voluptuous trembling of body. Loneliness is oppressive, with coldness of face, hands and feet.

Anger at everything in morning before stool; A. at thought of former vexation. Peevishness in morning after a little work, with weakness and despondency; P. evenings; after taking cold, (<) morning; with spitting of saliva; about trifles, so that she was dizzy all the evening and went to bed early, but could not sleep. Restless disposition, with gloominess and anxiety. Obstinacy, Impatience. Sullen mood. Indifference and taciturnity. Disgust for most persons. Desire to be mesmerized. Disinclination for every kind of labor.

Misplaces words and easily chooses a wrong expression. Forgetfulness. It seemed as if she did not know where she was on stooping or on moving head. Vanishing of thoughts. Weakness of imagination. During a slight effort in speaking it seemed as if the brain were paralyzed, especially in occiput the could not think nor remember what had been said, with confusion of head. Stupefaction like and unconsciousness of external objects, with waving tingling in upper part of head. Unconsciousness in evening when walking, and she would have fallen if one had not caught her; U., with illusions as regards place, the room seeming like a bower; with anxious oppression of stomach, from which she was suddenly awakened as by a fright.

Clinical Melancholia, fear of becoming insane or that something dreadful is going to happen. Imbecility. Enfeebled memory. Dull intellect. Obstinacy, especially in children who are inclined to get fat. From slight mental effort the head gets very hot.


      Stitches, in evening and in limbs; during cough; if she rises from lying on her back and after stooping; here and there; in brain, also with empty feeling in head; through head, with chilliness; extending outward at eyes; like tearings, during cough. Stitchlike throbbing when walking rapidly. Tearing on H. every day from 3 or 4 till 9 or 10 P.M., and in eyes, with redness of face. Jerks; or shocks through H. Shattering in brain on shaking head and on every step, especially in r. side of occiput, in brain on severe motion, with tearing; during every cough, as if head would burst.

Aching every morning on waking, with vertigo; in forenoon; which continually increased, with rapid sinking of strength, heat in forehead and hands, thirst for acids, then after lying down coldness of hands, with rapid pulse; A. the day before menstruation; (<) open air, mostly in forehead; with nausea. Throbbing pain in middle of brain every morning and lasting all day. Burning headache. Pain as if skin were detached, extending upon neck. Pressure extending to eyes, nose, teeth and cheeks, with digging, and with sensitiveness to noise and attacks of faintness. H. easily becomes cold, which causes pain as if a board lay upon it, and general chilliness. Dragging outward, with feeling as of the brain would be pressed together.

Fulness. Tension. Dullness every morning on rising. Confusion; in morning on waking, also with trembling through whole body and rush of blood to head; after midday nap; as if too full; painful, so that she did not understand what she had read nor comprehend what was spoken. confused trembling condition. Heaviness in morning on waking; (<) moving head and raising it, with heat in it; almost only in forehead, with heat. Stupefaction all afternoon, like vertigo; S. at night, waking him, increasing until it almost amounted to faintness, them trembling of limbs and weakness, so that he could not sleep again. Insensibility, with bluntness, as in severe coryza. Great affection the day after coition. Feeling as from intoxication. Rush of blood, during menstruation, with heat in it (Sulphur); R. after a meal, with heat in face; with discharge of blood from anus. Congestion of blood, and to chest, preceded by painful stiffness of spine.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.