Homeopathy Remedy Calcarea carbonica

Nausea; in morning, in morning fasting; with shuddering; in pit of stomach in morning fasting, with blackness before eyes, so that he must sit down; in forenoon, at 11 A.M.; in pit of stomach in afternoon, as from emptiness of S.; at 6.30 P.M.; evening till going to bed; in evening, with heat and restless sleep; caused by milk; when he had eaten almost enough, (>) if he once ceased eating; at dinner when scarcely half-satisfied, with rising of food, nauseous taste and eructations; before stool; during menstruation, with ineffectual urging to stool; with flow of sour water into mouth; with salivation; with anxiety; with vomiting of food, weakness, faintness and loss of consciousness; faintish.

Vomiting in morning, then nausea all day, with digging in abdomen; V. of sour water at night; black (Phosphorus).

Swelling of epigastric region, towards l. side. Stitches in pit in forenoon on breathing; in epigastric region after dinner; in pit on pressure, (<) after morning stool; transversely through epigastric region. Cutting, with constricting cramp, and in abdomen. Griping in pit. Spasmodic pinching in region of cardiac orifice after dinner, (<) pressure. Gnawing and sensation of jerks. Jerks in pit, with anxiety. Cramp in afternoon till general sweat broke out; C. at night waking him; obliging her to rise from bed; with nauseous eructations and yawning. Spasmodic pressure after supper, then feeling in intestines as before diarrhoea.

Pain; in epigastric region on touch; sore pain; sudden pain as if it would be distended. Pressure; in pit in forenoon; when pressing upon it and after stool; at night; when fasting; after eating; in pit, with oppression; with salivation; as if a lump were in it, after a moderate supper; transversely across; in evening before lying down, like a retching; in pit, extending into abdomen. Fulness in afternoon. Stuffed feeling in evening after fluid stool, with spasmodic pressing. Constriction. Warm streaming of blood from pit into head. Heartburn. Burning extending into throat, after every meal, (<) after hard, dry food; B. as from an acrid fluid.

Clinical Chronic dyspepsia, repugnance to hot or warm food, thirst, bloated abdomen. Ravenous hunger and great thirst, particularly longing for eggs and for indigestible things, chalk, coal etc. Acid fermentation in stomach, everything turns sour, sour risings.


      Distention (Lycopodium, Sulphur, Mag-c.); on walking in open air; after eating and drinking a little, and in stomach; after dinner; (<) after eating; and hardness, also after dinner; with colic; with constriction of rectum, which retains the flatus; in evening so that he could scarcely move, with colic. Rumbling; on inspiration and expiration. Passage of offensive flatus. Fermentation. Accumulation of much flatus nights. Incarceration of flatus, with pain in small of back; I., with vertigo. Twitching of muscles during stool.

Stitches; (<) inspiration; extending through back, with impeded respiration. Tearing extending towards genitals. Cutting in morning on waking; twisting C. Cramp, (<) evening and night, with coldness in thighs. Griping; during menstruation when the discharge ceased for some hours; frequent G., then nausea. Pinching after breakfast, then thin stool; with diarrhoea; after supper, as from flatus or as before diarrhoea, then pasty stool containing the undigested dinner. Twisting. Griping crawling, extending towards uterus, with passage of bloody mucus with the stool.

Colic at night; after supper; in attacks after dis-appearance of coryza, suddenly (>) cold bath, with weariness and sickly look. Drawing pain, now here, now there during menstruation, and in other parts, with stitches and with uneasiness amounting to faintness. Drawing in morning on waking, with uneasiness in it. Constriction, and in stomach, with appetite at times great, at times small; C. in morning, extending to chest; extending to small of back. Tension; in afternoon, (>) passing flatus, with distention, without sensation of flatus, when sitting and after exertion. Burning.

Constrictive pain in upper, so that she must walk bent, (<) deep breathing. Tension in muscles of upper when leaning backward, with pain in upper when stroked as if skin were sore. Sticking in region of ascending colon. Pain in small intestines, with rumbling in them, pain in small of back and dragging towards rectum, as if a stool would follow.

Sides – Gurgling in l., with uneasiness. Stitches in l., extending to small of back, (<) evening, turning body or stooping. Cutting in l., (>) soft stool. Jerklike tearings down sides.

Hypochondria – Rumbling in l. Stitches outward in muscles below ribs, (<) inspiration. Griping in l. Intolerance of tight clothing. Feeling below H. as if laced, with trembling and throbbing in epigastric region. Attacks of pressive throbbing in l. Tension.

Hepatic Region – Enlargement on r. side of abdomen (hepatic region?), with pressure, (<) sitting, heaviness, inability to lie upon this side and incarceration of flatus. Stitches in r. hypochondrium in forenoon; in evening, extending to back; during and after stooping; extending into chest, causing shuddering; smarting S. in last rib. Pressure on every step. Pain, (<) at night, with hardness; raw; jerking; drawing, in posterior part, extending towards back, like tearings; drawing, in r. hypochondrium, extending towards symphysis pubis. Tensive pain. Tension and pressure as if enlarged, even to bursting.

Umbilical Region – Rumbling above navel when eating. Stitches transversely through abdomen below naval on inspiration. Pinching below navel after supper, (<) when walking, with dragging, then distention. Griping in abdomen extending from navel during dinner. Spasmodic twisting ad griping. Pressure inward below navel in morning after rising, with constipation. Burning pain below navel in afternoon; now a burning, now a sticking pain below navel, extending into groin, which is distended, (<) l. side. Soreness in middle of abdomen from nausea, without inclination to vomit.

Hypogastrium – Swelling of inguinal glands (Merc-s.); with pain. Stitches; in l. inguinal region all forenoon, (<) at noon; in inguinal region, as if a hernia would protrude, in upper part of l. inguinal region, as if in peritoneum. Tearing in l. pelvic bones. Cutting in groin above pubes. Griping; deep in region of bladder, with pain on every step as if internal parts were dragged down. Smarting in r. inguinal region; cutting, in groin, extending into testicles. Twitching pain in r. groin when sitting. Pressure on physical exertion; P., with hard stool; with sticking in pit of stomach extending downward. Pain even when walking a few steps, with general heat; P., with nausea; above hips when walking and breathing. Sore pain, with painful tension on holding oneself erect or bending backward; in groins as from being shaken. Sensation as if inguinal glands were swollen. Tension, with cutting; T. in inguinal glands when sitting. Dragging in the groin, in the hernia, in rectum and back, with stitches in chest. Heaviness in groin, with drawing pain. Pulsation in pelvis along course of rectum.

Clinical Enlargement of liver, which is sore (Merc-s.), with jaundice. Gall-stone colic, terrible darting pain, profuse sweat, intolerance of garments about the waist. Tendency to great increase of fat in the abdomen and flatulent distention, enlarged mesenteric glands; abdominal dropsy. Umbilical hernia.


      Protrusion. Gurgling. Cramp all the forenoon, a griping and sticky, with anxiety, so that she must walk about. Stitches towards R. Pain as if torn during a stool that is not hard. Twisting, almost a dragging down pain, after eating. Tensive twitching pain in evening. Pressure; in evening when sitting; after stool, with oppression of breathing; as in diarrhoea. Heaviness in lower part. Drawing after a natural stool, with cutting and heat in it. Twitching. Crawling as from pin- worms. Troubles from pin-worms. Burning (Sulphur); in morning after a copious tool. Constant desire for stool; them a scanty difficult stool; urging as in diarrhoea though with a natural stool; ineffectual urging.


      Haemorrhoids, with itching in anus and constipation (Sulphur); H. protrude, also with pain, (<) walking, (>) during stool; swollen H. protrude and cause pain during a stool which is not hard; swollen; with pain when sitting and discharge of blood; sudden swelling. Inflamed, burning, painful, grapelike eruption. Haemorrhage; in evening during stool; with severe coryza. Oozing of moisture smelling like her-ring-brine. Discharge of pin-worms; during stool. Stitches after coition. Sticking sore pain externally in region. Drawing cuttings in and about A. after stool. Smarting. Soreness, and between thighs. Twistings with dragging in rectum. Crawling. Burning (Sulph); during midday nap; during stool; with dry sensation. Burning itching after stool.


      Diarrhoea; undigested; in morning, yellow, sour, looking as if membranes were in it; thin at first, then crumbling; profuse, yellow, watery. Pasty after dinner. Constipation. Hard (Ammon-m., Mag-m., Natrum mur., nitricum acidum, Sulphur, etc.), undigested, intermitting; frequent, at first hard, then pasty, then liquid; H. and black; with mucus, burning when passing. Perfectly white; W. streaked with blood, with ill humor and pain in liver caused by breathing and touch. Offensive, like bad eggs (Sulphur). Thick-formed. Scanty; mixed with blood. Omitted with constant urging and with confusion of head.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.