Homeopathy Remedy Bromium

Clinical Foul ulcers.


      Yawning; in morning; all day, with difficult breathing; on full inspiration; with heat in face and nose. Sleepiness; in evening when reading, with inability to sleep; in evening when writing, with confusion of head, sensation as if scalp were too tight or as if a band were around head, and pain in shoulder; with weakness and great inclination to sit down, yet he feels better when moving about. Sleep very sound. Prolonged unrefreshing sleep in morning; prolonged, in morning, as if stupid, then sluggishness. Light sleep. Sleeplessness. Sleeps with her mouth open. Starting in sleep; and twitchings. Restless, dreamy sleep.

Dreams of nothing but dying, coffins and funerals. Vivid D. and wide awake on waking; V., of journeyings, climbings, quarrels and fights, with distinct recollection on waking; of ascending a height; of ascending a steep place, with leaving the bed, but waking when his feet touched the cold floor.


      Chilliness; on motion in evening; with confusion of head and headache extending into l. eye. Shivering; with yawning and stretching, as in intermittent fever, with confusion of head, drawing in l. tibia down to ankle, whereby the foot becomes cold, this is repeated every other day, as a chilliness, with cold feet. Cold, unpleasant drawing through whole body, with rapid alternations of warmth, at first in l. hand and side. Sensitiveness to cold air; with coldness running through back into legs, (<) walking. Coldness in back at 3 P.M., and in limbs; in back when sitting; over back now and then, with cold hands and feet; creeping over back; drawing down back; shivering drawing down back. Cold and moist hands. Cold finger-tips. Cold sensation in l. great toe.

Burning internally at 9 A.M., then it seems between skin and flesh; in whole body during moderate manual labor, then clammy sweat in evening; internal, in forenoon, as if in a hot vapor, yet without sweat. Heat rising into head now and then; H. in forehead and chest; in occiput; in face; in nose and on l. cheek; in l. ear, as from a coal or hot water, in evening. Heat in back, extending over body; in back, extending into head and face; in forepart of r. shoulder-joint; in hands; in hands and head, with coldness in rest of body; of r. hand, with fulness as if distended; in feet; in feet with coldness of rest of body.

Sweat on slight movement; S. in palms; cold and clammy.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.