Homeopathy Remedy Bromium

Bromium homeopathy drug symptoms from Handbook of Materia Medica and Homeopathic Therapeutics by T.F. Allen, of the homeopathic remedy Bromium…

      Dilutions are prepared from a solution of one part of Bromine in ninety-nine of distilled water.

General Action

      The phenomena known as Bromium, produced by the bromides generally, is partially shadowed by our provings of pure Bromine; but our exact knowledge is imperfect. In Bromism we find intellectual weakness and melancholia; anesthesia of mucous membranes, especially in throat and eyes, loss of sexual power, acne of the face, general paralysis. The effects of Bromine upon the larynx and trachea furnish most useful guides to its use in disease.

Affinities. Iodine, Kali-bi., Pulsatilla, Ant-crud., etc.


      Embonpoint increased (Iodium, emaciation). Cracking in joints in morning after rising. Clonic cramps in muscles of eyes, in face and limbs. Trembling. If introduced into a cut it becomes unhealthy- looking. and green decay forms about it, with an offensive odor. Jerklike tearings through l. thumb at 6 P.M., in frontal bone, through r. great toe, in lower part of r. leg, in r. knee, with bruised pain when sitting in evening. Flesh feels loose and bruised on touch, especially on l. side of chest. Pressure in single joints and in pectoral and dorsal muscles. Indisposition; mental and physical.

Sensation of fasting, with heaviness in head and stiffness in muscles of neck. Restlessness. Weakness; all the afternoon and evening, with sleepiness, when walking; trembling, at night on walking; after breakfast, as if bruised. Stiffness of throat in afternoon, and neck, arms and legs, with pain extending from occiput towards forehead, shooting and dragging as if everything would press out in forepart of head. Aggravation from evening till midnight (Iodium); in warm room (Iodium) and when sitting; on r. side; on l. side. Amelioration after eating (Iodium); during motion; on walking; when riding horseback and driving; from ammonia gas and vapor of spirits of wine.

Clinical For scrofulous children with enlarged parotids.


      Illusions of fantasy, it seemed as if strange persons were looking over his shoulder. Obliged to look about him in evening When alone, and it seemed as if he would seen an apparition. Anxiety. Apprehension in evening, with oppression of heart and headache. Fretfulness. Quarrelsome disposition. Taciturnity. Apathy, with weakness. Activity in business. Desire for mental labor. Aversion to his business. Indisposition for mental work. Disinclination to read. Disconcerted, with heat in head. Difficulty in fixing thoughts. Loss of ideas. Forgetfulness.


      Aching; at 3 or 4 P.M., on appearance of menses; with here and there vertigo; in bones in damp weather, mostly in forehead and occiput; especially in forehead, alternating with pain in small of back; bursting pain, more on l. side; dizzy, in morning on waking, with general itching, especially on chest and between shoulders. Confusion; with heaviness; especially in sinciput, with pressure on brows and root of nose, often affecting a spot above eyes, alternately in one or other side; as if a loop were about it, causing vertigo. Sensation in brain soon after dinner (that was eaten with little appetite), as if apoplexy were imminent, a feeling as if he would loose his senses and have vertigo. Vertigo; as soon as he steps over running water, also with involuntary drawing of foot in direction of stream; (<) evening on lying down, with confusion of head; (<) damp weather, with feeling as if one would fall to the ground and flushes of heat; with nausea; with bleeding at nose, then headache; with tendency to fall backward.

Forehead. – Necessity to keep wrinkled. Stitching to lower jaw, thence into a hollow tooth, with throbbing in it. Tearing in bones. Boring in l. bone. Gnawing in bone. Raging over eyes. Pain; after dinner; on accession and during menstruation, with feeling on stooping as if eyes would fall out; in sinciput, (<) cough; in bones; in r., then l. bone; in bone in evening, with stitches in larynx; in bone in evening, with stitches in larynx; in bone, (>) open air; above eyes; deep in eyes, with sensitiveness of eyes when reading; over r. eye, with photophobia; with heaviness and heat; in morning affecting eyes; over l. eye, extending into sinciput, with heat and oppressive benumbing pain; in r. eminence; in r. anterior lobe of brain and in r. side of nasal bone; ranging from sinus to base of brain; intermittent; in sinciput in forenoon, as if everything would press outward; hot, in sinciput, extending inward at 9 A.M., throbbing and extending to maxillary bone; stupefied, (<) during rest, (>) riding; stupefied, over l. eye. Confusion. Heaviness; in sinciput in heat of sun.

Pressure in l. temporal bone; in l. temple, with vertigo in head; on vertex. Tearing in r. cranial bones. Stitches through r. side. Pain in l. side; extending to l. eye; from l. ear to l. temple, (<) stooping; throbbing, in l. side after drinking milk, (>) lying on r. side, with arms over his head. Drawing in l. side. Crawling beneath skin of occiput; tickling C. in l. half of head in afternoon, and on l. cheek. Tickling in r. side.

Clinical Migraine of left side, (<) stooping, especially after drinking milk.


      Sunken. Inflammation; of r., with dimness and lachrymation. Stitches; through l. Pain in and above r., with inflammation of conjunctiva; paroxysmal, and in root of nose, as if extending from interior of brain towards vertex. Burning, with spasmodic closing of orbicularis and lachrymation. Lachrymation; of r. eye.

Conjunctiva dull and wrinkled. Distended tortuous vessels in conjunctiva bulbi, with stitches in lids. Biting in conjunctiva palpebrarum. Lids close as if sleepy. Increased moisture in canthi. Stitches in canthi; in r. inner; in l. lids when reading. Cutting in r. inner canthus, then in outer; in r. inner canthus, next day in l. inner. Biting in margins of lids. Heaviness of lids, with coldness of them. Sticking about orbits. Tickling in l. arcus superciliaris in afternoon.

Photophobia; with pressure on moving eyes. Vanishing of vision in evening when sitting and reading, as if caused by a wind. Vision of lightnings. A gray point before r. eye moving up and down with movement of the eye. Illusion as if all sorts of things jumped up on the ground before her.


      Stitches in r.; deep in r., with heat and in ear and sensitiveness of had to cold air; behind l. Pain in deep in r.; in r. in afternoon, with tickling on r. cheek; as if internal around ear in evening before sleep, in l., then r. Pressure above l. in morning as from a plug, then sticking in tip of tongue. Throbbing. Tickling in r. levator auris, (>) scratching, and behind r. ear, on lobule of l.; on margin of r. Ringing in r. as if full of bells. Roaring, (<) l.; and in morning closed sensation in r. Rushing in r.; noise of distant R.


      Inflammatory affection, and of fauces and respiratory organs. Swelling in l. side and on pressure pain as if a boil were forming. Ulceration in l. nostril like a crust, with tickling under it. Soreness internally, with crusts; S., with swelling of wings, a scurf forms in it, with pain and bleeding on wiping it; and swollen feeling around lamilla and then in wings, then crusts. Twitching in r. side. Pain on r. side of tip; in l. compressor nasi on pressure. Pressure on nasal and superior maxillary bones and in various places in frontal bones. Smarting beneath r. nostril. It seemed to him as if coryza would appear, with soreness in r. nostril as if he had pulled out some hairs, with dim eyes, pain in r. ribs and little appetite. Itching inside, with continued smell of Bromine. Tickling inside; in l., then in r. nostril; in l. side of tip. Stopped sensation stoppage, with fluent coryza and lachrymation of r. eye.

Stopped by mucus. Obstinate coryza, with soreness beneath nose and on margin of nose (Iodium); C., with stoppage and soreness of r. nostril. Fluent coryza (Iodium), in which r. nostril is more affected and more stooped, then l.; fluent C., with violent sneezing and corrosive soreness under nose and on margin of nose (Iodium); with discharge from r. nostril, at times pieces of tough yellow (<). in both nostril. Yellowish mucus, with yellowish expectoration. Crusts in morning; C. (<) r. nostril; in r. nostril, with bleeding after removal. Sneezing; shattering S., the stoppage. Bleeding on blowing; from l. nostril; from r.; from r. in morning; bleeding, with relief of chest and eye symptoms.

Clinical Coryza, with pressure at root of nose, internal soreness, watery, excoriating discharges, nose seems stopped.


      Haggard. Pallor. Pain in l. zygoma, with stitches in ear, the same pain in r. side; in l. zygoma in evening, then stitches in l. ear, then pain in r. zygoma. Hot unpleasant sensation, especially below nose, tickling smarting as from cobwebs, especially on moving nose, with fluent coryza and lachrymation of r. eye. Tension in l. cheek, extending to lower jaw, at times with pain extending into l. ear. Sensation of heat in cheeks, (<) r., then in l.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.