Homeopathy Remedy Bromium

Lip. – Soreness of upper, with desquamation and coryza. Pain in upper as if it had burst, with yellowish spots beneath epithelium, containing yellowish fluid and extending almost to r. corner of mouth. Stretched feeling in middle of upper, and in neighboring part of nose. Burning in upper, with very smooth feeling. Tickling in r. corner in afternoon; T. in upper part of r. side of upper, (>) scratching, but returning.

Jaw. – Boring in r. lower. Pressure as from a dull body in front of l. joint, but deep in, extending towards lowest fossa of l. nostril, as if in Eustachian tube, on swallowing the motion of the superior muscles of the pharynx changes this sensation for a moment. Peculiar sensation of beginning pain in l. upper.


      Teeth. Pain; in l.; in hollow; in r. hollow tooth and in l. upper eye tooth; in l. lower hollow tooth from blowing coals; (>) pressure; painful sensation in l. upper hollow T. as if toothache would develop; especially in a l. lower hollow tooth, and the anterior half of the hollow t. pains as if sore when touched and seems to be loose. Sensitiveness of a hollow T. to cold water. Elongated sensation in a hollow T. when biting. Throbbing beneath hollow T. Drawings in hollow T. Bluntness. Pain in gum.

Tongue. – Inflammation. Pimples posteriorly on r. side. Stitches in tip; then suddenly disappearing tickling. Dry sensation. Burning on under surface, with stitches; B. under, as from pepper; acrid, extending to stomach, causing nausea, salivation and difficult, painful respiration. Inability to protrude.

Inflammation of buccal cavity. Dryness. Sensation as after a glass of rum, and in pharynx. Smarting on arches of palate, with sore pain. Heat; to stomach, with internal dryness in larynx; and in pharynx and stomach, with increased secretion of mucus, nausea, eructations and colic. Salivation; with constrictive sensation in orifice of salivary glands; increased mucus in mouth and nose; thin.

Taste. – Scraping. Disagreeable. Nauseous, offensive. Bitter at tip of tongue. Burning. Peculiarly puckered, burning and offensive. Sour. Sweetish. Salt on tip of tongue; S. to water in morning fasting.


      Pain in submaxillary glands; in l. Redness of fauces and uvula; of fauces, tonsils covered with mucus, scraping-sticking rawness, swelling of tonsils. Inflammation of fauces and uvula, (<) morning, with dry cough caused by irritation of elongated uvula, with yellow thick nasal mucus streaked with blood, without sneezing or blowing nose. Spasms of muscles of deglutition and respiration.

Stitches; with lachrymation and flow of saliva; S. in glands at side of fraenum of tongue; near fraenum of tongue, with secretion of thin saliva, then coldness in tip of tongue, with salivation; deep, with scratching. Feeling as if a small body were in fauces, causing hawking. Scraping; towards evening, with dryness; with a rough, deep voice; with frequent hawking of scanty mucus; causing hawking. Soreness. Rawness; in pharynx; in evening, with stitches and tickling in larynx, lachrymation and feeling as if larynx were laced together. Burning from pharynx into stomach; in pharynx, with scraping, so violent that there were twitchings in face and hands, with nausea and forcibly empty retchings. Puckering. Nauseating puckered sensation; then burning and sore sensation. Swallowing painful, (<) morning, with dark redness of oesophagus.

Clinical Diphtheria and enlarged parotids, which finally suppurate. In diphtheria, symptoms of the disease invading the larynx. Goitre.


      Desire for acids, which aggravate symptoms (Ant-cr.) and cause diarrhoea. Appetite diminished; lost. Aversion to the customary tobacco smoking, it causes nausea and vertigo. Thirst; in afternoon. Aversion to drinking cold water. Eructations; with vomiting of much mucus; with rumbling in abdomen; empty; like foul eggs. Hiccough. Nausea; towards evening, (>) after eating, without ability to vomit; with eructations, rawness in throat, salivation, slow pulse and congestion of chest; in epigastric region.

Inflammation, with suggillations like ulceration. Sticking in pit from 8 to 11 A.M., (>) after eating. Pain; (<) pressure; in epigastric region, (<) pressure, (>) bending forward, with distended abdomen and flushes of heat starting from back; with rumbling in abdomen; and in r. hypochondrium, with full sensation; extending to navel and below short ribs; rising into oesophagus; intermittent; burning; as before diarrhoea, then liquid stool, with urging. Pressure as with a stone; with internal heat. Heaviness. Emptiness; (>) after eating, for which he had no longings. Warmth; with confusion in forehead; W., with salivation.


      Tympanitic distention and passage of much wind. Rumbling. Sounds of gas, and in oesophagus. Sticking before menstruation, (>) lying bent. Griping. Pinching after tobacco-smoking, (>) pressure, (<) sudden motion, when sitting bent and pressing upon it he noticed the pain only during expiration. Pain; gradually moving downward; as during menstruation, and in small of back, with passage of much flatus, as was the case during menstruation. Warmth. with accelerated pulse.

Hypochondria. – Stitches; in l.; deep in l.; from r. to l.; from liver towards navel. Cutting deep in both, (<) pressure, especially on l. side, with diarrhoea. Painful pressure upon H. Pain in l.; in region of spleen, extending towards spinal column; in liver; in region of liver, (<) pressure and riding, with distention and hardness of r., and feeling as if a hard body were sinking down there. Sensation of a ball in l. Sensitiveness to pressure, and in epigastric region, with flow of saliva. Pulsation in r. in evening. Pain in region of gall-bladder, (<) pressure and (<) a few hours after eating, afterwards (>) pressure, stooping and fasting, sometimes with painful breathing and distention of abdomen by gas, it extends on deep breathing of navel.

Cutting in umbilical region after eating, (<) pressure. Pain in U. region, (<) retracting abdomen. Twitching, in l. side. Sticking on l. side of umbilicus, on inner surface of wall of abdomen, morning and evening, (<) pressure, and in evening cutting deep in region of umbilicus, (<) pressure, with stitches extending towards rectum, to neck of bladder and along r. spermatic cord. Twitching in l. side. Pain in l. side; deep in l. side of umbilicus, (<) pressure; in l. side, becoming a dragging towards inguinal ring.

Swelling or r. inguinal glands (Iodium). Stitches in anterior spine of crest of l. ilium. Boring posteriorly in crest of l. ilium. Pain in crest of r. ilium; in l. inguinal ring; in l. inguinal canal, (<) walking, pressure and cough.


      Tenesmus during stool. Urging to stool at 2 P.M. after the natural morning stool, with passage of much more wind than faeces; frequent U., with passage of flatus and stitches in anus.


      Haemorrhoids. Stitches. Ineffectual tenesmus. Tickling. Itching-crawling, as from something living.

Clinical Intensely painful haemorrhoids.


      Fluid. Thin and frequent. Diarrhoea, (>) black coffee; bright yellow, preceded by cutting and rumbling; mucous, with much wind. Hard. Like sheep-dung; brown and glistening; like sheep-dung, with pressure in stomach and abdomen. Constipated, then two each day, thinner and more copious than usual. Frequent; at night.

Urinary Organs

      Pain in region of bladder and in its sides, with desire to urinate. Desire to urinate, with tickling in tip of urethra. Frequent calls to urinate. Very little desire to urinate. Pressure in prostate gland when walking. Dribbling after urinating. A drop of burning urine after urinating.

Urethra – Discharge of drops of clear mucus. Stitches; in orifice; extending towards its orifice. Burning after urinating. Pulsation behind testicles.

Urine increased. Scanty; and dark; dark and turbid, with red sediment; dark and turbid, with whitish sediment adhering to vessel. Contains large flakes of white mucus. Become cloudy after an hour and ammoniacal.

Sexual Organs

      Stitches in glans; in tip; in sides and root of penis, extending through penis to glans. Pinching in penis in evening, more on r. side. Erections in morning; from 3 to 8 O’clock. Stitches in l. spermatic cord. Pressure in r. spermatic cord. Swelling of l. testicle, with sore pain. Increased firmness of testicles. Coldness of l. testicle. Desire increased. Emissions at night; E. early during coition. Loud passage of flatus from vagina. Sore pain in pudenda. Clear blood with menses. Menstruation too early; and too profuse; delayed. Membranous dysmenorrhoea.

Clinical Membraneous dysmenorrhoea; spasmodic contractions. Loud emotions of flatus from the vagina, with dysmenorrhoea. Chronic inflammation of the ovaries. tumors in mammary gland.

Respiratory Organs

      Larynx. Mucus, causing hawking. Stitches; at night, with itching; posteriorly on swallowing saliva, with feeling of contraction; with pressure; with lachrymation. Scraping in evening, provoking dry cough (Pulsatilla); and rawness, provoking hawking. Scratching. Pain in l. side as if crushed. Constriction; sticking. Cold sensation, with a cold feeling when inspiring, after breakfast, (>) after shaving. Tickling, then cough; T., with irritation to cough, constriction deep in throat, dry cough, coppery taste on arch of palate, spasmodic sensation, extending downward from throat, dry cough in evening, and scraping in throat. Spasmodic closure of glottis. Contracted sensation in trachea, or feeling as if pit of throat were pressed against trachea. Tickling in trachea on inspiration, causing cough. Dryness of trachea. Hoarseness; loss of voice, voice weak and soft in evening, with raw feeling in throat; (<) in afternoon, then in forenoon.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.