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BROMIUM – Homeopathic Medicine

BROMIUM homeopathic drug picture symptoms from A Primer of Materia Medica by T.F. Allen, of the homeopathy remedy BROMIUM …

General Action

      One of the most marked general indications for Bromium is its tendency to spasms or spasmodic attacks of various sorts. This is especially noticed in symptoms occurring in the throat and larynx. Unlike Iodine, its symptoms are rarely accompanied by fever.


      Weakness; aggravation in a warm room. Tearing or cutting pains.


      Apathy. Indisposition to any mental work. Loss of ideas. Forgetfulness.


      Vertigo, (<) seeing running water, or by rapid motion. Vertigo (>) nose-bleed. Neuralgic pains, especially of the left side, (<) stooping. Headache (<) the heat of the sun.


      Sharp pains through the eyes. Burning pains, with spasmodic closure of the eyes.


      Roaring in the ears.


      Obstinate coryza, with soreness of the margins of the nose and of the upper lip; with a stoppage and soreness of the right nostril. Fluent coryza, with violent sneezing and corrosive discharge. Coryza, with pressure at the root of the nose, excoriating discharge and internal soreness; the nose seems stopped.


      Inflammation, with irritation, caused by spasmodic cough. Tonsils inflamed, swollen, covered with mucus. Uvula elongated, causing a spasmodic cough.


      Tympanitic distention; discharge of much gas. Flatulent distention, with pain in abdomen and small of back.


      Haemorrhoids, very painful.

Sexual Organs, Female

      Loud emissions of flatus from the vagina, with dysmenorrhoea. (Membranous dysmenorrhoea); spasmodic contractions.

Respiratory Organs

      Scraping in the larynx, provoking a dry cough. Rawness in the larynx, causing hawking. A feeling of coldness during inspiration. Constriction. Spasmodic closure of the glottis. A feeling as if the pit of the throat were pressed against the trachea. Hoarseness and loss of voice. Cough in suffocative paroxysms, suddenly on swallowing. Cough on deep inspiration. Cough hollow, dry. Respiration oppressed, difficult; cannot inspire sufficient air (>) walking. Respiration short; must catch for breath. Need of taking deep, forcible inspirations.

Croup, diphtheritic; croup idiopathic. In croup, Bromium is rarely indicated in the early stage; but when the febrile symptoms have subsided, the patient is weak, perspiring, has a hard, tight cough, which is spasmodic, with suffocative attacks and sometimes rattling of mucus in larynx; the element of spasm generally indicates the drug. It follows well after Iodine. Spasmodic croup symptoms, starting up as if choked, greater when drinking; every inspiration provokes cough. Asthma in suffocative attacks; it seems as if the breathing were hindered by spasmodic constriction. In pneumonia, for suffocative attacks; cannot expectorate. Asthma greater at sea.


      A feeling of anxiety in chest, with difficult breathing. Sharp pains in the chest, extending inward, or toward the axilla.


      Palpitation, with oppression. (Hypertrophy of the heart.).


      Yawning all day, with difficult breathing. Sleepiness.


      General tendency to coolness; shivering, with yawning and stretching. Cold feet. Cold, moist hands.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.