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Dewey gives the common homeopathy remedies for the treatment of Intermittent Fever in an easy question-answer format. …

Give indications for ARsenicum in Intermittent Fever.

The paroxysms are not complete, they are more apt to occur at night with swat at the end of the fever; the thirst is never with the chill, it occurs after it. but during the sweat there is violent thirst, especially for hot drinks, since cold drinks chill; the pulse is small, frequent and weak.

What are the febrile symptoms of Apis?

Chill without thirst, followed by burning heat of the whole body and oppression of he chest, sweat partial without thirst, nettle rash.

What are the chill symptoms of Capsicum?

The chill commences in. the back with thirst, but drinking causes shivering, associated with pain in the back and limbs.

What are he symptoms of Cinchona in Intermittent fever?

Restlessness before the chill, absence of thirst during chill and heat, but marked thirst during the sweat; during the chills ants to be covered, but has no relief there from; during heat wants to uncovered, but becomes chilly on doing so; sweat is profuse and debilitating yellow, sallow face; not characteristic time, perhaps occurring more in the afternoon and evening all stages well marked, anticipating chill every second day. During apyrexia patient feels well (Arsenic, feels sick and miserable ).

How does this differ from Chininum Sulphur the Sulphate of Quinine?

Here the chill returns with great regularity, clear intermissions, regular paroxysms, nearly clean tongue and profuse sweats.

When should Ipecac be given?

When the case is mixed up; there is a short chill, long fever, a predominance of gastric symptoms, a nd marked nausea.

Give indications for Cornus flourida, another remedy useful in Intermittent Fever.

Sleepy before chill; dullness, drowsiness, headache and exhaustion; very weak between paroxysms, with diarrhoea and jaundiced skin.

What is the principal Homoeopathic use of Eupatorium perfoliatum and its indications?

Intermittent fever. The chill commences about severe or nine in the morning, in the back, accompanied by thirst, and there is intense aching in all the bons, as if they were broken; this followed by heat and an increasing of the aching, and this by a scanty or profuse swat.

Give a characteristic of the drug in these conditions that is even more characteristic than the break bone pains.

It is the vomiting. the patient vomits water or food that has been taken, or of bile as the chill passes of.

What is the Chill of Ferrum?

It is a chill with red face and thirst; during the heat there is distention of the blood-vessels and headache; the chill is apt to come on about three or four in the morning.

What characterizes the Intermittent Fever of Gelsemium?

The chill runs up the back;l there is aching all over the body; the patient wants to be held so that he wound; shake so; noise and light are intolerable; swat is partial, but it relieves all the pains; copious urination also relieves. the patient is characteristically drowsy, dull and dizzy; there is absence of thirst and great muscular soreness.

What is the Fever of Ignatia?

Partial in all its stages; the chill is not relieved by external heat, and there is thirst with the chill, but none with the fever.

What is the Fever of Natrum muriaticum?

It is useful in intermittent fever from living in damp regions, especially after the abuse of Quinine; the chill comes on in the morning at ten o’clock, preceded by headache, thirst, backache, and accompanied by fever blisters ache, thirst, backache, and accompanied by fever blisters on the lips; there is also vomiting with the chill.

What are the febrile symptoms of Natrum sulphuricum?

It is a useful remedy in bilious intermittent fevers, accompanied by liver affections, jaundice and bilious diarrhoea.

Give the symptoms of Nux in Intermittent Fever.

Chill begins in the extremities, with blueness of nails; gasping and yawning, and aching in the limbs; thirst with the chill, not before it as in China, and as chill passes off the patient vomits; the fever is especially in the upper part of the body. Gastro-bilious symptoms predominate.

What is the characterizing indication for Rhus in Intermittent Fever?

A dry, teasing cough during the chill.

What are the symptoms calling for Carbo veg. in Intermittent Fever?

After abuse of Quinine; thirst during chill and coldness of legs up to the knees; the heat is in burning flashes; sweat is sour and offensive; during apyrexia, pale and weak.

Give the symptoms indicating Lachesis.

Chill in afternoon, one or two; during chill patient must have clothing piled on him, not so much to keep him warm s to keep him still; the heat is burning; there is oppression of the chest and drowsiness.

IRITIS (See Eye, Disease of).

W.A. Dewey
Dewey, Willis A. (Willis Alonzo), 1858-1938.
Professor of Materia Medica in the University of Michigan Homeopathic Medical College. Member of American Institute of Homeopathy. In addition to his editoral work he authored or collaborated on: Boericke and Dewey's Twelve Tissue Remedies, Essentials of Homeopathic Materia Medica, Essentials of Homeopathic Therapeutics and Practical Homeopathic Therapeutics.