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Best homeopathic remedies for Intermittent Fever from the book Therapeutic Pointers to Some Common Diseases by E.A. Farrington…

Alstonia Scholaris [Alst-s]

      Clinically it has been used in chills and fevers, in Diarrhoea of Malarial origin [China] and for chronic Intermittent Fevers suppressed by Quinine.

Ammonium Mur [Amm-m]

      It is indicated when the paroxysms of chills and fever return every seven days.

Apis [Apis]

      It is suited to old or maltreated cases [Lachesis]. It is of service when the following type is found in the sick. Chill occurs in the afternoon, characteristically at 3 P.M. and is accompanied by thirst (not before), and an oppression of the chest, with smothering, (<) in warmth. It is followed by burning heat all over (particularly felt in the abdomen) or heat in some places, coolness in others, with increased oppressive feeling in the chest, drowsiness, fluttering pulse, nose cold, the skin hot and dry or alternately dry and moist and the hands and arms blue, usually no thirst, and there is the general appearance of collapse [Lachesis]. The warmth of the room during heat becomes intolerable. Then comes the sweat, which may however, be imperfect, breaking out only in spells, soon drying off or it may be absent; there is never any thirst during the sweat- characteristic. The tongue is rd and covered on tip and borders with vesicles. Urticaria.

Aranea Diadema [Aran]

      It is of service in patients whose constitution has been so developed by marsh miasm, that they suffer at every cold or damp change in the weather, and it stands foremost among those remedies capable of removing the constitutional taint which is at the bottom of their whole trouble, and it will not only remove the fever, but also change the type of the constitution, so that the patient will escape any further injury when exposed to dampness [malaria Off.]. Its symptoms seem to be ill-defined.

It is the remedy for chronic Intermittent Fever, esp. contracted in low, marshy lands [Ced.] when the symptoms are aggravated during every spell of damp weather-the patient complains of chilliness, as if the bones are made of ice and bone-pains followed by little or no fever. The chill is apt to be critical, occurring at the same hour every other day, every week or at some regular intervals. The spleen is also enlarged and the patient is subject to haemorrhages. he may or may not have been previously treated with Quinine.

Arsenicum [Ars]

      It is often indicated in intermitting type of fever and is unrivalled when almost any form of disease assumes Malarial type. It has cured many cases, when the Fever has been contracted in salt marshes along the sea-shore; or those, esp. after the failure of Quinine or after the abuse of that drug and also for the bad effects arising from it. It often succeeds Cinchona in the treatment of chills and fever. It is called for when the paroxysms occur more or less periodically. Its chill is not well- defined, in fact irregular. Intense heat, with anxious restlessness despite great debility, burning thirst esp. for hot drinks-cold drinks make him feel chilly, weak or thready pulse [Lachesis], suffocative attacks of breathing, blue face, cold mouth and tongue, coldness or blueness of the skin or single parts blue and great prostration; eternal heat relieves. The sweat is cold and clammy, sometimes it appears very tardily, and does not always relieve. The spleen is enlarged.

Camphor [Camph]

      The symptoms indicating it are : Icy-cold surface, but not internally, so he throws off the clothing; face deathly pale; limbs blue; breath generally hot. Weak or thready pulse. Spasms. If conscious, voice altered. Great prostration. Sopor.

Canchalagua [Canch]

      It is indicated in Spring Ague, with severe chill; the hands are puckered up, like washer-woman’s.

Capsicum [Caps]

      The symptoms indicating it are : The chill commences in the back and spreads thence, being (>) by applying hot water bottle. Thirst before chill, continues into the chill, but drinking causes shivering. Desire for warmth; the patient is (>) is by hot applications, as by a hot water bottle applied to the back and from wrapping up [Ignatia]. Irregular and intermittent puls [lach.].

Carbo Veg [Carb-v]

      The intermittent type of fever in which it may be employed is of a low grade. It is remedy for severe and long-standing cases, and is esp. of service after the abuse of Quinine, and where there is lack of reaction, when the following symptoms are present. You will be surprised to see how nicely an apparently hopeless case will rally under it.

The symptoms indicating it are : The chill with thirst (not before), often accompanied by cold breath and coldness of the body, esp. the feet are icy-cold upto the knees-a very characteristic symptom of Carbo Veg.; one-sided chills-of left side generally. Heat comes in burning flashed, with loquacity [Lachesis], but without any thirst. The sweat is either sour or else exceedingly offensive. Flatulency. Collapse. Annual return of the paroxysms [Lachesis]. The patient is very weak form protracted disease and abuse of Quinine.

Cedron [Cedr]

      It is used in Ague contracted mainly in hot climates, in which it has won favor or in low, marshy lands [Aranea], with congestion of the head, flying heat in the face alternating with chill, and dry heat, with full quick pulse. Neuralgia, returning precisely at the same hour each day.

Chininum Sulph [Chin-s]

      It is indicated in Ague from living in damp places [Cinchona] and has the same symptoms as under Cinchona, with these in addition : The chills recur with clock-like regularity [Aranea], usually at 3 A.M., with blue nails and pain in the the dorsal vertebrae. Periodical attacks of neuralgia, relieved by hard pressure.

Cina [Cina]

      It is not often used, but sometimes indicated by : Thirst during the chill and occasionally during the heat also. Pale face even during the hot stage. Also, vomiting, canine hunger and clean tongue.

Cinchona [Chin]

      It is a valuable remedy in the treatment of Intermittent Fever. It is indicated in Ague from living in damp places and is useful in fevers of either tertian or of the quartan type. The symptoms indicating it are : Chill, not relieved by any kind of warmth; with thirst before or after, but not during the chill; a dry, teasing cough during the chill [Bryonia, Rhus Tox., Sabad., and Sul.]. Long-lasting heat, usually without thirst-the patient desires to uncover; with fiery-red face and often delirium. The sweat which follows is profuse and debilitating, with intense thirst. Swollen spleen. Neuralgia, occurring mostly in the face and recurring quite periodically [Arsenicum, China Sulph. and Sul.]. Periodical return of the symptoms.

Cornus Florida [Corn-f]

      This drug has sleepiness long before the chill; the patient feels chilly, but is warm to the touch. The heat is associated with drowsiness, and is followed by profuse sweat.

Cuprum [Cupr]

      Icy-coldness of the whole body. Severe cramps in extremities, with cold sweat, blue surface; also collapse. Great prostration. Weak or thready pulse.

Digitalis [Dig]

      Weakness of the heat. Very cold skin. Copious sweat, but the heart symptoms are not relieved. Pulse very slow; intermits every 3rd, 5th or 7th beat. Great prostration.

Eucalyptus [Eucal]

      It is a remedy highly recommended in Malarial fevers, but I know little or nothing about it.

Eupatorium Perfoliatum [Eup-per]

      It is a popular remedy in the Malarial districts for chills and fever. It is indicated by the following symptoms : The chill begins in the small of the back [Nat. Mur.] form 7 to 9 A.M. and is preceded by headache, insatiable thirst and bitter vomiting, which rarely continue into the fever, and is accompanied by aching in the limbs, as though every bone in the body were being broken; in some cases, there is double periodicity-the chill comes in the morning of one day and in the evening of the next. The chill is followed by high fever, with increase of the aching; drinking of water makes the patient chilly. The sweat is usually very slight or it may be profuse.

Eupatorium Purpureum [Eup-pur]

      It has been used for chill beginning in the back. I do not know of any special symptom to distinguish it from Eupatorium Perfoliatum.

Ferrum [Ferr]

      It is indicated particularly after the abuse of Quinine, esp. when there is masked Anaemia. During the heat, the face is flushed and the blood-vessels throb and throbbing headache. The spleen is enlarged and dropsical symptoms, manifested mostly about the feet.

Gelsemium [Gels]

      It is indicated in the beginning, and esp. in fevers of non- malarial origin. The symptoms indicating it are : Partial chill, starts from the spine running up and down or in the hands or from

the feet extending upwards, with tremor o the whole body; it is sometimes associated with copious urination and bruised aching all over the body; during it is-very characteristic. Then comes the fever, with general heat, but most decided about the head and fauces, during the exacerbation of which, the patient is very nervous and restless, tossing about continually and he can bear neither noise nor light. The sweat is gradual and moderate or partial, but always gives relief. The accompaniments are : Tongue, coated white or yellow. Thick speech. Bowels constipated, the stools yellow.

E. A. Farrington
E. A. Farrington (1847-1885) was born in Williamsburg, NY, on January 1, 1847. He began his study of medicine under the preceptorship of his brother, Harvey W. Farrington, MD. In 1866 he graduated from the Homoeopathic Medical College of Pennsylvania. In 1867 he entered the Hahnemann Medical College, graduating in 1868. He entered practice immediately after his graduation, establishing himself on Mount Vernon Street. Books by Ernest Farrington: Clinical Materia Medica, Comparative Materia Medica, Lesser Writings With Therapeutic Hints.