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Hyoscyamus [Hyos]

      It is indicated, when the chill spreads from feet to the spine and thence to the neck and is worse at night. Weak or thready pulse. Great prostration. The lowering of the temperature is accompanied by slow arterial action, drowsiness or by delirious and excited talk; picks at the bed-clothing, feats of being poisoned, hallucinations, fibrillar twitchings, etc.

Ignatia [Ign]

      It may be used, when there is thirst during the chill and when the warmth of the stove or other artificial heat or wrapping up the body relieves the chill.

Ipecacuanha [Ip]

      It is useful, when the type has been spoilt by Quinine. It is one of the best drugs to give when the case is mixed up and there is no clearly-defined picture of the case and everything is confused. It seems to have the property of developing the symptoms and of curing the case, or it provides sufficient data enabling to select the appropriate remedy. it is particularly indicated, when there is short chill, followed by long-lasting fever-the characteristic symptom during the paroxysm, usually with gastric symptoms, with a preponderance of nausea.

Lachesis [Lach]

      It is useful in Intermittent Fever, which recurs in the Spring- time, in spite of the use of Quinine in the Fall. It is indicated by the following symptoms : The chill up the back [Lycopodium], comes on at 1 or 2 in afternoon, with glistening eyes and icy-coldness of the body [Lachnan.]; during the chill the patient feels that he must have clothing piled on him, not so much to keep him warm, as to keep him still and he wants to be held down firmly (a characteristic symptom) to relieve the shaking and the pains in the chest and head. The fever is characterized by burning pungency. During the hot stage-thirstlessness and oppressed breathing [Carbo Veg.]; oppression of the chest, with cold feet, which when becomes warmer lessen the oppression; oppression of the heart; drowsiness; loquacity, when he often makes speeches; delirium and convulsions [Hyoscyamus]; weak, thready pulse; great prostration. Copious sweat.

It is also indicated in irregular cases, with cold nose, etc., livid skin, great weakness and filiform pulse.

Lachnanthes [Lachn]

      During chill icy-coldness of the body, relieved by warmth. Brilliant eyes and circumscribed red cheeks with fever and delirium.

Lycopodium [Lyc]

      It follows Lachesis and is needed when the patient becomes drowsy and stupid. The chill begins in the back at 3 or 4 o’clock every

or every other afternoon and is worse from 4 to 8 P.M. or at 9 P.M.; during the chill the hands and feet are numb and icy-cold and the chill is followed by sour eructations or sour vomiting, particularly the latter, with or without heat and then passes into the sweating stage or the chill is followed by sweat without intervening heat. Thirst, mostly after sweat, and the patient desires hot drinks only.

Malaria Officinalis [Malar]

      it is almost similar to Aranea.

Menyanthes [Meny]

      It is remedy for quartan type of fevers, when the extremities, and esp. the legs below the knees are icy-cold or the hands and feet icy-cold, rest of the body warm. It is particularly useful where coldness predominates and the disease manifests itself in the coldness of the tip of nose, ear-lobes, and tips of the fingers and toes. The patient often exhibits a strong liking for meat.

Natrum muriaticum [Nat-m]

      In Intermittent Fever it shares the honour long accorded to Cinchona and Arsenicum and is almost similar to Apis. IT is to be considered when : The chill comes characteristically between 10 and 11 A.M. and begins in the small of the back or in the feet; it is accompanied sometimes by thirst and by aching pains all over the body and throbbing headache; sometimes urticaria complicates the case. The fever is usually violent; during the hot stage-thirst increases with the heat, the headache becomes more and more throbbing, and at times so severe that the patient becomes delirious or unconscious. By and by sweat breaks out most copiously and it relieves the headache and all other symptoms. This is the type of Intermittent Fever curable by Nat. Mur.

Nux Vomica [Nux-v]

      It is used in Intermittent type of fevers, when : The chill is preceded or accompanied by blueness of the finger-nails and well- marked gaping and yawning; during the chill always aching in the limbs and in the back; the chill is not usually relieved from covering up or from the heat of the stove, and is followed by fever, and that by sweat.

Pulsatilla [Puls]

      It may be used in Intermittent Fever after the abuse of Quinine, when thirst appears at 2 or 3 o’clock in the afternoon; then comes the chill without thirst, with anxiety and oppression of the chest-the patient is sleepy, yet he cannot sleep. There may be moaning or lachrymation during the hot stage; sometimes one hand is hot and the other cold. General or partial sweat at the end of fever.

Rhus Tox [Rhus-t]

      It is suitable for Intermittent Fever, when the chill begins in one leg, usually in the thigh or between the shoulders or over one scapula and is relieved by warmth; during the chill a dry, teasing cough [Bryonia, Cinchona, Sabad., Sul.]; along with external chill there is an internal heat. Thirst is absent is very general, excepting about the face.

Sepia [Sep]

      It is to be thought of, in cases-spoiled by Quinine or by bungling administration of Homoeopathic remedies. In it, during the fever both the upper and lower limbs remain cold and the face looks yellow.

Sulphur [Sulph]

      Though it is not a specific in these fevers, yet it has periodicity in its symptoms and it must be selected from its well-known symptoms-torpor with slowness in answering question, chills that will not stop despite well-selected remedies, particularly if the intermittent assumes the remittent type, or, more frequently, if the remittent type commences and runs into the intermittent. It may also be called in Malarial Neuralgia mostly in the face and recurring quite periodically and resisting other remedies [Arsenicum, China Sulph. and Cinchona].

Tarantula Cubensis [Tarent c]

      IT may be used effectually when there are : Intermitting fever of evening exacerbation, with great prostration and Diarrhoea.

Veratrum Album [Verat]

      It is indicated when the chill is associated with thirst, and (if internal) runs downward, not upward; face, mouth and tongue cold; breathing oppressed and labored; heart weak; weak, thready pulse; skin blue, cold, inelastic; hands blue; heat has no palliative effect; great prostration. Cold, clammy sweat, worse on forehead.

Besides the above remedies Bryonia, Cimex Helleborus, Hydrocyanic Acid, Nux Moschata, Robinia or Sabadilla may be indicated infrequently.


E. A. Farrington
E. A. Farrington (1847-1885) was born in Williamsburg, NY, on January 1, 1847. He began his study of medicine under the preceptorship of his brother, Harvey W. Farrington, MD. In 1866 he graduated from the Homoeopathic Medical College of Pennsylvania. In 1867 he entered the Hahnemann Medical College, graduating in 1868. He entered practice immediately after his graduation, establishing himself on Mount Vernon Street. Books by Ernest Farrington: Clinical Materia Medica, Comparative Materia Medica, Lesser Writings With Therapeutic Hints.