
The American variety is called Pulsatilla Nuttalliana; its characteristics differ very little from the Pulsatilla nigricans, which is the better proved remedy.

Give briefly the general sphere of action of Pulsatilla.

Pulsatilla acts prominently on all mucous membranes, producing a catarrhal condition; upon synovial membranes, producing arthritic and rheumatic conditions. It is a great venous remedy, and in its action on the female generative system it is paramount. It is a great polychrest, and its characteristics are marked, enabling its use in all forms of disease.

Give seven pervading characteristics of the drug.

1.Tearfulness; mild, gentle, yielding disposition.

Changeableness and fickleness of symptoms.

2. Aggravation in the evening, after eating and during rest.

3. Relief from motion and in the cool, open air.

4. Paleness of face and chilliness, even with a sensation of heat.

5. All discharges are bland in character, and yellow or yellowish green.

6. Thirstlessness.

7. “Too late, too late, coryza in late stages, indigestion two hours late after eating, menses never on time, too late, nothing is on time.” (Shelton.)

Why is the Pulsatilla patient better from motion and in the open air?

Because the sluggishness of the venous circulation is relieved by exercise and by cold, which causes the vessels to contract and the blood to circulate more rapidly.

What is the mental condition oF the Pulsatilla patient?

A changeable disposition; first mild, tearful and yielding, and then irritable, peevish and fitful.

How does this differ from Natrum muiaticumr?

Natrum muriaticum has this mild, tearful disposition, but consolation aggravates, while the Pulsatilla patient seeks consolation.

What relations does Pulsatilla hold to the abuse of iron?

It is an antidote to the abuse of iron, and holds the same relation to that substance that Nux vomica does to drastic medicines.

What symptoms indicate Pulsatilla in Chlorosis?

After abuse of iron and quinine, the system is relaxed, the patient feels worn out and she suffers from uterine and menstrual derangements. It will probably be the first remedy to use if the case from allopathic hands.

What are its indications in varicose veins?

Blue, distended veins, with soreness and stinging pains.

How does Hamamelis compare here?

Hamamelis is the better remedy for the soreness.

What are indications for Pulsatilla in cold in the head and catarrh?

In the later stages, when the cold is ripe, the discharge is thick muco-purulent, yellow, and not excoriating; the blandness of the discharge is characteristic.

Supposing that we have these same symptoms, but in addition violent sneezing, what would be the remedy?


What are the characteristic discharge of Pulsatilla from the eye and ears?

Yellowish-green, bland discharges are characteristic of the drug and indicate it in ophthalmias and otorrhoeas.

Recurrence of successive crops of styes due to gastric derangement accompanied by acne or in women with amenorrhoea.

What are the symptoms calling for its use in earache?

Sharp, tearing and pulsating pains, which are worse at night; earache in children.

When should Chamomilla be given instead?

In nervous children who cannot tolerate pain, where one cheek is red and the other pale.

What are the characteristic stomach symptoms of Pulsatilla?

Tongue coated thickly white, dry mouth, no thirst, weak digestion, fullness after eating and a sensation as if the stomach were ulcerated; there is a distress which comes on about two hours after eating, with a great deal of flatulence, which tends to shift about. If these symptoms are caused by eating cakes, fat, rich and greasy food, then it is more strongly indicated. An important symptom of Pulsatilla is, ” all food tastes as if saturated with salt.”

Mention three other remedies which have indigestion from eating fatty food.

Ipecac, Thuja and Carbo vegetabilis.

What drug has as its great characteristic symptom, a sensation of a lump in the stomach like a hard boiled egg?

Abies nigra.

What is the diarrhoea of Pulsatilla?

Yellow, watery, greenish and changeable; worse after late suppers and after midnight.

What are the principal affection about the male sexual organs calling for Pulsatilla?

Orchitis and epididymitis, where the testicle is retracted, enlarged, sensitive and dark red, with pains along the spermatic cord; especially useful when due to suppression of a gonorrhoeal discharge.

Mention four drugs that should be compared with Pulsatilla in swelled testicles.

Rhododendron, Clematis, Iodine and Spongia.

What is the grand characteristic of the menstrual flow?

Changeableness both as to color and time, associated with colic and chilliness; late; scanty; suppressed after getting feet wet.

What of the leucorrhoea?

Thick, yellowish-green and bland, like all Pulsatilla discharges.

Mention the principal symptoms of Pulsatilla in the pregnant state?

Threatened abortion, changeable character of the labor pains; faintness and oppression of the chest; retained placenta from too weak contraction of the uterus.

What of the power of Pulsatilla to correct mal-positions of the foetus in utero?

It is claimed that by acting on the uterine walls, it stimulates their growth and prevents irregular development, and subsequent irregular contractions.

What are the indications for Pulsatilla in milk fever?

Breasts swollen and painful, with scanty, almost suppressed flow of milk, this is accompanied by the gloomy, tearful disposition.

What is the fever of Pulsatilla?

Chilliness predominates; fever without thirst, with oppression and sleepiness; worse about two or three in the afternoon.

What is there characteristic about the rheumatic symptoms of Pulsatilla?

Changeableness and tendency to shift about from joint to joint, their aggravation from warmth and their relief from cold. Useful in neuralgias also, which tend to shift about.

What are some other drugs having wandering rheumatic pains?

Bryonia, Colchicum, Kali sulphuricum and Sulphur.


Where do we find original studies of this drug?

In the North America Journal of Homoeopathy. Vols. III and XXVII. Hale’s New Remedies. Hempel’s Materia Medica. Allen.

What is this drug, what part do we use and when should it be gathered?

The fresh root gathered early in autumn. It is the Black Cohosh, black snake root or rattle weed, indigenous to the United States.

Describe method of preparing the mother tincture.

Chop and pound the fresh root to a fine pulp, weigh. Add gradually two parts of alcohol by weight to each part of pulp. Stir thoroughly and pour into a well stoppered bottle and stand in dark, cool place for eight days, shaking it daily. Decant, strain and filter. Drug power, 1/6. The tincture is deep-olive green, almost opaque, the taste becoming acrid and then bitter, the reaction is acid.

What is the resinoid of Cimicifuga?

It is called Macrotin and has been used by some for its physiological effect; it is a brown, bitter powder ten times stronger than the tincture.

What is its general action?

Cimicifuga produces many cerebral, spinal and pelvic symptoms, acting more prominently on females. Many of its symptoms point to hysteria and rheumatism; its general character is manifested by agitation, nervousness, sleeplessness and pain.

Give the headache of Cimicifuga?

A sensation as if the top of the head would fly off; neuralgic pains over the scalp; there is an acting at the base of the skull as if a bolt were driven from the base to the top of the head. There is also a sensation of waves of pain going over the head, often associated with intense aching in the eyeballs.

What are its mental symptoms?

Depression; delirium tremens with visions of rats, mice, etc. A sensation as if there were a pall or gloom, or a horrible sadness settling over her-a feeling as if going crazy.

What is the principal sphere of action of Cimicifuga and what are the characteristic symptoms therein?

The female sexual organs, especially in the pregnant state. The symptoms are pain going across the abdomen from hip to hip, seeming to double the patient up. Spasmodic after-pains, and a predisposition to abortion, with nervousness, weeping mood. Ovarian neuralgia, with other reflex left-sided pains.

Distinguish between Cimicifuga and its twin sister, Caulophyllum, or the blue cohosh in uterine symptoms.

Both have the rheumatic diathesis, both have the hysterical spasms, both have the trembling; the keynote of Caulophyllum, however, is rheumatism of the small joints, with uterine complaints, while the rheumatism of Cimicifuga is in the fleshy part on belly of the muscles. Cimicifuga produces persistent tonic contractions or spasms. Caulophyllum produces intermittent or clonic spasms followed by atony.

Give indications for Cimicifuga in sciatica.

Laming pains in left hip, pain becoming so acute as to drive him out of bed, better sitting up, relieved by pressure.

What is its special field in rheumatic affections?

A myalgia, or a muscular rheumatism, the muscles being sore and tender to touch, the fleshy part being affected. Soreness of muscles from dancing and skating. A left-sided infra-mammary pain is characteristic, being reflex from uterine troubles, chorea depending upon rheumatism or uterine disorders.

W.A. Dewey
Dewey, Willis A. (Willis Alonzo), 1858-1938.
Professor of Materia Medica in the University of Michigan Homeopathic Medical College. Member of American Institute of Homeopathy. In addition to his editoral work he authored or collaborated on: Boericke and Dewey's Twelve Tissue Remedies, Essentials of Homeopathic Materia Medica, Essentials of Homeopathic Therapeutics and Practical Homeopathic Therapeutics.