

Where is the original pathogenesis of Veratrum album?

In Hahnemann’s Materia Medica Pura.

What is Veratrum album?

The White Hellebore, and the tincture is made from the dried root in the same manner as described under Staphisagria; imported; alkaloid Veratrin.

What is the general action of Veratrum album?

Acts profoundly on the general vegetative sphere, producing a perfect picture of collapse, with extreme coldness, blueness and weakness.

What are four general characteristic of Veratrum?

1. Everything is copious, vomit, sweat and diarrhoea.

2. The cold sweat.

3. Burning internally.

4. The coldness and blueness of the surface of the body.

What are the mental symptoms?

Delirium; restlessness: desire to cut and tear clothing; loquacity; strikes those about him; springs out of bed; lewd in talk; religious melancholy, despair of salvation; sullen indifference.

What are the three characteristics of the stool of Veratrum?

1. Pain in abdomen preceding stool.

2. Profuseness of stool and forcible evacuation.

3. Great prostration following stool.

What are the symptoms indicating Veratrum in cholera?

Profuse, watery, greenish like spinach, of bloody stools with cramps and cutting pains in the abdomen and limbs with great weakness and fainting; little vomiting, cold sweat on the forehead and rice-water stools, attended with prostration and collapse; aggravation at night; pale face, sunken eyes and prostration.

How does this differ from Camphora?

Camphora has coldness without sweat; the tongue is cold; the discharges are scanty; the upper lip is retracted, showing the teeth; the voice is high pitched and the entire body is cold.

When should one give Cuprum? When the cramps are very severe and extend to the chest; vomiting and purging, but not the cold sweat, of Veratrum.

What is the constipation of Veratrum?

Large, hard black stools with faintness; patient strains until covered with cold sweat and then gives it up, and faeces accumulate in large masses in the rectum.

What abdominal symptom has Veratrum in common with nux vomica?

Sensation in the abdominal rings as if a hernia would protrude.


Where do we find our original researches on Veratrum viride?

In Hale’s New Remedies.

What is Veratrum viride?

Green Hellebore.

What part is used, when gathered and how is the tincture made?

The fresh root, gathered after the leaves have fallen in autumn, and treated precisely like Sanguinaria, Hydrastis, etc.

What is its general action?

Exerts a decided influence upon the brain, especially cerebellum and cerebral portion of the cord, and also over the muscular system. It probably acts on the inhibitory nerves of the heart, controlling the heart’s action in a remarkable degree.

What are characteristic indications for Veratrum viride?

Congestive stage of inflammation with great arterial excitement, and a dry, red streak down through the centre of the tongue; rapid, full pulse and nausea on rising. Spasmodic diseases with gastric irritation and much vascular excitement.

What is Sabadilla?

A bulbous Mexican plant, a tincture being made from the seeds, as in Nux vomica, Ignatia, etc. Found in Stapf’s Additions.

What are the characteristics of Sabadilla?

Influenza with violent spasmodic sneezing and lachrymation on going into the open air, burning watery discharge from the nose, eye swollen and watery, swelling of the throat and tonsils. Hay fever.


Where is Colochicum’s pathogenesis found?

In Stapf’s Archives, British Journal of Homoeopathy, Vol. XIX.

What is Colchicum?

The Meadow Saffron and the tincture is made from the fresh bulbs just before blooming in the same manner as described under Aconite. Imported.

What is the general action of Colchicum?

Affects markedly the muscular tissue, periosteum and synovial membranes of joints. It seems more beneficial in chronic affections of these parts.

Give four general characteristics of Colochicum.

1. General exhaustion of mind and body.

2. Great muscular prostration.

3. Aggravation from exertion, even thinking.

4. Aggravation from motion.

What are the digestive characteristics of Colochicum?

Extreme aversion to food, nausea and loathing at the thought of food; he gags from the mere mention of food; loss of appetite, great debility and brown tongue.

What are the abdominal symptoms?

Abdomen is distended enormously, with urging to stool and passage of jelly-like mucus; there are also dysenteric symptoms, with spasm of the sphincter ani.

What relation has Colochicum to Arsenic and Cinchona?

It stands midway between them, having the weakness of Arsenic and the tympany of Cinchona.

When is Colochicum indicated in rheumatism and gout?

Where the swelling is red or pale, with extreme tenderness to touch and a tendency to shift about from joint to joint; pains are worse in the evening and from the slightest motion; metastasis of gout to heart, with cutting pains about the heart and oppression.

For what has Asparagus been used?

Cystitis, enlarged prostate and catarrh of the neck of the bladder.


By whom was this remedy introduced?

By Dr. Payne, of Bath, Me., published in Transactions of the American Institute for 1867 and 1870, also Hale’s New Remedies.

What is the plant, when should it be gathered and how is the tincture made?

It is the Wild Tiger Lily. The fresh plant gathered when in flower is treated in the same manner as described under Gelsemium. The tincture is orange colored.

What are the characteristic uterine symptoms of Lilium?

A bearing down sensation in the region of the uterus and vagina as if everything would press out, and the patient presses the vulva with the hand to relieve these symptoms. Soreness in pelvic region. It is very useful in ovarian neuralgia with sharp lancinating pains worse on left side, frequently extending to mammae. Worse walking.

How does Sepia compare here?

In Sepia the patient crosses the legs to prevent protrusion. There are more hysterical symptoms under Lilium and the ovarian pains are more intense.

What are the heart symptoms of Lilium?

Pain in the heart as if grasped by a vise awakening the patient suddenly, fluttering about the heart and uneasiness. Functional affections worse lying on left side. Nervous palpitation associated with uterine affections.


Where is the pathogenesis of Aloes found?

Hering’s Provings of American Remedies, Allen’s Encyclopoedia.

What is Aloes?

It is a native of Africa and our tincture is made from the inspissated juice. Its alkaloid is Aloin, and it is a component part of most purgative pills.

How is the tincture made?

In precisely the same manner as Nux vomica.

What is the general action of Aloes?

Acts most prominently on the liver. Has also many symptoms of portal and uterine congestion.

What is the headache?

Dull headache across the forehead or weight on the vertex; heaviness in the eyes and nausea.

What are the characteristic indication for Aloes in diarrhoea?

There is a sudden urging to stool in the early morning accompanied with a great deal of flatus and great weakness of the sphincters; the patient loses confidence in them and fears that stool will pass with the flatus. Sense of great exhaustion after stool.

What are the indications for Aloes in hemorrhoids?

They protrude like a bunch of grapes after each stool, and are relieved by the application of cold water and aggravated by motion.

How does Aloes compare with Collinsonia in hemorrhoids?

Collinsonia generally has constipation and Aloes diarrhoea.

What are the symptoms of Aloes in dysentery?

The stools are of a jelly-like mucus and covered with blood, accompanied by griping in the epigastric region.


Where are the original data concerning this remedy to be found?

In the American Homoeopathic Review, Vol.V.

How is the tincture prepared?

The common red onion with a somewhat long bulb is treated in the same manner as described under Gelsemium.

What are the nasal and laryngeal symptoms of Allium cepa?

Watery, acrid discharge from the nose, with bland lachrymation; raw feeling in larynx and throat, and tickling in larynx provoking cough; the larynx is so sore that it makes the patient wince to cough and brings tears to his eyes; it seems as if it would spilt open; great hoarseness. Worse in warm air.

Give symptoms of Wyethia, another useful remedy for catarrhal troubles.

Dryness of pharynx with constant desire to clear throat; follicular pharyngitis, with a hot, burning feeling. Hoarseness, pharyngitis in teachers and singers.

What neuralgic symptoms has Allium cepa?

Neuralgias following amputations, and injuries of nerve with fine, shooting, thread-like pains; neuralgia of stumps.

What is Convallaria?

The Lily of the Valley. The tincture is made from the entire fresh plant in the same manner as described under Millefolium.

For what do we sometimes use Convallaria?

For dyspnoea due to heart disease with scanty urine; oedemas and dropsies from the same cause. There is feeble heart sound, anaemic murmurs over jugular vein and an uneasy fluttering pain about heart. Valvular diseases. There is a sensation as if the heart stopped beating and started up again, causing a faint, sick feeling.

W.A. Dewey
Dewey, Willis A. (Willis Alonzo), 1858-1938.
Professor of Materia Medica in the University of Michigan Homeopathic Medical College. Member of American Institute of Homeopathy. In addition to his editoral work he authored or collaborated on: Boericke and Dewey's Twelve Tissue Remedies, Essentials of Homeopathic Materia Medica, Essentials of Homeopathic Therapeutics and Practical Homeopathic Therapeutics.