
What are the rheumatic symptoms?

Cutting, tearing, lightning-like pains in the joints, pain streaks from the joint in various directions. Rheumatic stiffness of the neck from getting hair cut or getting head wet.

When is Belladonna indicated in fever?

When there are symptoms of delirium and cerebral excitement present, and a pungent heat of the skin.

What are the characteristic skin symptoms of Belladonna?

Bright scarlet redness of the skin. Erysipelas with bright red, rapid swelling of the skin, the skin is smooth, shining and tense, the pains are sharp, lancinating, stinging and throbbing.

How does Lachesis compare in erysipelas?

The face is purplish instead of red, and the patient is drowsy and weaker.

What indicates Belladonna in scarlet fever?

Smooth, bright red rash, the cerebral irritation, the sore throat, the strawberry tongue and the swelling of the glands.

What of the prophylactic power of Belladonna?

Hahnemann discovered that Belladonna was a prophylactic in scarlet fever; and it has certainly been verified clinically.

In swelling, such as boils and abscesses. when is Belladonna useful?

They are very painful. Swelling where there is throbbing redness and tendency to suppuration. The rapidity of the swelling is characteristic.

What are the nervous symptoms of Belladonna?

Neuralgic pains, which come on suddenly and disappear suddenly; lancinating pains, aggravated by motion. Convulsions and spasms in teething children, from repelled eruption, with red face, hot head, throbbing carotids, starting from sleep in terror.

How does Stannum compare in neuralgia?

Stannum has pains that increase gradually and decrease gradually.

What drugs antidote Belladonna?

Coffea, Nux vomica and Opium.


Where do we find the pathogenesis of this remedy?

In Hahnemann’s Materia Medica Pura.

What is Stramonium?

It is called the Thorn apple, or Jamestown weed, and it grows about towns on deserted piles of rubbish and in waste places. Alkaloid Daturin.

What parts are used in making the tincture and how is it made?

The entire fresh plant treated as described under Aconite.

What is its general action?

Acts mainly on the sensorium, giving rise to delirium and hallucinations and picturing acute mania. In other respects its action is also similar to Belladonna and Hyoscyamus, from which it differs by its greater sensorial perversion. It has less congestion than Belladonna, never approaching a true inflammatory condition.

What are its mental symptoms?

Wild delirium, with bright red face, eyes bright, wild and suffused; horrible hallucinations, objects start from every corner, animals spring up to terrify; there is great loquacity, the patient talks all the time, laughs, plays, sings, and prays; he desires light and fears dark; bright objects cause delirium, spasms and convulsions.

How does the loquacity of Lachesis compare?

In Lachesis the patient continually jumps from one subject to another.

When is Stramonium indicated in erysipelas?

When there are brain complications, such as violent delirium, screaming out terrified.

What are the indications for Stramonium in asthma?

In nervous asthma, where the voice suddenly gives out and takes on a higher pitch Great sense of suffocation with tight feeling across chest; face becomes blue.

What effect has Stramonium upon the urinary secretion?

It causes suppression of the urine, and has been found of use in suppression of urine in typhoid fever.


Where do we obtain data concerning Hyoscyamus?

In Hahnemann’s Materia Medica Pura; British Journal of Homoeo pathy, Vol. VI.

What is Hyoscyamus and how is the tincture prepared?

It is the Henbane, and a tincture is made from the whole herb gathered just before flowering or after the seed pods are formed and the summit of the plant still flowering according to the manner described under Millefolium. The tincture is clear brownish color and unpleasant, slightly bitter taste and acid reaction. It should be imported.

What is its alkaloid?

Hyoscyamine which is chemically similar to Atropine.

What is the general action of Hyoscyamus?

It disturbs the nervous system profoundly. It causes a perfect picture of mania, of a quarrelsome and obscene character. Muscular twitchings and spasms, with delirium; weakness and nervous agitation are very marked.

What are its mental symptoms?

Full of hallucinations and imaginings; imagines the medicine is poison, that he is pursued by a devil or an imaginary foe, from whom he tries to escape; objects look unnatural, the eyes are glassy; the patient talks and mutters all the time, and jumps from one subject to another; pupils are dilated and sleep is disturbed. Patient is jealous, obscene and talkative.

Besides the above symptoms, which are mainly maniacal, are there any symptoms of Hyoscyamus which indicate the opposite or a stuporous condition?

There is sometimes debility and prostration; he answers questions slowly or irrelevantly; there is a quick pulse; sordes on the teeth; snoring, breathing and dropping of the lower jaw; there is a constant picking at the bed clothes and at objects in the air.

What are the symptoms of Hyoscyamus in nymphomania?

The patient acts silly and idiotic; is lascivious and lewd; throws the bed clothes off and makes lewd and ridiculous gestures. Persists in stripping herself and uncovering genitals. It is also a remedy for jealousy.

What is the cough of Hyoscyamus?

Cough which is aggravate lying down at night and relieved by sitting up; aggravated from eating, drinking and talking; cough from an elongated uvula.

How does Conium compare?

It has a cough at night aggravated by lying down; but it is caused by a dry spot sensation in the larynx, and the patient has to sit up. Worse when patient retires.

What drugs have a cough relieved by lying down and aggravated by sitting up?

Ferrum met. and Manganum.

Give the indications of Hyoscyamus in sleeplessness in children.

They twitch and scream out in their sleep as if frightened, the brain is full of bewildering images.

What are the convulsive symptoms of Hyoscyamus?

Epileptic spasms with jerking, twitching and frothing at the mouth followed by sleep; patient bites his tongue.

What is there characteristic of the stools of Hyoscyamus?

They are involuntary in low delirious conditions.


Where are the original provings of Dulcamara found?

In Hahnemann’s Materia Medica Pura and the Chronic Diseases.

What is Dulcamara?

It is the Bitter sweet indigenous shrub. (Not the climbing Bitter Sweet, which is Celastrus.)

What part is used in making the tincture and how is the same prepared?

The fresh green branches, that are still pliant, and their leaves, gathered just as the plant is budding to blossom, is treated in the same manner as Hyoscyamus.

What is the general action of Dulcamara?

It has a specific relation to the skin, glands and digestive organs; also acts on mucous membranes and muscular tissue, producing catarrhal and rheumatic complaints.

What is the distinguishing aggravation?

From cold, damp weather, and from sudden changes to cold, and affections so brought on or made worse.

Differentiate Dulcamara from Rhus tox.

Both have relief from motion, aggravation from rest, and from cold wet applications. Dulcamara is irritable, Rhus anxious and depressed. In Dulcamara the swollen glands are painless, in Rhus painful. In Dulcamara the menses are late, scanty and too short. In Rhus too soon, profuse and long. Dulcamara worse before midnight, Rhus worse all night.

What is its effect on the nervous system?

Paralysis from lying on the damp ground; paralysis of the bladder or of any part of the body which is brought on or made worse by damp weather.

Give the cough of Dulcamara.

A spasmodic cough with a profuse secretion of mucus, easy to raise and generally tasteless. The coughing spells are long and damp weather aggravates. An excellent remedy in loose coughs.

What are the characteristics of the female organs?

Suppressed menses from damp weather, and a rash on the skin just previous to menstruation.

What other effect has it on the skin?

It produces an eruption of large wheals, and it is useful in such if brought on by digestive troubles with aggravation from cold air.

What is diarrhoea?

Yellow, watery diarrhoea in damp weather, or in summer, when the weather suddenly cools; mucous, green or changeable stools of sour odor. Diarrhoea from repelled eruptions.


Where is the original homoeopathic pathogenesis of Tabacum?

In Hartlaub and Trink’s Materia Medica, Vol. III.

What preparation of Tobacco do we use?

A tincture from the dried leaves of the genuine Havana Tobacco.

How is it prepared?

The dried leaves are cut up and covered with five parts, by weight, of alcohol, placed in well stoppered bottle in a dark, cool place for eight days, being shaken twice a day. Decant, strain and filter. Drug power, 1/10. The tincture is clear brown of penetrating odor.

What is the alkaloid of Tobacco?


What is the general action of this drug?

Acts especially on the medulla and pneumogastric nerve, producing relaxation and paralysis of the involuntary muscular system. Precordial oppression, nausea, vertigo, death-like pallor, icy coldness and sweat, nervous tremor and debility are some of the results of its action.

W.A. Dewey
Dewey, Willis A. (Willis Alonzo), 1858-1938.
Professor of Materia Medica in the University of Michigan Homeopathic Medical College. Member of American Institute of Homeopathy. In addition to his editoral work he authored or collaborated on: Boericke and Dewey's Twelve Tissue Remedies, Essentials of Homeopathic Materia Medica, Essentials of Homeopathic Therapeutics and Practical Homeopathic Therapeutics.