
Give the indication for Sulphur in tuberculosis.

In the beginning of the disease, with pain through the left chest, heat on the head, cold feet, frequent flushes, the patient wanting the window open.

What are the circulatory symptoms of Sulphur?

There are flashes of heat, and heat on top of the head with burning of the soles; the patient has to put the feet out of bed at night to keep them cool.

When should Sulphur be given in fevers?

The patient is drowsy, the skin is dry and hot, and there is no sweat; and it comes in after Aconite.

What is its relation to Aconite?

It is a passive or chronic Aconite, holding the same relation to the veins that Aconite does to the arteries.

Give some of the indications for Sulphur in scrofula.

Tendency to eruptions; defective osseous growth; open fontanelles; bone affections; rickets and curvature of the spine. Appetite voracious, caused by defective assimilation from diseased glands. The child looks like a little old man or woman; the skin is wrinkled and flabby.

What are the chief symptoms of Sulphur?

The troubles of the skin are apt to alternate with some internal trouble; there is the great aggravation from washing, and the more the eruption is scratched the more it itches and burns; the skin is rough, coarse and measly; the eruptions are usually pustular, and there is tendency to soreness in the folds of the skin.

What is characteristic about the sleep of Sulphur?

The patient sleeps in “Cat naps;” the slightest noise awakens, and there is great difficulty in falling asleep again.

Why should Nux and Sulphur never be alternated?

Because they antidote each other is reason enough.


Where is the pathogenesis of Selenium found?

In Stapf’s Archives.

How is is prepared?

By trituration.

Give the general action of this drug.

It acts on the nervous system producing weakness and general debility, expressed by easy fatigue from any exertion or labor; how weather weakens him, and he is sluggish on account of this debility; wants to sleep and is worse after sleep. Nervous exhaustion caused by seminal loss.

What is the headache of Selenium?

A nervous headache over the left eye, worse from the heat of the sun, and especially is it useful in headaches due to excessive use of tea.

What other remedy may be useful in headaches caused by tea?


Give the sexual symptoms of Selenium.

Spermatorrhoea, with irritability, mental confusion, headache and paralytic weakness of the spine; the system is so relaxed that the semen dribbles away.


What are the drugs known as the Halogens?

Bromine, Iodine, Fluorine and Chlorine.

What is the general action of this family as a whole?

They act on the mucous membranes of the larynx and bronchial tubes, producing pseudo-membranous formations thereon; they all act on the glandular system, enlarging the glands even to abscess.


Where are data concerning Bromine found?

Hering’s Materia Medica; Allen’s Encyclopaedia.

How is the tincture prepared?

One part of pure Bromine dissolved in. 99 parts, by weight, of distilled water. drug power. 1/100.

What is the temperament of the Bromine patient and how does it differ from the temperament of the Iodine patient?

The Bromine patient is light complexioned, fair skin and blue eyes, while Iodine suits better dark complexioned people, with dark hair and eyes.

What are the characteristics of Bromine on the mucous membranes?

Coryza, with profuse, watery discharge and soreness of the nose; ulcers, crusts and bloody scabs form in the nose.

What are indications for Bromine in croup?

Deep, hoarse voice; inspiration produces coughing; the breathing is hoarse, rasping and whistling, there is rattling in the larynx, and when the child coughs it sounds as if the larynx were full of mucus. Diphtheria.

What chest symptoms are characteristic?

There is a sensation as if the patient could not get air enough into the chest; there seems to be plenty of mucus, but no ability to expectorate it. The want of air in the chest is due to constriction of the glottis or spasm of the glottis.

What is the cough of Bromine?

It sounds as if the larynx were full of mucus. Cough dry, spasmodic, rough and barking, from tickling in throat, worse during first part of the night, better after midnight.

What is another difference between Bromine and Iodine?

Bromine symptoms are usually unaccompanied by fever, while Iodine is a very feverish remedy.


Give references for Iodine.

Hartlaub and Trinks; Hahnemann’s Chronic Diseases; British Journal of Homoeopathy, Vol. XXI.; Hughes’ Pharmacodynamics.

How is the tincture prepared?

One part of resublimed Iodine dissolved in 99 parts of alcohol. Drug power, 1/100.

Give the general symptoms of Iodine.

It acts chiefly upon the glandular and lymphatic systems, stimulating them at first to an increased action, which is soon followed by marked depression, emaciation and atrophy.

Give principal characteristics of Iodine.

1. Ravenous appetite, with great emaciation.

2. Its action on the glands, causing enlargements.

3. Its fever, distinguished from that of Aconite only by the mental symptoms.

Give indications for Iodine in marasmus.

Extreme hunger, but in spite of this the patient emaciates; the function of the glands is interfered with; there is great torpidity and sluggishness of the system.

What are the symptoms of Iodine in scrofulosis?

Where there is great induration of the glands, they are very sluggish and torpid; the patient is subject to wasting diseases; there is wasting of the mammae, ovaries testicles, etc.

What are some other indications for Iodine in glandular troubles?

In goitre, an enlargement of the thyroid gland, it is a useful remedy; also in orchitis, with pains extending to the abdomen.

When is Iodine indicated in croup?

It is very similar to Bromine; there is a hoarse voice and difficult inspiration; the child grasps at its throat; croup caused by long-continued damp weather, with more fever than in Bromine and the general temperament of the drug.

Give indications for Iodine in pneumonia.

First and second stages, especially in the croupous form, where the hepatization tends to extend rapidly; difficulty in breathing; as if the chest would not expand; cough and blood- streaked sputa, accompanied by high fever.

What is the unique use of Chlorine?

For spasm of the glottis. Inhaled in the form of Chlorine water, and given internally at the same time, it has speedily relieved this affection.


Where are our principal studies of Mercury found?

Hahnemann’s Materia Medica Pura; Allen’s Encyclopaedia; Hughes Pharmacodynamics; Hartmann’s Practical Observations.

What preparations of Mercury do we use in our Materia Medica and how are they prepared?

1. Mercurius solubilis Hahnemanni, triturations of the powder.

2. Mercurius vivus, or Quicksilver, triturations.

3. Mercurius corrosivus, or the Corrosive Sublimate. One part of the pure Sublimate dissolved in 99 parts of alcohol. Drug power, 1/100. Preferable to the trituration on account of stability.

4. Mercurius dulcis, or Calomel, By trituration.

5. Mercurius proto-iodatus, or the Yellow Iodide. By trituration.

6. Mercurius bin-iodatus, or the Red Iodide. By trituration.

7. Mercurius cyanatus. One part, by weight, dissolved in 99 parts of distilled water. Drug power, 1/100. Also by trituration.

8. Mercurius praecip. ruber Trituration.

9. Cinnabaris, or the Sulphide of Mercury. Trituration.

10. Mercurius sulphuricus, or the Sulphate. Triturations.

Give some of the general symptoms of poisoning by Mercury.

The breath has a sickening odor; the taste is metallic; there is nausea and vomiting; the patient is languid, pale, with dark rings about the eyes; the head is hot, the bones ache when the patient gets warm in bed; the mouth is sore; the saliva is profuse; the gums swell and are spongy; the teeth become loose and fall out; the tongue swells; the liver is implicated, also often abscesses form therein, and there is duodenal catarrh, diarrhoea, etc.

What are the chief symptoms of chronic Mercurialism?

The blood is impoverished; the body wastes; there is hectic fever; periosteal pains, worse on any change of weather, especially when warm; the skin is brown and often ulcers form; there is sleeplessness, twitching of the limbs; the mercurial tremor, paralysis and imbecility.

Give the principal homoeopathic antidotes to Mercury, Hepar sulph., China, Nitric acid, Iodine, Dulcamara, Kali iod., Mezereum, Aurum, Asafoetida, Staphisagria and Stillingea.

Give nine characteristics of Mercurius.

1. Fetid breath.

2. Flabby tongue, showing imprint of teeth.

3. Soreness of the throat, externally.

4. Sensitiveness to cold air.

5. Superficial character of ulcerations.

6. Soreness of the right side.

7. Straining, “never-get-done” feeling at stool.

8. Easy perspiration.

9. Great nocturnal aggravation.

What is the difference between Mercurius vivus and Mercurius sol. as regards both composition and general action?

Mercurius vivus is Quicksilver, Mercurius sol. is precipitated Black Oxide of Mercury with Nitric acid and Ammonia; their action is almost identical, as shown by the provings.

W.A. Dewey
Dewey, Willis A. (Willis Alonzo), 1858-1938.
Professor of Materia Medica in the University of Michigan Homeopathic Medical College. Member of American Institute of Homeopathy. In addition to his editoral work he authored or collaborated on: Boericke and Dewey's Twelve Tissue Remedies, Essentials of Homeopathic Materia Medica, Essentials of Homeopathic Therapeutics and Practical Homeopathic Therapeutics.