
Articular rheumatism or subacute rheumatism, the pains are worse from motion.

What action has Ferrum phosphoricum on sleep?

In low potencies it has been found to cause sleeplessness, and in higher potencies it has been used with success in sleeplessness, especially when caused by a hyperaemic condition of the brain.

Give indications for Ferrum phosphoricum in anaemia

It is useful to improve the quality of the red blood corpuscles and follows Calcarea phosphorica well, but should be indicated by general symptoms.


What preparations of Magnesia do we use and how are they prepared?

1. Magnesia carbonica. Triturations of the pure Carbonate

2. Magnesia muriatica. Triturations of the pure Muriate.

3. Magnesia phosphorica. Triturations of the pure Phosphate.

4. Magnesia sulphurica, Epsom Salts. Triturations of the pure Sulphate.


Where do we find data on Magnesia carbonica?

In Hahnemann’s Chronic Diseases; Hartlaub and Trink’s.

What is the general action of the drug?

It acts on the gastro-intestinal organs, producing defective nutrition and colicky pains.

Give three characteristic indications for this drug.

1. Pale, sickly children, with colic and green stools.

2. Toothache of pregnancy.

3. Menses black and flow at night only.

What are the indications for Magnesia carbonica in marasmus?

Puny, sickly children, in whom milk causes pain when taken into the stomach, and is vomited undigested; there are griping, colicky pains; the stools are sour and green as grass; the child is improperly nourished; its mouth is full of ulcers.

What remedy has green stools looking like chopped spinach?



Where are data on this remedy found?

In Hahnemann’s Chronic Diseases; Monthly Homoeopathic Review, Vol. XXI.

Give the general sphere of Magnesia muriatica.

It is useful in women and children. In hysteria, scrofula and liver affections.

Give the liver symptoms of Magnesia muriatica.

Enlargement of the liver; pains worse from touch or from lying on the right side; the tongue is large and yellow and takes the imprint of the teeth, and it is only distinguished from Mercury by the crumbly stools.

What is the constipation of Magnesia mur.? The stools are in hard lumps and passed with great difficulty, and they are so dry that they crumble as they pass the anus.

Give a urinary symptom of Magnesia mur.

Inability to pass water without pressing on the abdominal walls.


Where are the principal data of Magnesia phosphorica found?

In Boericke and Dewey’s Twelve Tissue Remedies of Schussler. Fourth edition.

What is the general action of this drug, which is one of the tissue remedies?

It corresponds to darting, spasmodic pains along the course of the nerves; spasms in different parts of the body; colic, cramps, etc.

What are its main characteristics?

Darting, spasmodic pains, which are relieved by pressure and warmth.

When should it be given in colic?

Where there is intense and spasmodic pain, forcing the patient to bend double, and accompanied by belching of gas, which relieves not; the pains are greatly relieved by the application of warmth.

What are some other spasmodic affections for which Magnesia phosphorica is sometimes indicated?

Spasmodic twitching of the eyelids or facial muscles; hiccough and spasms in teething children, also in spasmodic retention of the urine, spasmodic dysmenorrhoea, in fact, any affection which is purely spasmodic calls for this drug, the great indicating feature being relief from heat.

What is the cough of Magnesia phosphorica?

True spasmodic cough, coming on in paroxysms, without expectoration. Whooping cough is worse at night and accompanied with difficulty in lying down.

What are the nervous symptoms of Magnesia phosphorica?

The patient is languid, tired and exhausted. There are spasmodic convulsions, with stiffness of the limbs, clenched fingers, thumbs drawn in. It is a useful remedy in chorea, with contortions of the limbs; also in cramps, such as writers’ cramp, piano or violin players’ cramps.


What preparations of Lime do we use, and how is each prepared?

1. Calcarea carbonica or Calcarea ostrearum. Triturations of the middle layer of the Oyster shell.

2. Calcarea iodata. Trituration of the pure Iodide o, Calcium.

3. Calcarea fluorica. Triturations of the pure crystallized Fluorspar.

4. Calcarea phosphorica. Triturations of the pure Phosphate.

5. Calcarea sulphurica. Triturations of pure Sulphate of Calcium.

6. Calcarea picrata. Triturations of the pure Picrate of Lime.


Where are data concerning Calcarea carbonica found?

Hahnemann’s Chronic Diseases (also the Acetate); British Journal of Homoeopathy, Vol. XXXIV.

Give the general physiological action of Calcarea.

It causes defective growth, emaciation, glandular troubles. It corresponds to scrofulous affections, with sluggishness of the system, slow dentition, etc.

Give seven characteristics of Calcarea carbonica.

1. Obesity.

2. Sweat about the head.

3. Large abdomen, great head, small neck.

4. Cold feet, feels as if cold, damp stockings were on.

5. Sour vomiting.

6. Diarrhoea, with acid stomach, worse in evening.

7. Shortness of breath.

How many some further characteristics of Calcarea be remembered?

4 Fs.–Fair, fat, forty, flabby.

3 Ss.–Slow, stupid, sluggish.

3 Ps.–Premature, profuse, protracted (menstruation).

What other drugs are especially suitable for fat patients?

Graphites, Capsicum, Pulsatilla and Kali bichromicum.

What is the mental state of the Calcarea patient?

The patient sees objects on closing the eyes which vanish when they are opened; there is also an apprehensive state of them mind, the patient thinks he will go crazy.

Give the stomach symptoms of Calcarea.

Pressure in the stomach, the pit is swollen like a saucer turned bottom side up; sour vomiting and ravenous hunger in the morning; the patient cannot bear anything tight about the waist.

Give the symptoms indicating Calcarea in cholera infantum.

Craving for eggs; milk disagrees; they vomit it in sour cakes or curds; there is a diarrhoea which is worse towards evening; it is greenish, watery, undigested and sour.

What are the stools of Calcarea?

Sour, undigested, smelling very offensive, especially apt to occur in fat children with open fontanelles or during dentition; worse from milk, they contain curds of undigested milk.

What are the female symptoms of Calcarea?

The menses are too early, last too long and are too profuse; there is sweating of the head and cold feet; suppression of the menses from cold; it is a useful remedy in the leucorrhoea of little girls.

What are the respiratory symptoms of Calcarea?

Pain in the right side of the chest; mucous rales which are worse on the right side; purulent expectoration; great emaciation and sweat, there is great shortness of breath, especially on going up stairs; there is dry cough at night, and it is apt to be loose during the day; the expectoration tastes sweetish.

What action has Calcarea upon the skin?

The skin is unhealthy; small wounds suppurate easily; it is useful for certain forms of eczema of the scalp with general Calcarea symptoms.

What is the diarrhoea of Calcarea acetica?

It is a painless diarrhoea which is profuse and no exhausting.

How many it be distinguished from that of Phosphoric acid?

Only by the presence of general Calcarea symptoms.

Give an indication of Calcarea iodide.

Enlarged tonsils where they are filled with little pockets, in scrofulous children who are weak, pale and fat.


Where are complete data concerning this remedy found?

In Boericke and Dewey’s Twelve Tissue Remedies of Schussler. Fourth edition.

What is the general clinical sphere of this remedy?

It corresponds to relaxation of elastic fibres, and will be found useful in dilatation of blood vessels, varicose veins, bloody tumors, etc. Indurated glands and malnutrition of bones, especially of teeth; exostoses.

Give the indications for Calcarea fluorica in bone diseases.

Hard, rough, corrugated elevations on bones, bruises of bones, caries leading to the formation of pelvic abscesses, affections of nasal bones, caries from syphilis or abuse of Mercury.

What are the female symptoms of this remedy?

Excessive menstruation with bearing down pains, flooding; displacements of the uterus; prolapsus; dragging pains in the region of the uterus and in the thighs.

Give the action of Calcarea fluorica on the blood-vessels.

It is useful for dilatation and enlargement of the blood vessels; it is a useful remedy for vascular tumors and for varicose and enlarged veins with sharp, piercing pains in them; varicose veins of the vulva.

What is the backache of Calcarea fluorica?

Backache simulating spinal irritation; pain in the lower part of the back with a fullness or burning pain. Lumbago worse on beginning to move, and relieved by continued motion. Lumbago from strains.

Give uses for Calcarea fluorica in tumors.

Knots, kernels or hardened lumps in the female breast, indurated glands of stony hardness, enlargements in the fasciae and capsular ligaments of joints; felons.


W.A. Dewey
Dewey, Willis A. (Willis Alonzo), 1858-1938.
Professor of Materia Medica in the University of Michigan Homeopathic Medical College. Member of American Institute of Homeopathy. In addition to his editoral work he authored or collaborated on: Boericke and Dewey's Twelve Tissue Remedies, Essentials of Homeopathic Materia Medica, Essentials of Homeopathic Therapeutics and Practical Homeopathic Therapeutics.