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homeopathic medicines derived from Minerals source and acids are explained by W.A.Dewey in his book Essentials of Homeopathic Materia medica and Homeopathic Pharmacy….


Where is the pathogenesis of Fluoric acid found?

In the Materia Medica of American Provings.

What is Fluoric Acid?

It is the acid combination of Hydrogen and Fluorine; it is very excoriating and is kept in rubber bottles, since it eats glass.

How is our tincture prepared?

By dissolving 1 part of the pure acid in 99 parts of distilled water. Must be kept in gutta percha bottles. Drug power, 1/100.

Give its general action.

It acts principally on the bones and skin; it is also has some effect on the glands. It produces also a state of venous congestion and varicosis. It is well indicated often in the complaints of the old or those who are prematurely old.

What are its symptoms on the bones and periosteum?

It produces caries of the long bones, with thin and excoriating discharges, relieved by cold applications. Dental fistulae and bone felons, with offensive discharges.

What are its skin symptoms?

Roughness and harshness of the skin, with great itching in spots; worse from warmth and better from cold.

What is the relation of Fluoric acid to Silicea?

It follows Silicea well, and is especially useful after the abuse of Silicea in suppurations. Silicea is relieved by warmth. Fluoric acid by cold.


Where are the pathogeneses of Muriatic acid found?

Hahnemann’s Materia Medica Pura and Chronic Diseases.

What is Muriatic acid?

The acid of Chlorine or Hydrochloric acid.

How is it prepared?

One part, by weight, of the pure acid (S.G. 1. 16) dissolved in 2 parts of distilled water. Drug power, 1/10.

What is the general action of this remedy?

This acid acts upon the ganglionic system and through it upon the blood, skin and alimentary tract; it increases the coagulability of the blood and renders it prone to disorganization, hence its application in low dynamic conditions, putrid fevers, etc.

Give five characteristics of this remedy.

1. Great general debility.

2. The dry tongue rattling in the mouth.

3. Offensive discharges.

4. Aversion to food.

5. Tendency to involuntary evacuations.

What is the debility of Muriatic acid?

It is general, and so great that the patient slips down to the foot of the bed and must be lifted up every little while, inability to avoid the urine unless the bowels move.

What are the indications for Muriatic acid in typhoid fever?

The tongue is dry and rattles in the mouth. there is a watery diarrhoea, which is often involuntary while urinating; the patient is so weak that he slides down toward the foot of the bed; there is dropping of the lower jaw and cold extremities, the heart is feeble, irregular and intermits every third beat, bedsores, etc.


Where is our pathogenesis of this remedy found?

Hahnemann’s Chronic Diseases.

What is Nitric acid?

An acid combinations of Nitrogen, Oxygen and Hydrogen (HNO3).

How do we prepare it?

One part, by weight, of the pure acid (S.G. 1.42) dissolved in nine parts, by weight, of distilled water. Drug power, 1/10.

What is the general action and principal seat of attack of Nitric acid?

The mucous membranes, especially at the outlets of the body where they join the skin, is the principal seat of action of this remedy. It produces irritation and destructive ulcerations, going on even to gangrene; it also acts on the glands and bones.

What are four grand characteristic symptoms of Nitric acid?

1. Offensive, excoriating discharges.

2. Splinter-like pains.

3. Discharges have a urinous odor.

4. Ulcerations at junction of skin and mucous membranes.

What are the nasal symptoms of Nitric acid?

Offensive excoriating discharges from the nose, accompanied by nosebleed and offensive odor, hard plugs in the nose, which, when detached, leave a raw surface. Syphilitic ozaena.

What are the throat symptoms.

Sensation of a splinter, fishbone or piece of glass in the throat, ulcers in the throat with offensive discharges and odor.

What is the character of the ulceration of Nitric acid?

The ulcers are irregular, deep and filled with exuberant granulations, bleed on slightest touch, have sticking pains in them and burn violently. They are fetid, exude a greenish fluid, and are worse from cold water. To recapitulate: 1. They have ragged, zigzag edges, often raised.

2. Are apt to granulate profusely, proud flesh.

3. Vascular, bleeding easily.

4. Sharp splinter-like pains in them.

What is the diarrhoea of Nitric acid?

The stools are offensive, green and putrid, and are accompanied by a great deal of straining and soreness about the anus; fissure and ulceration about the anus.

What are the urinary symptoms of Nitric acid?

The urine smells as strong as a horse’s urine; burning, tenesmus, and a sensation as if sticks were in the urethra when urinating.

Give some indications for Nitric acid in syphilis.

Secondary syphilis; phagedenic chancres; soreness of the skin and cranial bones, worse from damp weather; ulcers in the throat, irregular in outline; yellowish-brown or copper-colored spots over the body.

What symptoms of Mercury does Nitric acid antidote?

The restlessness, mental anxiety, periosteal pains, the ophthalmia, ptyalism, ulceration of the mouth and throat, and the caries of bone.

What is the cough of Nitric acid?

Dry, tickling cough, worse at night on first lying down and often starting from a particular spot in the larynx. Little or no expectoration but great physical depression.

What are the indications for its use in phthisis?

Difficult, green purulent expectoration; night sweats; soreness of the chest; hectic; hemorrhage; dyspnoea and hoarseness, worse in the morning. Stitching through right chest to scapula, the sweats are particularly exhausting. Diarrhoea worse evenings. Worse in warm weather.

Compare Calcarea carbonica here.

Pale, light complexion, painless hoarseness, the chest soreness is worse from touch or pressure, dyspnoea and dizziness on going upstairs, morning diarrhoea, and a loose and rattling cough are the characteristics of Calcarea; while thin, dark complexion, stinging hoarseness, chest soreness not worse from touch or pressure, palpitation and intermittent pulse on going up stairs, evening diarrhoea, and tight dry cough are the characteristics of Nitric acid. Worse in cold weather is characteristic of Calcarea

When would Nitric acid be indicated in typhoid fever?

When the stools are green, offensive and slimy, with hemorrhage from the bowels; fainting from least movement; threatened paralysis of the lungs, rattling breathing and intermittent pulse.

Give the general differences between mineral and vegetable acids, in regard to their action.

Mineral acids produce a scorbutic state of the system; with manifest tendency to ulcers and low forms of disease-typhoid diseases.

Vegetable acids cause great debility, but in a less degree than mineral acids and they show a tendency to the production of a membrane in the throat.


Where is the pathogenesis of Phosphoric acid found?

Hahnemann’s Materia Medica Pura.

What is Phosphoric acid?

It is ordinary Phosphoric acid of the chemist.

How is prepared?

One part, by weight, of purified Glacial phosphoric acid is dissolved in 90 parts, by weight, of distilled water and 10 parts of alcohol added. Drug power, 1/100. This is marked 2x.

Give the general action of Phosphoric acid.

It produces nervous prostration and debility; an atonic condition of the gastro-intestinal tract; and bone affections.

Mention three grand characteristics uses of Phosphoric acid.

1. Debility from nervous causes.

2. Painless, watery, non-exhausting diarrhoea.

3. Ailments from sexual excesses.

Describe the debility calling for Phosphoric acid.

It is a nervous debility, arising from continued grief, over-exertion of mind, sexual excess or any nervous strain on the body; it is characterized by indifference, apathy, and torpidity of body and mind.

Give the diarrhoea.

It is watery, painless, oftentimes undigested diarrhoea, preceded by rumbling in the bowels and despite the frequency of the stool the patient does not seem weakened by it; the keynotes are absence of pain and absence of exhaustion. Diarrhoea from fear.

The essentials are: 1. Rumbling in the abdomen.

2. Perspiration of whole body.

3. Thin watery painless stools.

4. Much thirst.

Give the indications for Phosphoric acid in effects of grief.

Bad effects of grief due to depressing emotions, disappointed love, and also for homesickness. Pain on vertex as if crushed, is a valuable symptom.

How does Ignatia compare here?

Ignatia is more for the immediate effects, while Phosphoric acid is more for the chronic, long lasting effects, coming in after Ignatia.

Give the indication for Phosphoric acid in diabetes.

Glycosuria and Polyuria, urine looks milky or like jelly after standing; great debility; cough on slightest exposure; bruised feeling in muscles and burning in the spine; urine loaded with phosphates showing a greasy pellicle. Especially in diabetes of nervous origin, urine contains much sugar, cases due to grief, worriment and anxiety, loss of appetite, thirst, boils, indifferent and apathetic.

What are some clinical indications for Uranium nitricum, another remedy for diabetes?

W.A. Dewey
Dewey, Willis A. (Willis Alonzo), 1858-1938.
Professor of Materia Medica in the University of Michigan Homeopathic Medical College. Member of American Institute of Homeopathy. In addition to his editoral work he authored or collaborated on: Boericke and Dewey's Twelve Tissue Remedies, Essentials of Homeopathic Materia Medica, Essentials of Homeopathic Therapeutics and Practical Homeopathic Therapeutics.