
What remedy has swelling over the upper lid like a little bag, and occurring more often in the morning?

Kali carb.

How does Apis compare with Rhus in eye affections?

There is less tendency to formation of pus with Apis than with Rhus. Rhus is relieved by warmth and Apis by cold.

What are the indications for Apis in glossitis or inflammation of the tongue?

Great swelling; vesicles on the tips and sides of the tongue; the tongue is very sore and dry, in fact, the whole mouth is sore.

Give the symptoms calling for Apis in diphtheria.

Great oedema of the throat; stinging pains; elongated, swollen and oedematous uvula and tonsils; breathing is difficult from swelling of the throat and tongue; the throat has a red, varnished appearance.

What laryngeal symptoms have we under Apis?

OEdema of the glottis.

Give the stool of Apis.

Thin, watery, yellow diarrhoea worse in the morning; the child is much debilitated and emaciated. Involuntary stools at every movement, as if the anus stood constantly open.

What are the characteristic urinary symptoms of Apis?

Urine scanty or suppressed, with general oedema and drowsiness, lack of thirst and suffocation on lying down. Albuminous urine with tube casts.

What symptoms does Apis produce in the external genital organs of both sexes?

OEdematous swellings of the scrotum, testicles or labiae.

What are the symptoms indicating Apis in ovarian troubles?

It affects especially the right ovary. Ovaritis with soreness in the inguinal region, with burning and stinging and tumefaction. Ovarian cysts in their incipiency; numbness down the thigh; tightness across the chest or a reflex cough accompanying.

What are the peculiar respiratory symptoms of Apis?

Difficult breathing, “he does not see how he can get another breath,” cough seeming to start from a little spot in the larynx, relieved by a little expectoration. OEdematous conditions about the chest and lungs.

Give the general symptoms of the extremities.

Affections of the joints with burning, stinging pains, swelling from effusions; the skin over the joints feeling tightly stretched; oedema of the extremities.

What affection of the skin is especially met by Apis?

Urticaria or nettle rash; they are pinkish white welts which itch and sting intolerably.

Give two remedies having urticaria from eating shell fish.

Urtica urens and Terebinth.

Give the symptoms of Apis in erysipelas.

It is of a rosy, pinkish hue, later livid and purple, the parts become quickly oedematous, and there is a bruised sore feeling to the skin.

Give the symptoms of Apis in dropsy.

The skin is waxy and transparent like alabaster; the urine is scanty and albuminous, or with a dark sediment like coffee grounds. Patient is thirstless.

How does Acetic acid compare here?

There is a waxy look about the face and limbs and a great predominance of gastric symptoms, thirst and waterbrash.

What are the febrile symptoms of Apis?

Chill without thirst, followed by burning heat of the whole body and oppression of the chest, sweat partial without thirst.


When was Cantharis introduced into homoeopathic literature?

In Hahnemann’s original works; Hartlaub and Trinks; Allen’s Encyclopaedia.

What is Cantharis?

It is the Spanish fly, and the tincture is made of one part of dried Spanish flies and five parts of alcohol. Triturations are made of the powdered insect.

What is the general action of Cantharis?

Its special field of action is the mucous membrane of the genito-urinary tract, producing violent inflammation throughout this system; it also affects the gastro-intestinal and respiratory mucous membranes.

What peculiar eye symptoms has this drug?

Objects look yellow.

What are the indications for Cantharis in facial erysipelas?

Erysipelas beginning on the dorsum of the nose and spreading to right cheek with the formation of large vesicles, which break and discharge an excoriating fluid.

What are the throat symptoms?

Burning from the mouth to the stomach; throat highly inflamed and covered with plastic lymph; spasm and intense constriction about the throat.

What are the symptoms of Cantharis in dysentery?

Discharge of blood streaked mucus, looking like scrapings of the intestines; cutting and burning in the anus; the tenesmus of the bladder predominates over that of the intestines.

Give in brief the urinary symptoms of Cantharis.

Persistent and violent urging to urinate, with great tenesmus; the urine is passed only in drops, and seems like molten lead passing through the urethra; intense burning on urination, and aching in the small of the back.

What are the sexual symptoms?

Intense sexual excitement. Gonorrhoea, with intense irritation and persistent erections, the discharge is purulent and bloody; useful when the disease has been sent to the bladder by injections.

What are the female symptoms of Cantharis?

Nymphomania, with the bladder symptoms; menses too black, too early, and too profuse; it favors the expulsion of moles, hydatids, etc.

What is the general effect of Cantharis on the skin?

It produces large blisters and bullae, which are filled with an excoriating fluid, the skin burns like fire; it is a useful remedy for burns and scalds when blebs form on a yellowish base. In herpes zoster it is almost specific.


What is the general action of the Spider poisons?

Spider bites produce, in general, a coldness and a tendency to periodical recurrence of their symptoms. They correspond to poisoned conditions of the blood and to nervous affections.

What are the different varieties of Tarentula?

The Tarentula Hispana or the Lycosa tarantula, of which we make triturations of the entire live spider, and the Tarentula Cubensis or the hair spider.

Give the general symptoms of the Tarentula Hispana.

Its chief characteristic is extreme restlessness; the patient must be in constant motion, though motion aggravates; must be doing something all the time; useful in hysterical affections.

What is the use of Tarentula Cubensis?

It produces a perfect picture of sloughing carbuncle with great prostration, and it relieves the atrocious pains accompanying it.

What is the Mygale lasiodora?

A large Black spider, a native of Cuba; tincture from live insect.

In what affection is it used?

In chorea, where there are twitchings of the facial muscles, irregular convulsive movements of one side of the body, the words are jerked out, the movements cease during sleep, but return more violent in the morning.

What is Theridion?

The Orange spider of the West Indies. Tincture from the live animal.

What is the headache of Theridion?

Periodical over the left eye, throbbing and shooting, aggravated by the heat of the sun and noise, and associated with vertigo and deathly nausea,which is worse on closing the eyes and from the least motion or jar, as walking across the floor. Extreme sensitiveness to noise.

What is the use of Theridion in phthisis?

In phthisis florida where there are stitching pains through to the back and in the left chest, with great cardiac anxiety.

What is the Aranea diadema?

It is the Cross spider. Called “Cross ” also “Papal Cross,” on account of the marking on its back resembling a cross; a large black spider of the Central States, especially Kentucky and Tennessee. Tincture from live animal.

What is its generally applicability?

It corresponds to that which Grauvogl termed the hydrogenoid constitution, wherein there is a great deficiency of warmth and great susceptibility to dampness.

Give two peculiar symptoms of Aranea.

1. Numbness of the parts supplied by the ulnar nerve.

2. Boring, digging pain in the os calcis.

W.A. Dewey
Dewey, Willis A. (Willis Alonzo), 1858-1938.
Professor of Materia Medica in the University of Michigan Homeopathic Medical College. Member of American Institute of Homeopathy. In addition to his editoral work he authored or collaborated on: Boericke and Dewey's Twelve Tissue Remedies, Essentials of Homeopathic Materia Medica, Essentials of Homeopathic Therapeutics and Practical Homeopathic Therapeutics.