What drugs have suppression of menses from violent emotions such as fright, etc.?
Aconite Lycopodium, Opium, and Veratrum.
Give indications for Calcarea carb. in menstrual suppression.
First menses are delayed, and there is apt to be congestion bout head and chest; there is palpitation of the heart, dyspnoea worse when ascending and headache. In scrofulous subjects and those with cold, damp feet, who perspire easily about he head.
How does Belladonna come in here?
With Belladonna there is a rush or blood to head throbbing in temples, subjective feeling coldness and feeling of weight and fulness in pelvis; much beating down.
Give indications for Pulsatilla, which is a useful remedy in a majority of cases.
Amenorrhoea caused by getting feet wet is the characteristic, with general Pulsatilla symptoms and conditions.
What other drug has Amenorrhoea from getting the feet wet?
Dulcamara. This drug is characterized further by an eruption on the skin at each menstrual period.
What are the indications for Ferrum in delayed menses?
Delayed first menses with debility, languor, palpitation, sickly complexion and puffiness about ankles.
Mention two drugs useful for vicarious menstruation and give some indications therefore.
Bryonia. Epistaxis in place of menstrual discharge; dry cough; oppression of chest and heaviness of head; symptoms all worse from motion.
Phosphorus. Spitting and vomiting of blood at menstrual periods; especially useful in tall, slender, phthisical subjects.
Give indications for Apis in Amenorrhoea.
Congestion to head and bearing down in uterine region, Hysterical, nervous and awkward with flushing of face, or a puffy, waxy, conditions; pains in right ovary.
When might Cimicifuga be useful in Amenorrhoea?
When the menses are irregular, tardy or suppressed and accompanied by, reflex nervous disturbances.
Mention a few other remedies that may be useful in Amenorrhoea.
Graphites. Sepia, Sulphur, and Natrum mur.
What auxiliary measures may be used in this affection?
Hot sitz baths and hot water injections; these are especially indicated where the suppression is caused by exposure to cold or getting wet, and there is bearing down in pelvis.