A drawing tearing beneath the left patella, not disappearing on motion (after fifty-four hours). Drawing stitches in the left knee-joint, while sitting; at times jerking in it. Drawing stitches in the right knee-joint, aggravated by motion.

Stitchlike pain on the inner margin of the knee. A pressive sticking pain on the outer side of the knee, while stepping and when touched. Dull stitches in the knee-joint near the patella, on touch the stitches change to pressive pain. Dull stitches in the right knee-joint, immediately after rising in the morning, aggravated by motion (after five days). Burning stitches on the outer side beneath the left knee, at intervals. Leg. Tearing pain in the muscles of one or the other leg, while standing and sitting (after a few minutes). A pressive drawing on the tibia, while sitting (after six hours). Boring stitch in the right tibia during rest (after half an hour, and thirty-five hours).

Heaviness and tension in the calves. Cramp, especially in the upper and lower portions of the calves on waking from sleep, relieved neither by stretching up nor by bending up the leg; after the pain had diminished it was again aggravated, and became very acute on thinking of it (after six hours). An intolerable cramp in the calf and sole of the foot of the leg upon which he was lying woke him from the afternoon nap (after twenty-four hours). She could not fall asleep, in bed in the evening, on account of pain in the calves; she did not know where she should put her limbs, she was constantly obliged to move them from place to place in order to have some relief; the same sensation in the calves even when she rose in the night, and again on lying down in bed (after thirty-seven hours). Paralytic pressure in the muscles of the right calf, towards the outer part, aggravated by touch. Sticking tearing in and beneath the right calf and above the left heel (after one, and ten hours). An itching stitch in the right calf, persistent while standing and walking, disappearing on scratching (after seventy-eight hours). Ankle. A drawing pressure transversely across the ankle, especially during motion. Sticking itching just above the right outer malleolus; it provokes scratching, but leaves no special sensation. Burning itching on the right inner malleolus (after four days). Foot.

Painless swelling of the backs of both feet, lasting a long time (after thirteen days). Pressive tearing in the left metatarsal bones close to the ankle (after five hours and a half).

Constrictive sensation of heaviness in the left metatarsal bones close to the ankle (after three hours and a half). Pressive pain on the inner side of the sole of the left foot during rest (after twenty-nine hours) Crawling and prickling in the sole of the foot which rests over the other while sitting, as if asleep (after seventeen hours). Toe. Swelling of the metatarsal bone of the right little toe, which was painful to touch. Pressive burning in the tip of the right great toe during rest (after four hours and a half). Sticking itching in the right great toe.


He becomes pale, dizzy, and falls to the side as in a faint, in the forenoon, after rising from a seat; a similar attack occurs about the same time the following day. The whole body starts up, frequently for several nights, both the arms and legs, as if some one suddenly tickled them, a kind of spasmodic jerking, though painless; he was very hot though lightly covered, but without thirst and without sweat. Weakness of the whole body, especially of the knees, when walking. Weariness and weakness of the body, in the morning (after four hours and a half). In the morning in bed she is very weary without sleepiness, all the limbs are sore as if bruised, and as if there was no strength in them, for an hour. Great weariness and inclination to sleep, in the afternoon while sitting (after three days). Great weariness, in the morning on waking, which, however, soon disappears. Great weariness and sleepiness, after eating, feels the need for lying down, soon falls asleep, wakes confused and heavy in the limbs, and dreads to walk; on continuing to walk, which is very irksome, especially on ascending a hill, he feels more active and lively, indeed is more vigorous after a long ramble. Painfulness of the whole body as if bruised, with an excessively weak sensation, worse on motion, renewed and aggravated by walking after sitting (after forty hours). Pain in all the bones. General bruised sensation when walking, better when sitting and lying down; especially in the calves; an excessively weary pain as if beaten; she could scarcely drag along the feet. Paralytic drawing in various parts of the body, especially in the joints, if the limbs are kept long in an unusual or uncomfortable position. Drawing-tearing pain, here and there, in the muscles of the whole body, while sitting (after eight and a half, and thirty-four hours). Sharp itching stitches in various parts of the body.


Objective. Papular eruption on the face, forehead, cheeks, and about the mouth and wrist, which caused a drawing itching, ceasing only for a short time on scratching and then returning as a sticking. Fine papular eruption on the face, forehead, cheeks, and near the corners of the mouth, which caused a sticking itching, and when touched a pain as if suppurating (after nine hours). Eruption of small (itching? ) isolated pimples on the face. Pimples about the inflamed eye. A large but painless pimple surrounded by a white tip in the fossa behind the lobule of the ear. Itching pimples on the nape of the neck. Some pimples on the neck. Rash on the chest; on becoming warm it was red and itching. A tetter like eruption on the lower ribs consisting of small, thick, red pimples, with burning-itching fine sticking, as from nettles; after rubbing the spot was painful; together with creeping chill over the part and over the upper abdomen. Eruption of pimples as large as peas over the whole abdomen and thighs, which itch, and when scratched off are moist, but then have a burning pain. Papular eruption on the elbow and towards the hand.

On the forearm a red elevation, in the middle of which is a pustule, with burning pain during rest, still more painful, like a boil, when touched. On the hands a tetter, which itches, in the evening, and burns after scratching. Tetter on the thighs and legs. A kind of gooseflesh, without chilliness, in both thighs and legs, especially numerous red and white pimples on them, with whitish pus at the tips, without the slightest sensation (after ten days). Pimples with burning-itching pain on the leg. The skin of an ulcerated leg becomes covered with a thin crust, from which yellow water exudes, with jerking and pricking pains.

Itching on the leg, in the evening in bed; after rubbing flat ulcers appear with violent pain. Subjective. Tearing jerking in an ulcer. Tearing and jerking about the ulcers during rest, in the morning and evening, which cease when walking. The papular eruption on the face sometimes causes a tensive sore pain; when touched it is as painful as if suppurating. Burning sensation, here and there, though always only in the limbs, never in other parts of the body. Violent burning pain in the ulcers, in the evening for an hour after lying down, so that he could not fall asleep. Burning-itching biting on the nates, as if rough woollen were drawn over the skin, in the evening in bed; disappearing on scratching and returning in another place. Crawling on the inner surfaces of the toes, which does not provoke scratching, it seems as if they had been asleep. Crawling on the thighs and legs (that had been swollen, hard, elastic for many years), with a sensation as if the parts were internally hot, would burst, and were very heavy. Biting as from salt in an ulcer. Sticking burning, here and there, in the skin. Stitches like fleabites on the hands, nape of the neck, head, lower limbs, etc. (after one hour and a half). Burning itching in the little toes, as if they had been frozen, in the evening; they are painful on touch, and the painful spots are red, for four days (after twelve hours).

The tetter itches only at night. Itching over the head and whole body, especially in the morning; a creeping itching and crawling as from the creeping of an insect, which goes from place to place. Salty biting itching in an ulcer. Itching on the cheeks.

Voluptuous itching about the scrotum, that constantly increases on rubbing until it becomes a superficial sore pain, while this disappears the itching still continues, and at last causes an emission (after five, six, and eight days). (* Relieved by smelling Ambra.-HAHNEMANN. *) Itching on the right tibia above the outer malleolus, which does not disappear on rubbing (after two hours and a half). Itching on the tendo Achillis above the heel. A painful burning itching on the inner side of the two toes, just as if they had been frozen (after four hours). Itching burning in the right little toe, as if it had been frozen, in the evening; it is painful even on slight pressure.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.