
A constriction in the hypochondriac region, oppressing the chest and impeding respiration, lasting three days (after two days). A tension transversely through the upper abdomen, in the hypochondria (such as hypochondriacs complain of), causing anxiety and dyspnoea, in the morning in bed while fasting.

Umbilicus and Sides. Cutting in the umbilical region seeming to be external, in three paroxysms, in the evening in bed. A long- continued dull stitch in the region of the navel, aggravated by expiration and by pressure (after eight hours). Pinching stitches, sharp and rhythmical, to the left above the navel.

Rumbling in the left side of the abdomen (after one hour).

Drawing in the sides of the abdomen, extending downward, as if the menses would appear (after four days). Hard painful pressure in the right side beneath the umbilicus. Pinching stitch in the left side, in the abdominal viscera (after thirty-eight hours).

General Abdomen. Loud rumbling in the abdomen. Rumbling and colic, for many days. Rumbling in the abdomen after dinner, sounding like forming and bursting bubbles. Violent rumbling and gurgling in the abdomen, without pain and without emission of flatus (after one hour and a half). Great emission of flatus. Hot flatus (after thirty-six hours). Emission of indescribably offensive flatus. Incarceration of flatus in the abdomen, the first eight hours. An excessive amount of offensive flatus, for many days. Much flatulence is caused, and much flatus of a bad odor is passed, for thirty-six hours. The abdomen feels compressed, causing tightness of breath. Griping pain, twisting about, here and there, in the whole abdomen (after two hours and a half). Griping transversely across the abdomen, and drawing in the sides, in the abdominal muscles, as if diarrhoea would occur.

Griping in the upper abdomen, in the morning, as if diarrhoea would occur, though he could not go to stool. Griping in the intestines, with emission of flatus (after thirteen hours).

Transient pressive pain beneath the last ribs, as from incarcerated flatus. Pressure, together with heaviness and tension, in the abdomen. A tensive painful pressure in the abdomen as if he had eaten too much, and then pressed upon the abdomen, with nausea, and accumulation of saliva in the mouth.

Heaving sensation and intimations of diarrhoea, in the abdomen.

Bruised pain in the abdomen (after forty-eight hours). Drawing pain transversely through the abdomen. Drawing pain in the abdomen, as from flatulence. Cutting colic in the morning before stool. Spasmodic cutting in the abdomen, with trembling of the knees; during the day, on the slightest motion, especially after urinating; in the evening cutting, even when not moving, which is relieved by bending up. Cutting in the intestines, especially always after eating and drinking, together with so great nausea that water collects in the mouth, with great weakness; after the pain there is great heat in the face, and the blood rushes to the head, even the veins on the hands swell up. Cutting in the abdomen, with violent urging to stool, followed by very thin scanty discharge, with internal chilliness of the head; the evacuation was immediately followed by a kind of tenesmus.

Cutting and digging in the upper and lower abdomen, with desire for stool, followed by thin stool, though little was passed after the evacuation, renewed desire and increased colic, though with out evacuation in spite of every effort, a kind of tenesmus, which, together with the colic, was only relieved after he had risen from stool. Tensive stitch in the left abdominal muscles (after thirty-two hours). Violent drawing-burning stitches, seeming to extend from the right abdominal ring as if in the spermatic cord into right testicle (which, however, was not painful to touch), while sitting standing, and walking, most violent while stooping (after thirty-three hours). A persistent stitchlike pain in the abdomen, beneath the right ribs, only when beginning to walk in the open air. Hypogastrium and Iliac Region.

Rumbling in the lower abdomen and drawing in the intestinal canal. Bruised pain above the hips, in the loins, then extending to the navel, noticed on stooping, but also painful on touch (after eighteen hours). Painless swollen inguinal glands, which are most noticed when walking and standing, lasting many days (after thirty-six hours). Dull stitch in the left groin, aggravated by pressure, but disappearing on inspiration and expiration (after eighty-four hours).

Rectum and Anus.

Constant pressive pain in the rectum, while sitting. A pressing pain deep in the rectum, for three-quarters of an hour after a hard stool. A smarting sore pain in the rectum, for a long time after a stool. Violent itching in the anus, with pimples.

Itching in the anus while sitting, when not at stool (after seven hours). After an evacuation of stool, another ineffectual urging follows without any stool in the rectum. He is frequently obliged to go to stool, without colic; always very scanty and very hard faeces were passed, with pain in the anus as if it would split.


Diarrhoea, in the morning, preceded by cutting pain and nausea; the last stool consisted only of mucus. (* The following four symptoms seem to have been caused by too large a dose, which makes almost every drug act as a purge; for the primary action of this drug seems to be a pressive colic at stool, constipation, and either a very scanty, hard, or more seldom, a thin evacuation, which has also been noticed by other provers.

Compare ss.

326, 327, 332, 368, 369, 370. *) Diarrhoea, with colic, the last part slimy (after forty-two and eighty-four hours). A thin stool passes unconsciously, with a sensation as if flatus would pass (after two hours). Diarrhoea-like stool mixed with flatus (after three hours). Several usual thin stools, several days in succession. In the morning, immediately after a hard stool, a very thin, copious, yellow one. Stool soft (after forty-nine hours). Stool soft, but difficult to evacuate, on account of constriction in the anus, as from hemorrhoids. Difficult stool; first the evacuation of hard faeces followed by softer, with great distress and straining, as if the rectum were constricted, with continued but ineffectual effort, followed by tenesmus. A natural hard stool passed with flatus intermixed. Hard scanty stool, with burning-cutting pain in the abdomen (after ten hours). Hard, scanty, thin stool passed, with pressive pain in the anus (after twenty-six hours). Stool hard (first day); none (second day); hard again (third day); natural (fourth day).

Constipation, for several days (first days). Stools twelve hours later than usual, and passed in small pieces (after fourteen, and fifteen hours). The stool was delayed a long time, on account of lack of peristaltic action of the large intestines.

Urinary organs.-Kidneys and Bladder.

Itching needle like stitches in the region of the kidneys.

Pressure upon the bladder, on waking from sleep; she is obliged to urinate much, and still after an hour there was a renewed desire to urinate, with pressure. Urethra. Discharge of prostatic fluid during the evacuation of a hard stool. Pain, as from a sprain, in the upper part of the urethra behind the pubis, immediately after micturition. A biting-burning crawling in the orifice of the urethra, when not urinating. A burning in the whole of the urethra for several days, with every micturition. A burning far back in the urethra, while sitting, only when not urinating. A kind of burning in the middle of the urethra, when not urinating (after six hours). Cutting pain during micturition, still worse afterwards. Micturition and Urine. Frequent urging to urinate, with much discharge (after six hours). Urging to urinate; scarcely a spoonful was passed, mostly of a dark-yellow red color, in a thin stream; at times dribbling of urine, always followed by a sensation as if the bladder were not yet empty, for some dribbling continued. On coughing, the urine involuntarily spurted from her. The first four days the urine was passed every quarter of an hour in a small quantity; on the following days the usual amount was passed, was of a dark color, and always every hour. He was obliged to urinate frequently, but little was passed; on the second day an increased quantity, but less frequently. Micturition more frequent and scantier than in health (after seven days). More frequent micturition of very scanty, dark-colored urine for three days. Frequent evacuation of watery urine at first, after a few days dark-yellow urine. Micturition frequent, but always scanty; about a cupful of dark urine (after twenty-four hours). Micturition copious and very frequent, for several days (after twenty-four, and forty hours). Micturition, at night, with erection, at last only dribbling, with burning in the neck of the bladder, with ineffectual desire for stool; relieved by lying bent up. Urinating less frequently than during the first days, yet more frequently than in health, and more in quantity than during the first day (after three to seven days).

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.