Ulcer on the lip, with gnawing-drawing pains (after thirty-seven hours). An ulcer on the margin of the red of the lower lip, with a shiny look, with dull sticking-drawing pain, at times associated with a not disagreeable itching, which provokes scratching, and is followed by dull sticking (after six hours).

Ulcer on the lip, discharge at fist of pus, afterwards of only greenish water (after three days). A scurfy ulcer in the middle of the upper lip. A pimple covered with a scab, in the red of the upper lip, with a burning sensation. Burning for a minute, almost in the middle of the upper lid, on the outer margin.

Sensation of fine cutting in the lip, as if it were cracked.

Sharp pressive stitches, from within outward, in the upper lip.

China Induration like a cartilage, as large as a hazelnut, as though the glands were swollen beneath the chin anteriorly by the symphysis, with a hard pressive pain, when swallowing or when touched, or when rubbed by the neck-band (after twenty-six hours). A tensive sensation, as if a pimple would form, on the lower anterior part of the chin, below the margin of the lower jaw. Pain in the articulation of the jaw, when yawning. The right articulation of the lower jaw, in the front of the ear, is apt to get out of joint when yawning, with sticking pain.


The teeth soon become black, she is obliged to clean them twice a day, and still black streaks remain across them. A tooth that had for a long time been a little decayed rapidly became hollow, within eight days. A piece scales off from the posterior surface of an incisor (after twenty-eight hours). Toothache caused by drawing air into the mouth, toothache on eating, the teeth are not firm but wabble about when touched; he cannot chew his food properly, for when chewing or pressing the teeth together, it seems as though the teeth were pressed deeper into the gum; therewith the gum is white (after fifty-six hours). Pain in a hollow tooth, always after eating, a biting drawing (but in the incisors a pressure), which is excessively aggravated in the open air, even while the mouth is closed, which gradually ceased in the house, for several days (after five days). The hollow teeth are sensitive to the slightest touch, and if after eating the slightest food remains in the cavities, there is a violent pain, extending into the roots of the teeth, and the gum about the teeth becomes painfully sore. Any cold drinks seems to penetrate the teeth as if they were hollow. A painful draft in the teeth, from time to time, followed by throbbing in the gums.

The teeth begin to grumble, while chewing. A piercing drawing in a tooth itself, that becomes hollow, and in corresponding one on the other side, in the morning. Pressive-drawing toothache in the anterior teeth, as after Mercury, worse at night towards morning.

Violent drawing toothache, with swelling of the cheek, pressive headache in the same side, and heat in the face. Drawing pain, only in a hollow tooth, in the morning (after seventy-two hours).

Pressive-drawing toothache on the right side, caused by cold water. Tearing toothache, immediately after eating and chewing, as also after drinking anything cold, which disappears within half an hour, but immediately returns on chewing; drink that is not cool or liquid food do not cause pain; the pain is not caused by motion, but if it exists it is aggravated thereby, especially by motion in the open air. Tearing, first in the roots of a hollow tooth, then extending forward into the crown, only immediately after eating and chewing, greatly aggravated in the open air; together with a pressure in the upper part of the crown of the painful teeth, extending towards their roots; when touched with the finger the other teeth also begin to pain (after nine days). Tearing in all the roots of the teeth, with a feeling as if on the edge when biting on them (after forty hours). Violent tearing in the roots of the teeth, with drawing in the muscles of the face, now in one, now in the other side. Tickling sticking in the back teeth of the right lower jaw (after a quarter of an hour). Biting pain in the four lower front teeth, especially at night. Gum. Swelling of the gum, with heat in the cheek. The inner surface of the gum is painful and swollen, and is even painful on swallowing. The gum bleeds when pressed upon and on cleaning the teeth, for many days. The gum becomes eaten away.

The gum becomes pale and white. A pimple on the gum, not of itself painful, but only when pressed with anything hard (after seventeen days). A vesicle changing to an ulcer, on the inner side of the gum, full of sticking-drawing pain. The gum of the upper and lower right teeth is spasmodically and painfully contracted, so that he cannot separate the teeth on account of pain. The gum is painful when touched. Painful drawing in the gum of the right incisor and canine teeth, and in their roots, which extends into the muscles of the lower jaw (after twenty-six hours). Painful drawing in the gum of the last back teeth and in their roots, *Tearing in the gum and roots of the lower back teeth, while eating (after seventy-two hours). Tongue. White- coated tongue (after twenty-seven hours); (after forty-six hours). Dryness of the tongue, together with touch mucus in the posterior nares, which stops them. Sensation of dryness of the tongue; collection of sour water in the mouth, together with hard mucus stopping the choanae. A sore pain on the anterior portion of the tongue. Stitches in the tip of the tongue, even when not touched. Sticking pain on the margin of the tongue, when pressed against the palate, as if a splinter were sticking into it, disappearing when eating. General Mouth. Constant accumulation of mucus, without a bad taste in the mouth. A blister in the mouth.

Raw and scraped, but very moist palate. Pressive smarting on the palate posteriorly only, when not swallowing (after four, and five hours). Burning scratching in the palate, when swallowing and when not. Stitches in the palate when it is dry, in the evening (after twelve hours). Stitches in the palate, extending into the brain. Saliva. Salivation. The mouth is constantly full of water, as in great hunger. Accumulation of water in the mouth after eating, a kind of waterbrash. Accumulation of saliva in the mouth. Bloody saliva (immediately). Taste. A qualmish insipid taste in the mouth, though food has a good taste. A disgusting bitter taste to food (after forty-six hours). Disgusting bitter taste in the mouth. Watery taste in the mouth, though food has a natural taste. Bread has a sour taste. Food has no taste, though he has an appetite. Bread has a sourish taste. Smoking tobacco has a biting taste.


Dryness of the throat, especially in the evening before falling asleep; sticking in the throat, on swallowing. Throat rough, as if painfully sore, when talking and swallowing. (Drinking beer causes a scraping, disagreeable taste in the throat). Painful drawing, extending from the hyoid bone deep into the neck beneath the lower jaw, aggravated by touching the side of the neck (after forty-eight hours). Scraping sensation in the fauces behind the nares, as if one had drawn snuff through. Swelling of the tonsils and submaxillary glands. Swelling of the submaxillary gland, which prevents swallowing, for four hours (after three hours).

The submaxillary glands are painful as if swollen and bruised.

The submaxillary glands are painful to touch, and also pain by themselves.

Stomach.-Appetite and Thirst.

Excessively ravenous hunger, even when stomach was full of food, and when he ate again the food was relished. He is attacked with a violent sensation of hunger, with accumulation of water, a few hours after a large nourishing meal. An apparent sensation of hunger in the stomach, as if it were hanging relaxed, yet without appetite. Great desire for milk. Thirstlessness; he drinks less than usual. Eructations. Eructation several times (after a quarter of an hour). Eructations tasting of the food. Eructations of tasteless liquid, after eating. Tasteless eructations; but neither air nor anything else comes up. A kind of eructations; a large amount of mucus comes into the mouth from the upper part of the throat (after half an hour). Scraping eructations that effects the larynx and cause cough (scraping heartburn). Frequent empty eructations. Hiccough. Frequent hiccough, associated with nausea and stupefaction of the head (after three-quarters of an hour). Frequent hiccough, while smoking tobacco, as usual. Much hiccough, half an hour after supper. Hiccough, always after eating. Heartburn. Heartburn, during his usual smoke. Nausea and Vomiting. Nausea, in the mouth and pharynx, caused by eating, as if he would vomit (after nine hours). Nausea, even to vomiting, every morning. Qualmishness. He is qualmish and unsettled in his stomach, for three days. Qualmishness, immediately; water collects in the mouth, with short isolated eructations as from an emetic which would not act. Qualmish sensation, in the morning (after one hour). Stomach. Fullness in the pit of the stomach, and pressure and sticking in it. Pressure in the stomach as from a weight, in the morning in bed after waking, not relieved by any change of position (after six hours). Pressure like a soreness, above the pit of the stomach, with nausea. A pinching- pressive pain in the pit of the stomach, which only disappears on sitting and bending the body forward (after one hour). Tensive pain in the epigastric region (after thirteen hours). Burrowing pain in the stomach.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.