Secretion of very little urine during the first day. (* The urinary symptoms are similar to those of the stool, as may also be noticed in the observations of others.-HAHNEMANN. *) Urine red, frequent.

Sexual organs.-Male.

A soft moist growth in the fossa, behind the corona glandis, and a similar one on the glans itself, in both of which itching is caused by the rubbing of the shirt. Moisture on the corona glandis, beneath the prepuce. Erection, without lascivious thoughts and without emission, the whole night. Excessive erections all night, without emission (after sixteen hours).

Sticking pain in the right side of the glans penis, while standing and walking. Painless bubbling in the scrotum. Itching within the scrotum, which is only somewhat relieved by pressure and rubbing between the fingers. Pressive drawing (tearing) in the right testicle, as if forcibly compressed. Pressive pain in the left testicle while walking, as also after rubbing; still more violent when touched (after eight hours). The primary action causes great sexual desire, in the secondary effect on reaction of the organism (after five or six days) there follows indifference and total lack of sexual desire, both in the sexual organs and in the emotions. An emission, at night, without dreams. An emission during the afternoon sleep, the like of which had not happened for thirty years, in an old man (after twelve hours). Emission three nights in succession. Emission five nights in succession, always with lascivious dreams. Female. Painful sensitiveness of the female sexual organs; on sitting down it hurts. A vesicle posteriorly within the right labia majora, with biting by itself, and a sore pain when touched (after nine days).

A biting in the pudenda, even when not urinating. Spasmodic pain in the pudenda and vagina. Fine sticking itching in the vagina.

The menses, that had ceased for a year, reappear, with cutting colic and violent rumbling, at the time of the new moon.

Sexual Organs.-Male.

A soft moist growth in the fossa, behind the corona glandis, and a similar one on the glans itself, in both of which itching is caused by the rubbing of the shirt, Moisture on the corona glandis, beneath the prepuce, Erections, without lascivious thoughts and without lascivious thoughts and without emission, the whole night,. Excessive erections all night, with out emission (after sixteen hours), Sticking pain in the right side of the glans penis, while standing and walking, Painless bubbling in the scrotum, Itching within the scrotum, which is only some what relieved by pressure and rubbing between the fingers. Pressive drawing (tearing) in the right testicle, as if forcibly compressed, * Pressive pain in the left testicle while walking, as also after rubbing; still more violent when touched (after eight hour), The primary action causes great sexual desire in the secondary effect or reaction of the organism (after five or six days) there follows indifference and and total lack of sexual desire, both in the sexual organs and in the emotions, An emission, at night, without dreams, An emission during the afternoon sleep, the like of which had not happened for thirty years, in succession, Emission five nights in succession, always with lascivious dreams, Female. * painful sensitiveness of the female sexual organs; on sitting down in hurts. A vesicle posteriorly within the (after nine days),. A biting in the pudenda, even when not urinating, Spasmodic pain in the pudenda and vagina, fine sticking itching in the vagina, The menses, that had ceased for a year, reappeared, with cutting colic and violent rumbling, at the new moon, (* Since this was only the primary action of the drug, the menses did not return on the following months.- HAHNEMANN. *).

Respiratory organs.

Sharp irritation to cough, in the larynx, but slight cough, immediately after eating (after four days). Constant inclination to hack on account of tenacious mucus in the larynx, which he cannot loosen by coughing. Voice. Voice very weak on account of weakness in the vocal organs, though in other respects he is active. Cough and Expectoration. Cough and coryza, for several weeks. Cough, caused by tickling irritation, only during the day.

Violent cough after lying down, in the evening, and at noon, with tenacious expectoration. Cough, with yellow expectoration like husks, worse in the forenoon from 9 to 12, less early in the morning (after five days). Cough, with expectoration, always of 5 to 8 drops of blood, and always preceded by a scraping sensation in the chest. Cough, with expectoration of mucus. Sharp cough and accumulation of water in the mouth always soon after eating; it seems as though this water would violently force through the pharynx and causes a cutting in it (after twenty-six hours).

Sharp cough, which threatens to tear open the larynx, as if caused by costal constriction of the trachea without special previous irritation (after four hours). Easy expectoration of much mucus by hacking. Respiration. Dyspnoea towards the end of coition.


Tightly adherent mucus lies in the chest for the first six or eight hours and several morning; afterwards, and during the day, easy expectoration of mucus from the chest. The chest feels weak; something lies firmly adherent in the trachea, that compels hawking. Oppression, like a constriction, in the chest, causing slow and very difficult inspiration; expiration relieves, together with anxiety and uneasiness, worse while sitting, better while walk-ing, lasting five hours (after six hours). An oppression upon the chest, an uneasy sensation in the afternoon that drives him from place to place, and does not permit him to remain in any place. Uneasiness in the chest. A pressure in the chest, and a heaviness in it, while sitting, relieved while walking. Attempts to eructate cause a pressure and sticking, extending into the chest. The chest was painful externally, on touch. Pain in the pectoral muscles, as if beaten, in the morning on moving in bed, and during the day on crossing the arms; she felt nothing on touching the parts, or on breathing. A dull sticking-pressive pain in the cartilages of the last ribs on stooping, they are also painfully sore on touch. Painful stitches in the chest, making expiration difficult. Sticking cutting in the costal cartilages of the left side; it seems as though one had been cut, associated with stitches. Dull stitches in both sides of the costal muscles, while sitting, worse on leaning backward, and persistent during inspiration and expiration (after half an hour). Sticking itching between the costal cartilages.

Front and Sides. Constant pain in the middle of the sternum, as from a sore, worse on rising up and stretching out the body; also pain on touch, like a tension and pressure, so that at times it took away the breath. Pain behind the sternum, as if suppurating, when coughing. Pinching pressure below the sternum, just to the left of the ensiform cartilage. Sensation of soreness behind the sternum. Fine itching, sharp stitches, which provoke scratching in the upper part of the sternum, just beneath the pit of the throat. Pinching pressure beneath the right short ribs (after one hour and a quarter). Pressure in the left side of the chest, not affected by respiration. Sharp stitches, with intermissions for several seconds, and lasting longer than usual, in the region of the fourth costal cartilages of the right and left sides; they slowly penetrate from within outward, without affecting inspiration or expiration (after fourteen hours). Violent stitch in the right side of the chest while sitting, on bending the upper part of the body obliquely forward and to the right side. Sharp stitches, which begin in the most posterior portion of the right ribs and extend in a serpentine course to the cartilages. A dull stitch in the left side of the chest, recurring after a few minutes. Tensive stitches in the left side of the chest, while lying and on moving, worse during expiration than inspiration, most felt on ascending steps, and at last followed by a persistent stitch, which almost takes away the breath (after sixteen hours). A persistent dull boring stitch in the left side of the chest (after thirty-seven hours).


He woke from the afternoon nap with most violent palpitation. A beating palpitation on slight motion. Palpitation while walking, and when listening to music.

Neck and Back.-Neck.

Stiffness of the nape of the neck. A pressure and tension in the muscles of the nape of the neck and left shoulder (after half an hour). A tense pain in the left side of the neck and occiput, only at night, which frequently wakes from sleep, and on account of which he can lie upon neither the right nor left side. Tensive pressure in the side of the neck. Rheumatic pain, like a drawing, in the nape of the neck and between the scapulae, in the morning; she is unable to move the arms on rising from bed on account of pain, and could not turn the neck the whole forenoon, several mornings in succession, with weakness of the whole body, lasting till noon. Rheumatic painfulness, like a drawing pressure and stiffness, in the neck, at its union with the shoulder, on bending the neck forward. Pressive drawing on the right side of the neck, not affected by motion or touch (after thirty-two hours). A drawing pressive (rheumatic) pain in the side of the neck, on bending it forward. A pressing-down sensation in the nape of the neck. Paralytic drawing in the cervical joints, posteriorly in the spinous process of the first dorsal vertebra.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.