Sharp pressure on the vertex at times. A boring stitch from within outward in the vertex (after fifty-six hours). Some large dull stitches extending from the skull into the brain in the vicinity of the crown, together with external soreness in the spot, especially when touched. Sensation of soreness in the right parietal bone only when touched; he is unable to lie on the right side in the night on account of the pain (after eighty hours).

Burning-pressive pain in the left parietal bone, just above the ear, extending inward (after two hours and a half). Burning- sticking pain in the left parietal bone. Occiput. Feeling as if the occiput were compressed internally and externally. A heavy pressing-asunder pain in the occiput while walking in the open air (after half an hour). Rheumatic pressive drawing in the occiput, commencing at the articulation, on bending the head forward. Painful drawing on and beneath the occiput persistent on every motion of the head (after ten minutes). Transient burning stitches in the occiput, on the first day extending from the right to the left side, on the following days from below upward.

External Head. The hair of the head falls out profusely. The hair can be pulled from the head with little effort, without pain (after four hours). An itching scurfy eruption on the scalp and also above and behind the ear. Tearing in the head externally and in the teeth. Painful drawing in several places in the head externally, aggravated by touch. Itching on the scalp. Great itching on the scalp, which was scurfy and moist. Itching like needle stitches, on the scalp, and fine papular eruption anteriorly towards the forehead. Fine burning needle stitches externally on the vertex. Itching biting on the scalp, which was aggravated by rubbing, lasting several days. Biting itching over the whole occiput, which obliges scratching, but is rather aggravated than relieved thereby (after fourteen hours). Biting itching on the upper part of the occiput, with sore pain, recurring in the same place about the same time, in the evening.


The eyes lie excessively deep, with blue raised rings around them, as after great excesses, lasting four days. The right eye is much larger than usual (more widely opened), (after seventy- eight hours). Inflammation of the white of the eye, with pain. At night, dry matter collects upon the lashes and in the outer canthus; in the open air, the matter from the eyes also dries and causes tension. The eyes close at times, though he is not sleepy.

Subjective. Dryness of the eyes, lasting all day (after thirteen hours). The eyes are dry, in the morning on waking, with pressure in them, so that she cannot open them without assistance. The eyes are dry, in the evening, with pressure in them. Burning- pressive sensation about the left eye (after four hours).

Pressure in the eye; she was frequently obliged to wink. When reading, the eyes soon begin to ache (especially in the afternoon); a biting and burning, and then they discharge some biting drops; he is obliged to avoid the light, because it makes them pain sooner. The eyes feel as if full of sleep. Coarse stitches in the eyes on exerting them. Orbit. Pain in the upper wall of the right orbit, just behind the eye, pressing the eye downward, lasting a long time and frequently recurring (after ten days). Heavy pressure above the right orbit in the open air (after three hours and a half). Pressure above the right eye and a drawing upward. Lids. The inner canthi are agglutinated, in the morning. Dry matter constantly collects in the inner canthus, which he is frequently to obliged remove during the day. Pain, move biting than itching, in the left inner canthus. A not disagreeable burning in the right outer canthus extending rather far back behind the eye towards the ear, and recurring by paroxysms (after one hour and a half). A biting-smarting pain in the inner canthi. (* In a man who had never had any trouble with his eyes.-HAHNEMANN. *) A constrictive sensation in the upper lid, that forces out tears. Pain as if a hard substance were lying beneath the left upper lid (after thirteen hours). Pressure in the upper lid all day, worse on closing the eye. Hard pressure in the inner canthus of the right eye. Tearing pressure in the outer canthus and in the region of the lachrymal gland (after seventy-two hours). Violent sharp-cutting pain beneath the left upper lid (after seventy-five hours). A tensive stitch in the outer canthus of the right eye (after three hours and three- quarters). Itching on the margin of the upper lid in the open air, recurring after two hours in the other eye, relieved by rubbing (after three-quarters of an hour). Itching of the margins of the lids (after two hours). Violent itching in the inner canthus, most severe in the open air; is obliged to rub it.

Lachrymation. Biting water runs from the eyes, in the morning.

Ball. Pressive pain in the upper part of the right eyeball (after three hours and a half). Sticking thrusts in the eyeball, as if it would burst (after one hour and a half). Pupil. Dilatation of the pupils; (after twenty-six hours); (first day). Pupils greatly dilated for many hours. Pupils contracted (after half, and one hour). The pupils are contracted (after half an hour), after which they are greatly dilated. Vision. Dimness of vision, as if th eyes were full of water, with itching and fine sticking in the inner canthus, compelling him to rub them. The eyes are dim and so hot that the eyeglasses are dim. Vision dim for near and distant objects (after ten hours). Illusion of vision; on rising from a seat he seems to himself much larger than natural, and everything beneath him seems too low down (after twenty-six hours). When reading, it seems as if small black lightnings passed between the letters, and then whole lines vanished. While looking in the open air, black lightnings passed at times in front of the eyes, like a kind of flickering. She saw a flame of fire before the eyes when in bed in a dark night. While looking, a white veil seems to extend over the object and render it invisible. A halo is seen about the candlelight, in the evening.


Pinching burning – pressive pain on the left concha posteriorly (after eight hours). Middle. Sensation of coldness streaming into the right meatus auditorius like a cool breath, lasting several hours. (Drawing pain in the ear). A pinching and twinging in the left ear. Dull but deep stitches, within the ear, first the left then the right. A dull painful stitch, deep in the right ear, in the evening (after forty-eight hours). A stitch in the left ear (after thirty-one hours). A tensive stitch in the left ear (after eight hours and a half, and thirty-six hours).

Hearing. Ringing in the left ear (after four hours and a half).

Ringing in one or the other ear, on moving the head, which disappears during rest (after two hours and three-quarters). At times slight reports in both ears, as if wind blew into them, without diminished hearing.


Sneezing, with coryza. Frequent sneezing, without coryza (after two, and ten hours). Sudden violent coryza, with catarrhal voice, lasting a quarter of an hour, at 2 P.M. Violent coryza, without cough. Violent coryza; tickling in the nose and sneezing, with discharge at one time of profuse mild watery liquid, at another of thick mucus, afterwards of thick slimy substances. Violent fluent coryza; one nostril is stopped, the other is not, with frequent sneezing, lachrymation and cracked lips (after three, and four days). Coryza; at first discharge of only thick mucus, afterwards of thin water (after four days). (Stoppage of the nose, in the evening, so that she could get no air through it, made talking difficult). The nose is sore internally, with a scab deep internally. A sore pain on the cartilage in the septum of the left nostril, as if it would suppurate, when touched.

Smarting pain in one nostril, as if it were very much ulcerated.

Itching in the left nostril, which disappears on touch (after seventy-eight hours).


He looks as hollow-eyed and haggard, and as sick and pinched in the face as after a night’s watching, or as after a disagreeable mental shock. Face swollen, as from coryza. Throbbing and pressive pain in the whole of the face, extending from the teeth into the eyes, lasting sixteen days. Very fine needle like stitches in the face and other parts of the body. Cheek. Swelling of the cheek over the lower jaw. Drawing in both malar bones. The left cheek is painful as if suppurating, while yawning. Pressive tearing in the left malar bone, affecting also the teeth (after one hour). Cutting drawing in the left malar bone (after twenty-two hours). Itching (biting) needlelike stitches, provoking scratching, in both cheeks. Sharp burning stitches in the left cheek, which provoke scratching. Dull stitch in the left malar bone (after twenty-two hours). A burning stitch in the right cheek-bone (after half an hour). Lip. A sticking-burning vesicle on the margin of the red of the lower lip, on touch.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.