For several days he becomes sleepy very early. Sleeplessness.

Restless sleep on account of disquieting dreams. Restless, unrefreshing sleep. Sleep restless but refreshing. Very restless sleep, for several nights. Cannot fall asleep, in the evening (for five weeks). Dreams. He dreams of his business and of his plans. Anxious dreams of robbers, travels, and dangers (morning). Very uneasy, earnest dreams. He dreams that he is on the chest, and thus nearly soils his bed (fifth day). Many connected dreams which are remembered; the body is in the same position when waking up as in the evening when falling asleep (curative action.


Chilliness. Several times chilliness, especially in the evening, with hot flashes, great weakness, debility, sleepiness.

Creeping chills. Horripilations, several times a day (sixth day).

Sensation of coldness, for several days. Towards noon, internal coldness, with shivering and horripilation. Several times during the day, sensation of coldness. Internal shivering in the afternoon, and creeping chills. Feet icy cold, from evening till morning, for several nights (from 10 drops of 30th). Heat. At the meals, and in the evening frequently, a sudden heat over the whole body, with tickling perspiration all over the face, whereas others complain of coldness. Frequent thirst, dryness, and burning in the mouth. Heat, sweat, thirst, during the chill and heat. Heat in the evening as if she would lose her senses; is delirious, very thirsty, perspires during the night, then feels well. Heat and sweat, in the evening, when riding in a carriage (sixth day). Heat, in the afternoon. Heat and itching of the right ear (from 49 drops of 29th potency). Sweat. He perspires freely when walking. When taking a walk, profuse sweat with consequent debility, and taking cold easily. Perspiration on the face. Copious perspiration on perinaeum, when moving about.

Copious sweat on the palms, at night. Sweat in the palms and face. Sweat on the palms of the hands.

Conditions Aggravation

(Morning). Irritable and quarrelsome; vertigo; on rising, frontal headache; headache over the whole forehead; pressive pinching pain in forehead; agglutination of the eyes; bread and butter tastes like cat’s urine; bitter taste; at 10 o’clock, vomiting of sweat mucus; nausea; before eating, sour vomiting; in bed, early, intestinal cramps; cough; when getting up, cough with expectoration of greenish mucus; sensation as if the left arm was sleep, with numbness of fingers and hands; crawling in fingers; in bed, pains in legs; bruised sensation in tibiae and soles of feet; with every step, pain in ankle. (Forenoon). Ears stuffed.

(Towards noon). Stitches in the ears. (Noon). Yawning.

(Afternoon). Hunger and thirst for beer; internal shivering; heat. (Towards evening). Lachrymation; colic; weakness and tired sensation. (Evening). Headache over forehead, pressive pinching pain in forehead; eyes feel tired; by candlelight, pains in eyes; sore pain behind ears; hunger; vomiting of sweet mucus; cough; when lying down cough with expectoration of green mucus; dyspnoea; eructations; emission of flatus, etc.; when at rest, pain in bones of whole left arm; yawning; chilliness; sudden heat over the whole body, with tickling perspiration. (Night).

Lachrymation; gnashing of teeth; feet icy cold; sweat on palms.

(Fresh air). Want of breath. (Walking in fresh air). Pressive pinching pain in forehead; dazzling of the eyes. (Before falling asleep). Excitable. Aggravation, (When awaking). Whistling respiration. (When breathing). Stitches in right side of chest; stitches from back towards chest. (During chill and heat). Heat, sweat, and thirst. (After chill). Great thirst, then heat in mouth. (When coughing). Stitches in chest; pain in chest. (During dinner). Thirst. (After drinking water). Pyrosis. (When eating).

Sensation as if something burst in the ears. (After eating).

Nauseous taste; hiccough; vomiting; pain in abdomen; flatulency, etc.; abdomen bloated; frozen things, bloatedness of abdomen.

(During bodily exertion). Stitches pressing in os pubis.

(Inclining head forward when stooping). Want of breath; pains in chest. (In the house). Pain in nape of neck. (When lifting).

Feeling as if everything were torn in chest. (Looking sharply).

Pains in eyes; for a long time, eyes fill with tears. (When lying down). Water brash, removed by getting up. (At meals). Sudden heat over the whole body, with trickling perspiration. (During mental labor). Fullness of heat; pulsation of blood in head.

(Mental exertion). Headache over forehead. (After mental exertion). Pain in temples. (During motion). Aching in small of back. (During micturition). Burning and cutting. (During rest).

Stitches to left of umbilicus; in the afternoon and evening, tearing in left shoulder; pains and itching of feet. (When riding in a carriage). Anxiety. (While riding). Griping in abdomen; chafed sensation in rectum. (After riding in a wagon).

Exhaustion. (After riding). Twitching of muscles in right groin.

(Scratching in throat). Cough. (When sitting). Sensation of swelling across abdomen; want to breath; pains in chest. (Sitting with body bent backward). Suffocation and crawling in larynx, contraction in throat, etc. (When smoking). Teeth seem on edge; nauseous taste. (When stretching toe out). Cramp in big toe of left foot. (Stormy weather). Sickness and hemorrhoidal troubles.

(After supper). Qualmish. (Swallowing saliva). Sensation as if something bursts in the ears; pain in throat. (Talking). Cough.

(When taking boot off). Cramp in great toe of left foot. (Taking a deep breath). Stitches in sternum. (Titillation in throat).

Cough. (Tickling in trachea). Dry hard cough. (Touching part).

Pressure in right eye; pain in teeth; pain in gums; pressing, bruised pain in sternum; itching on neck, face, and hands.

(Turning the head to the right side or backwards and sideways).

Pain in muscles of right side of neck. (Turning neck on left side). Stitch in sinews of head. (Before urinating). Discharge of prostatic fluid. (At the beginning of urinating). Pain in tip of penis. (When walking). Stitches in spleen; tightness in the ischii, extending to the knees; inclination to turn left foot inward; profuse sweat. (After a walk). Hunger. (After waking up).

Pain in nape of neck.


(Morning). The symptoms. (Fresh air). Pains in teeth; pain in nape of neck; the symptoms. (Eating). Colic; something roasted, qualmishness. (Emission of flatus). Cutting pains in the intestines. (Lying down). Short breath in fresh air; want of breath; pains in chest; the symptoms. (Motion). Headache over the whole forehead; tearing pain in extremities. (Nosebleed). Dulness of head. (External pressure). Pain in the muscles of the right side of the neck. (Riding). Short breath in fresh air. (Standing still). Stitches in region of spleen. (Stooping). Feeling of plug in nose.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.