Stitching pain in the right ear, preceded by coldness. Stitching pains in the ears. After the buzzing, stitches in the left ear. Stitches towards noon in the ears. Stitches in the meatus auditorius, momentarily relieved by boring with the finger in the ear, then aggravated. Stitches frequently return, especially in the evening, during rest. Itching in the right ear.

Hearing. Dull ringing in the left ear (first day, evening).

Ringing either in the left or right ear, with buzzing in the head, so that she hardly hears anything; behind the ears, in the region of the sternocleidomastoid, as tormenting sore pain; sometimes for a moment a sensation of burning heat extending to the vertex; worse towards the evening, when she feels as if somebody pulls her up by the hair. The former roaring in the ears becomes so severe that he feels stupefied. Buzzing in the ear (first day). The right ear seems changed; he feels as if he hears with the ears of another persons.


Objective. Severe sneezing after boring pains in the right nostril. Frequent sneezing, without coryza. Sometimes severe sneezing (second day). The septum narium inflamed, with white suppurating pustules (seventh day). Tough nasal mucus; he can hardly do a minute without his handkerchief, and still he has no coryza. It feels as if he had a plug high up in the nose, which nauseates him, relieved by stooping. The nose is not stuffed, but sometimes, especially when stooping, a clear watery fluid pours from the nose, especially from the left nostril. Fluent coryza, after burning in the nose. Severe coryza for several hours, and frequently repeated. Fluent coryza. Fluent coryza, without obstruction of the nostrils; a few drops of water frequently escape from the nostrils (from 10 drops of 30th). Fluent coryza from left nostril (sixteen hours after 30th). (An old coryza passed off after a few days), (from smelling 28th potency). The dry coryza increases steadily (from 49 drops of 29th). Dry coryza, with obstruction of the nose. Dry coryza (for three months). Catarrh, with cough and expectoration of yellowish-green mucus. Subjective. Sensitiveness when breathing air through the nostrils, which are nearly dry (eighth day). The nose stopped. Drawing in the nose up to the frontal sinuses, with pains in the eyes, as if coryza would set in, afterwards some fluid discharged from the nose (after one hour). In the left nostril pain as of pricks with needles, when boring in it with the finger (eighth day). Boring stitches in the right nostril, followed by severe sneezing (third day). The burning ceases for a little while after the discharge of mucus (fourth day). Burning in the nose, followed as in catarrh by fluent coryza; after discharging the mucus burning pain ceases for a short time (fourth day). Towards the root of the nose a scratching, crawling sensation, as if coryza would set in (from 6 drops of 30th). Itching on the tip of the nose (first day); the nose more dry than usual; it seldom needs cleaning (third day).


Swelling of the face and eyes. Pale face (third day); the zygoma is painful to touch, as if the bone were suppurating (third evening). Facial pain diminished. Burning in the face, followed by vesicles. Lip. Swelled upper lip. Lips brown and black, dry (fifth evening). Lips dry. On the inner surface of the lower lip a clear vesicle. A vesicle frequently appears on the inner surface of the lower lip; it burns and pains. Lips painful and seem swollen. Burning of the lips. Stitching pains in the lower jaw. Painful itching of the right half of the upper lip, as if swollen.


Teeth. At night he gnashes his teeth so severely that it awakens him (after three doses of 30th). Suddenly, and without cause, blood escapes from the hollow back tooth (from 10 drops of 30th).

The teeth seem on edge when smoking (first day), afternoon). Especially the front teeth feel so loose that he fears their falling out; the pain is increased by touching them.

Teeth, which are usually loose, feel first in the their sockets (second day). Tearing in the teeth. Stitching pains in the teeth, from one side to the other, extending to the head, followed by burning pain in the right cheeks, which is also somewhat swollen.

At dinner a severe stitch in a carious upper right tooth, as if the tooth would be pulled, followed by steady grumbling and hammering pain in all the teeth of the right side, only in daytime; ameliorated by the fresh air. When touching the teeth, in order to remove something which had lodged between them, a stitch as from needles. Intermitting tearing toothache in the molars of the left side, sometimes only a slight soreness, alternating with the headache (from 10 drops of 30th). Gums. The gums inflame and swell up at a posterior hollow molar, with a crawling pain, aggravated by touch (from 10 drops of 30th). The gums on the right side only are ulcerated after the long-lasting toothache is entirely gone. Tongue. Intensely ulcerated tongue and gums, with sore throat. Coated tongue. Nearly always a white coating on the tongue. The tongue covered with a yellowish-white coating. The tongue dry (fourth day). The tip of the tongue feels burnt as for as the middle, so that he has hardly any taste. The tip of the tongue very dry, as if burnt, painful. General Mouth. Tough mucus in the mouth of a foul nauseous taste; the teeth stick together as if glued, and they can only be separated with difficulty (January 2nd to 9th); (after smelling the 28th potency, and again repeated from 49 drops of 29th potency). To the posterior wall of the soft palate tough scratching mucus adhere, tasting like old cheese, apparently coming from the choanae (nine hours after 6 drops of 30th). Adhesion of tough mucus to the posterior surface of the soft palate, necessitating hawking (observed in a herpetic patient). Dryness of the mouth; after the chill great thirst, then heat in the mouth. Dryness of the mouth; (after smelling the 28th potency, and again repeated from 49 drops of 29th potency). Scratching in the back part of the mouth; when sitting with the body leaning backward, feels asthmatic (twelve hours after 30th). Taste. The whole dinner tastes oily. The bread and butter in the morning tastes for three days like urine of cats; at any other time it tastes natural. After eating or smoking tobacco, the nauseous taste increases. Flat insipid taste. Sticky taste in the mouth. Foul taste in the mouth; she drinks to get rid of it. Bitter taste, passing off after eating and drinking (from the 30th). Bitter taste when not eating. Bitter taste mornings before eating, passing off during the meal; the tongue not coated. Bad taste, which finally becomes coppery.


His throat became covered with spots the size of an ordinary pilule, and larger, covered with a cheesy-looking creamy top, a pink circle round the base, and some of them looked as if mortification were setting in; they turned black, but there was no fetor; the throat symptoms were worse from hawking up, worse from gargling with cold water, and always better from his beer. I think it began on the left side, and was confined mostly to that side, perhaps extending a little to the right velum. A tough mucus is secreted through the choanae, adhering to the soft palate, and causing hawking; it tastes like old cheese (from 10 drops of 30th). Secretion of thick mucus from the choanae into the mouth. Severe angina; on the right side an ulcer, with a sore pain deep inside, and burning in the fauces. Dryness; a scraping sensation in the throat (fourth day, morning). Some dryness of the throat and oppression of the chest, immediately after taking the medicine. Sore throat; cannot swallow. Sore throat; everything she takes burns, e. g. soup; but she can take cold food without difficulty (seventh day). Sore throat, she swallows only with difficulty. Scraping sensation in throat, as if he would become hoarse (observed on a herpetic patient).

Scratching in the throat, with suffocation, causing a dry cough (from 10 drops of 30th). Titillation in the throat, causing cough (sixth and seventh days, morning). Titillation in the throat (mornings). Tickling sensation in the throat, followed by empty retching (morning). Burning in the throat. Burning in the throat (fifth day). Burning in the throat, constantly extending farther downwards. Painful sensation in the throat when swelling saliva; difficult deglutition. Pressing pain in the throat; she swallows with difficulty; pains go and come. Pain in throat, as if it were swollen. Tonsil and Fauces. The left tonsil feels sore and swollen. A painful pustule on the fauces. Dryness of the fauces, with moisture in the mouth. The fauces feel as if they were swollen. Dull obtuse stitches in the left tonsil (sixth day). External Throat. The submaxillary glands greatly swollen and painful to the touch; also a very painful pustule below the left lower jaw.


Appetite. Unusually great hunger after a walk (third day, evening). Great hunger. In the afternoon, hunger and thirst for beer (first day). Desire for breakfast (after two hours). A good appetite, and still greater thirst. Hunger, in the evening (sixth day). Hunger, without appetite. Great desire to smoke, but when not smoking the appetite for it ceased (first evening). After breakfast aversion to smoke, but when he begins, smoking is relished (first day, morning). Although he has a good appetite, he is easily satiated. Diminished appetite. Perfect disgust for pork. Thirst. No appetite to eat, but he wants continually to drink. Great thirst; dryness and burning in the mouth. Excessive thirst (fourth day). Great thirst during dinner. Thirst, coldness, dryness in mouth and lips, for four days. Thirst for beer. Eructations. Sour eructations. Rancid eructations (evening). Eructations tasting like rotten eggs (second day). Eructations, with dull headache. Hiccough and Heartburn. Hiccough. Hiccough, after eating. Hiccough, soon after eating, when smoking his pipe. After drinking water, pyrosis. When lying down, water brash; removed by getting up; colic removed by eating. Pyrosis. Nausea and Vomiting. Constant nausea during the day, with inclination to vomit; a kind of vomiting of sweet mucus every morning at ten and in the evening (November 8th to January 2nd). Morning nausea. Nausea and vomiturition. Nausea after all food. He feels nauseated and qualmish in the pit of the stomach (mornings). He feels qualmish in his stomach after supper; after eating something roasted it ceases (first day, evening). Vomiting after eating; nausea and vomiturition till vomiting took place, first of food, then of a sour slimy fluid (first day). In the morning, before eating, vomiting of sour mucus, so that the teeth stand on edge.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.