Sour vomiting. Stomach. Bloatedness of the stomach. Much oppression of the stomach. Cramp in the epigastric region (fourth day). Stitching pain in the pit of the stomach. Cutting in the epigastric region (fourth day). Contracting pains in the epigastric region.


Hypochondria. Stitches in the region of the spleen, passing off when standing still, but are renewed when walking; after awhile they are even felt during rest. Stitches in the region of the spleen. Stitches in the hepatic region. Umbilicus and sides.

Cutting in the abdomen, in the umbilical region. Stitches to the left of the umbilicus, very frequently during rest. Stitches in the right side of the abdomen. Severe stitches under the last rib, left side (from February to May the stitches continued in the abdomen). Stitches in the sides. General Abdomen. Bloatedness of the abdomen after eating frozen things. Abdomen unusually bloated after eating. Bloated abdomen. Passage of foul-smelling flatus. No flatulency whatever up to the middle of February. Gurgling and roaring in abdomen (from 10 drops of 30th). Rumbling in the abdomen (sixth day, morning). Gurgling in the small intestines (one hour after 30th). Colic. Colic, towards evening, immediately removed by eating. Twisting in abdomen, so that he has to run for the chest; after the stool feels better; early in the morning. Griping all over abdomen, especially in the pubic region, in female. Griping in abdomen while riding. Intestinal cramps early in the morning in bed.

Cutting pains in the intestines, relieved by the passage of offensive flatus. Cutting pains in the intestines, as when taking a purge (third day). Cutting pains in intestines; weakness and pressure in stomach have ceased. Pains in abdomen after eating; flatulency, and tendency to diarrhoea; relief when flatus passes off. Pains in abdomen, especially in the epigastric region, as from canine hunger, and accumulation of flatus, one hour after supper (three days after 6 drops of 30th). Sensation of swelling horizontally across the abdomen, below the short ribs, when sitting. Hypogastrium and Iliac Region. Tenesmus and bearing down towards the pubes, with painful burning micturition.

Twitching of the muscles in the right groin after riding, once, but very severe. Dull stitching pains in the inguinal glands (seventh day). Dull pain in the right inguinal ring (from the 30th).

Rectum and Anus

Hemorrhoidal troubles in stormy weather. Burning nodes at the anus. Unpleasant burning in the rectum, high up. Spasmodic pain in the rectum. Sensation in the rectum as if chafed, during a ride (fourth to sixth day). Itching in the anus (fourth day).

Sometimes fruitless efforts to stool; he thinks he cannot hold it any longer, and after getting ready no stool passes.


Diarrhoea. Green bilious diarrhoea, mixed with mucus. Stool during night involuntary, he hardly can reach the chest, and at the same time violent emission of a large quantity of flatus; the stool was of normal consistency, and passed in small balls (sixth night). Four or five stools a day, preceded by colic. Four diarrhoeic stools, without pain (second day). Diarrhoea, preceded by colic (first day, early). The intestinal secretion in more copious and never so consistent as usual, for two days (from 49 drops of 29th). Two stools in the forenoon; no more during the day. Soft stool, passed with difficulty. Stool dark-brown, very fluid, and four-smelling. 330.] (He passes, as formerly, bloody mucus with the stool). Stool irregular, either costive or mushy (from 10 drops of 30th). Sometimes a stool shoots away as from a syringe, another time it is mushy, sometimes even of normal consistency (first and fourth days). Constipation. Obstinate constipation. Tendency to constipation. Stools are stopped (first day).

Urinary Organs

Discharge of prostatic fluid before urinating (sixth day).

Stitches in the urethra, from the orifice inwardly (second day).

Burning and cutting during micturition. Tenesmus urinae, very painful, and when he thinks he is done a few drops will yet be discharged. Some urine still flows from the urethra after micturition, although he tries to hold it back. Has to get up frequently at night to urinate. The urine has a red sediment and a pellicle of fat.

Sexual Organs

Male. The sexual organs relaxed (sixth day). At the beginning of urinating, a burning pain at the tip of the penis. Frequently a tightness and drawing in the penis. Absence of erections.

Absence of erections, even with lascivious thoughts, for about two weeks, followed for four days by morning erections and pollutions, with satyriasis, and finally the usual state (from 10 drops of 30th). The glans inflamed, with an ulcer on it, the testes swollen and heavy. Drawing in the testicles, but more steady in the small of the back, for several days. Indifference to sexual affairs, relaxation of the genitals, and no desire for coition. Perfect aversion to the coitus, nearly through the whole proving. Impotence. Perfect impotence, for four weeks (in a very robust, sexually vigorous man). No semen is discharged during coition. Female. Menses eight days too late.

Menses too late and scanty.

Respiratory Organs

Larynx and Trachea. Suffocation and crawling sensation in the larynx, producing a paroxysmal, dry, hacking cough, when sitting with the body bent backward; at the same time a sensation of contraction and of heaviness in the entire thorax, and pressing pain in the upper part of the sternum (sixteen hours after 6 drops of 30th). Tickling in the trachea, and frequent cough.

Voice. Hoarseness. Hoarseness in the chest and throat.

Cough and Expectoration. Cough with sensation of weakness in the chest. Cough, so that he could not remain in bed, for four nights, nor sleep for an hour; felt weak and dizzy. Cough, sometimes with expectoration of mucus, mixed with streaks of blood. In the morning, cough with copious expectoration (from 49 drops of 29th). Continued cough, with expectoration from the chest of much saliva, and vomiting of acid mucus. Cough, in the evening, with pains in the chest and throat, passing off when she is quiet; talking produces cough. Irritation to cough, with a sensation of coldness. Dry hard cough, caused by tickling in the trachea. Dry cough, with sensation of heaviness on the chest.

Dry cough, with nausea and retching, with tickling in the throat, the whole day (seventh day, early). Dry cough, with soreness under the sternum (second day). Cough, with expectoration of green mucus, nearly like matter; especially in the morning when waking up, and in the evening when lying down, with nausea. It sticks firmly, and he can expectorate only with difficult.

Respiration. He breathes easily when doing some light work, as trimming tress. When awaking, sensation of constriction, whistling respiration, passing of after half an hour; in the evening, again some whistling in the chest. Short breath. Short breath in the fresh air, ameliorated by riding and lying down.

The want of breath and pains in the chest are worse when sitting down, so that he could not write for six weeks; ameliorated by lying down. Want of breath in the fresh air, so that he has to hurry home in order to lie down. Dyspnoea, in the evening (first day).


Oppression in the chest. Dull feeling in the chest, with excruciating pains in the back. Excruciating pains in the chest.

He feels as if a heavy load were on the chest and pressure it down, for three days, with want of breath, intolerably increased by inclining the had forwards, when stooping. When in bed he has to remove the arms from the chest as far as possible otherwise they increase the pain. Pressing pains in the chest, always only for a short time (from 10 drops of 30th). Pressure on the chest). Pressing pains in the chest, always in small spots (from 10 drops of 30th). Stitches in the chest, even when not breathing. When coughing, stitches in the chest. Feels contracted in the chest, and somewhat dry in the throat, immediately after taking the medicine. When lifting it feels as if everything were torn in the chest. Cutting as of knives, in the chest; the throat feels as if burnt; eructations, followed by emission of much flatus, with good appetite, in the evening.

Front and Sides. When coughing, pain in the chest, under the sternum, as if something would be torn away from under the sternum, extending to the throat (seventh day). Ulcerative pains in the chest under the sternum. When taking a deep breath, stitches in the sternum; when touching it, a pressing and bruised pain. Dull During pain in the right side of the chest, with oppressed breathing (sixth day). Twitching through the anterior left side of the chest. Stitches in the left chest. When breathing, stitches in the right side of the chest, several times. Stitches pressing under the left false ribs. Stitches in the right mamma.


Palpitations (fifth day).

Neck and Back

Neck. The glands of the neck are swollen on both sides, painful to the touch, as if they were bruised; the pain extends to the head (seventh day). Boring and stiffness in the nape of the neck (sixth and seventh days). Drawing pain in the neck, extending to the shoulder, after waking up. Tensive pain in the nape of the neck, after waking up, as if he had lain in an uncomfortable position (second day). Extremely severe pain in the nape of the neck, only in the house; it passes off immediately in the fresh air, but returns quickly in the hours. By supporting the head with his hands, it feels as if it had no body, as if he could pass through it with his hands (a whole afternoon). Pain in the muscles of the right side of the neck, in their upper sinewy part, as if there was suddenly too much tension (strain?), when turning the head to the right side, or backward and sideways; relieved by external pressure. Stitching pains in the neck, and pustules of the size and form of lentils. Tearing in the nape of the neck. Back. Excessive backache. Backache, a kind of sticking pressure. Boring in the vertebrae; colic, as from rheum (mornings). The back feels bruised; he cannot straighten out (first evening). When breathing, frequent stitches from the back towards the chest. Dorsal. Boring pains in the dorsal vertebrae (sixth day). Between the second and third dorsal vertebra a dull pressure (first day, afternoon). A constant tearing in and between the shoulder-blades, down the sides, as if rheumatic (sixth and seventh days). Tearing in the shoulder-blades (fifth day). Stitches between the shoulders (mornings). Lumbar. Weakness in the small of the back. Aching in the small of the back, especially during motion, like molimina haemorrhoidalia, so that the cannot comfortably walk straight (from smelling the 28th potency). Pressure and itching in small of back (seventh day).

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.