For several days, continual drawing in the small of the back, and sometimes in the testicles. Pains in the back, as if the third vertebra from below were wanting or broken (very severe for eight days). Pains in the small of back. Pains in the lumbar vertebrae, with simultaneous aches in the abdomen; flatulent troubles; pains in the spermatic cords and testicles, as if filled with blood; a soft stool, passed with difficulty. Cutting pain in the lumbar region, so that she could not walk alone.

Stitches in the lumbar region, extending to the knee (seventh day, morning). Several times stitching pressing in the os pubis, during bodily exertion. Tightness in the ischii, extending to the knees, when walking.


Stretching of the extremities, without thirst or any other complaint. Weakness in all the joints, as if they would not hold together. Tearing wandering pains in the extremities, especially affecting the tibiae and soles of the feet, but also the finger- joints, at times also the right patella, relieved by motion (from 10 drops of 30th).

Superior Extremities

Shoulder and Arm. Tearing in the left shoulder, afternoon and evening, when resting. Sensation as if the left arm was asleep, and numbness in the three first fingers and of half of the hand, mornings, for an hour (one hour and a half after 10 drops of 30th). The left arm feels asleep, with crawling in the fingers, in the morning in bed (half an hour after 30th). Tearing in the arm. Intermittent stitches in the left arm. Spasmodic pains in the bones of the whole left arm, evening when at rest. Elbow.

Tearing in the right elbow (first day, evening). Tearing in elbow. Hand and Fingers. Trembling of hands (sixth day).

Trembling of the hands and feet (fourth day). At intervals a tearing pain in the joints of the fingers, and in the humerus, knee, toes, lasting a short time, but frequently repeated, relieved by motion. Stitches in the left index finger.

Inferior Extremities

Knee and Leg. Tearing in the left knee and shoulder. Sensation in the right leg, as if it would go to sleep (eight hours after 6 drops of 30th). The leg on which he lies in bed feels too weak to endure the pressure of the other; he has to change his position continually, till he falls asleep (for six days). Pains in the legs, especially in the tibiae and soles, as after too much exercise in walking, with a peculiar restlessness in the legs, so that he frequently changes position, passing off after rising, for several mornings while in bed (eight hours after 30th).

Bruised sensation in the tibiae and soles of the feet, as after a tiresome journey on foot, for several mornings in bed (from 10 drops of 30th). Ankle. (A great swelling around the ankles passes off). In the morning, with every step, a stitches pain in the right ankle, also as if he had strained a sinew. Foot and Toes. Trembling of feet. Inclination when walking to turn the left foot inwards, with sensation as if he had really turned it the wrong way, so that he looks at it in order to convince himself of the contrary (for five days). Gouty pains in the whole left foot. The pains and itching of the feet increase during rest. Cramp or spasm in single toes, especially in the great toe of the left foot, when stretching it out or taking off boots.


He looks pale, exhausted, and thinner than usual; all his clothing is too large for him (fourteen days after 49 drops of 29th). Hot tremblings over the whole body, with great rush of business. Weakness and tired sensation towards evening; feels better as soon as he goes to bed. Malaise; he feels tired out. A very little labor exhausts his strength. He feels exhausted after riding in a wagon. Great heaviness of the whole body, as if he would be attacked with an intermittent fever.

Stormy weather makes him sick, and causes hemorrhoidal troubles.

Stormy weather affects him; he feels already a restlessness in his blood a few days beforehand. When the sun shines upon her, a sensation as if it pushes her down; she has to rest a little while in the shade in order to walk on (fourth day). (After putting on too light clothing in the spring, he suffers from his old rheumatic pains in the neck, head, shoulders, back, stomach, etc. with constant eructations, irregular stools, twitching in the left eye). Cannot sleep on the habitual right side, but sleeps on the left (for ten days). Amelioration in the fresh air; much mucus in the mouth of a nauseous taste.

(September 10th till last days of October). Feels best when lying down. She feels a great deal better in the morning.


Eruptions, Dry. Unusual roughness of the knuckles, extending up to the metacarpus externally (for five days). On the fingers of the left hand, several small warts of the size of a pin’s head, slightly raised above the skin, smooth, as if they were paired off (fourteen days after 10 drops of 30th). It reproduced a large quantity of small warts, which he had years ago on the left hand (observed on a herpetic patient). Red miliaria on the neck, beginning with a stitching pain. Pimples on the neck and mammae.

A coarse miliary eruption over the left eyebrow and cheek, which soon passes off (third day). Eruptions causing an itching- stinging pain, burning after scratching, and feeling sore (observed on a herpetic patient). Many painless nodules in the face, on the neck and lower extremities, for a long time. Small burning pimples below the eyes, like heat rash. Red pimples on the margins of the upper lids, like fresh hordeola; sensation as if something were moving before the eyes, as if one was playing with his fingers before them. On the border of both upper eyelids a pimple like a hordeola (fifth day). A small pimple on the neck, with a small tip of the size of the head of a pin, with a black point in the center, very painful when scratched (mornings). Itching on the right carpus, with red spots, like fleabites, which itch and then pass off. Eruptions, Moist. It always aggravates herpes and produces troublesome colic, or stinging itching. Eruptions, consisting of vesicles filled with lymph, painful to the touch, at various places on the body; some from papules and itch severely (after 10 drops of 30th). On the face, hand, and back, also on the legs, an itch like eruption appears, and the eyes agglutinate so that they cannot be opened.

Eruption of small vesicles quickly filling with a yellow lymph, painful like sores to the touch, drying up after a few days, on the forehead and several places of the face, also behind the right ear (after 10 drops of 30th). Many vesicles on the face. A yellow vesicle of the size of a pin’s head gradually forms at the red edge of the lower lip, feeling sore only when touched (twenty-four hours after 30th). Around the whole mouth and eruption of small vesicles; outwardly above both corners of the mouth, large sore spots, exuding a fluid which seemed to originate from scratching the above-mentioned vesicles and cause a continual scratching (in a boy of three years, otherwise perfectly healthy, three days after 10 drops of 1st). A scab on the nose, which commonly fell off when coughing, is now firmly adherent and hard. A painful suppurating vesicle on the scrotum.

Eruptions, Pustular. The left concha inwardly inflamed with suppurating pimples (seventh day). Small boils on the chest and loins. Especially on the hands, wrists, and palms, numbers of small papules and ulcers, from which, after being opened, a large quantity of watery fluid oozes for hours. Several pustules in the nape of the neck, with stitching pains. Towards evening there appear on the buttock numerous small boils, causing a burning itching, which soon disappear, and leave only small crusts.

An old rhagades near the processus styloideus ulnae dextrae suppurated, itched, and remained surrounded by small blisters, filled with clear water; these soon changed to pustules, which healed under a crust (from smelling 28th potency). Sensation. Itching over the whole body; when rubbed, small papules and vesicles arise. Voluptuous itching at the point where a flea bit; can hardly stand it; white hard blisters on a red base at such points. Itching in the face, on the neck and hands, when she touches these places. Easy crawling and tingling of all extremities, for several days (after 10 drops of 30th).

Itching in the biceps of the right arm. Itching on the left arm.

Itching on the right elbow. Itching between the fingers, so that he has to scratch continually; small vesicles full of lymph. An itching in the knee-joints, which he had for several years, especially of the left, becomes aggravated, and the herpetic eruption begins to become pustular (from 49 drops of 29th).

In the evening, after a glass of Muscat wine, itching of the soles, with tickling and heat (from 49 drops of 29th potency).


Sleepiness. Much yawning, at noon and in the evening. Frequent yawning, in the evening. Frequent yawning and early sleepiness, in the evening. Gaping, the first hour; shiverings, with pale blue rings; with tearing and spasmodic pains in the umbilical region (seventh day, noon). Sleep unusually sound at night, several nights (after sixth day). Very sleepy, in daytime (sixth day). She sleeps as soon as she sits down. Sleepy all the time.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.