Oleum Animale

(Evening), 7 P.M., pressure in left side of forehead; gnawing pain in occipital region; 7 P.M., stitches in left frontal eminence; drawing from vertex into head; drawing in mastoid process; in bed, tension and pressure in temporal region; 7.30 P.M., itching on right frontal eminence; 6.30 P.M., itching on right side of forehead; burning in the eyes; 7.30 P.M., itching on left lower lid; 9 P.M., itching in left eye; 8 P.M., itching in left ear; in bed, spasmodic drawing in left half of face; 8.30 P.M., burning in left cheek,; 7 P.M., crawling in left nostril; 6.30 P.M., stitch beneath left jaw; itching on right lower jaw; burning, extending up pharynx; 7 P.M. on swallowing, sensation of dryness in throat; thirst; 9 P.M., hiccough; nauseous eructations; 8P.M., fullness in abdomen; pinching about umbilicus; 7.30 P.M., emission of flatus; emission of offensive flatus; hot rising from abdomen into chest; before going to bed, cutting colic; purging; 9 P.M., evacuation of soft faeces; 7 P.M., soft stool; firm stool, with pressure; 6.30 P.M., itching on side of the penis; drawing in upper portion of penis; urine pale; cutting pain through chest; 7.15 P.M., pinching sensation in first right false rib; 7.30 P.M., itching on right side of nape; 7 P.M., itching on left forearm; 9 P.M., tearing in left external malleolus; 8 P.M., burning in left inner malleolus; tearing in left external malleolus; 6.30 P.M., pressure of blood in left foot; 7.30 P.M., crawling in left foot; 7 to 8.30 P.M., shivering; sleeplessness; 7.30 to 9 P.M., before lying down, shaky chill over whole body; 8.30 P.M., starting up from sleep.

(Night), Contractions in trachea; diminished secretion of urine; emission; restlessness.

(Open air), Burning in eyes; pressure and burning rising up from pit of stomach; tearing extending from outer condyle of right wrist.

(Ascending height), Oppression of chest.

(During dinner), Empty eructations; nausea; aversion to food.

(After dinner), Prostration; weakness; indolence; while sitting, hammering in left side of head; pressure from occiput forward; pressure in right temple, with yawning; tearing in right side of head; tearing sticking through left eye; fog before right eye, with lachrymation; stitch in right ear; stitches in back tooth; nauseated qualmish; vomiting; hawking of mucus; movements in abdomen; cutting colic from umbilicus to pit of stomach; twisting upward from sternum; stitch between shoulder; burning on right upper arm; twitching on left thigh; pulsation in left ankle; sleepiness.

(After drinking fresh water), Pressure in pit of stomach.

(Drinking), Burrowing and cutting pain in lower abdomen.

(Eating), Burrowing and cutting pain in lower abdomen.

(After eating), Bruised sensation in left side of stomach.

(Mental exertion), Pressive headache in forehead.

(Entering warm room), From open air, shivering.

(Entering house), Hammering in left side of head; after walking in open air, warmth of whole body; shivering.

(Motion), Compression of sides of head, with dulness; boring and sticking above margin of right orbit; drawing in right leg.

(Before menses), cutting pain in abdomen and small of back.

(During menses), Headache; cutting pain in abdomen and small of back.

(On appearance of menses), Griping in abdomen.

(During micturition), Burning in urethra.

(Opening mouth), Cracking in left lower jaw.

(Noises), Roaring in ears.

(Pressure), Pain in left great toe.

(Raising head), Crackling in joint of nape.

(Warm room), After dinner, chilliness.

(After scratching), Itching on right auricle, with burning heat; pimples on back of right hand.

(Sitting), Burrowing and griping in upper abdomen; pain in small of back; 4.30 P.M., weariness of lower extremities and burning of soles of feet; after standing, formication on left leg.

(Standing), Stitch in mammae; weakness of lower extremities; trembling of knees and feet.

(Before stool), Cutting colic.

(After stool), Pain in anus.

(Stooping), In open air, vertigo and dizziness; pain in small of back.

(Stretching body), Sticking pain beneath left rib.

(After supper), Rumbling and distension of abdomen; accumulation of flatus in abdomen, causing griping; emission of flatus.

(Empty swallowing), Sensation of foreign substance hanging in throat.

(Touch), Blisters beneath skin of occiput; drawing and stiffness in right cervical muscles.

(On waking), Crawling in last phalanges of right index and middle fingers.

(Walking), Weakness and pulsation in limbs; stiffness of lower extremities; tearing in right hip; pain in right thigh; pain in knees; pain below left calf.

(Walking in open air), Stitches in hepatic region; coldness.

(After walking), Pain in calves.

(Writing), Dimness of vision; watering of eyes; burning in outer canthus; 2 P.M., fog before eyes.


(Afternoon), Dulness in head; 4 P.M., nausea; qualmishness.

(Evening), Appetite.

(Open air), Yawning and stretching; sleepiness.

(Boring into ear), Itching.

(Drinking coffee), Gastric symptoms.

(Eating), Dryness in throat.

(Emission of flatus), Oppression in chest; cutting colic.

(On going to bed), Coldness in evening.

(Motion), Rheumatic pain in shoulders and muscles of shoulders and nape.

(Pressure), Stitches in back tooth.

(External pressure), Pressure in pit of stomach.

(Scratching), Itching in various parts of body.

(Sitting), Hammering in left side of head; trembling of feet.

(Sitting bent over), Pain in lower abdomen.

(Standing up), Pain in right inguinal region.

(Rubbing), Itching, tickling, and crawling in various parts of body.

(On rising and walking about), Pressive headache.

(Washing hands in cold water), Tearing in all fingers.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.