Oleum Animale

Lachrymal Apparatus and Ball. Easy lachrymation, causing biting in the lids. Diminished lachrymation, and consequent dryness between the eyeballs and lids (first days). Transient burning in the right eyeball, that for a moment causes lachrymation or dim vision. Vision. Diminished visual power (through the proving).

Dimness of vision and watering of the eyes, on writing, with burning in the outer canthi (after two hours and a half). Dimness of vision, with sleepiness (after an hour and a half). At distance he sees less distinctly than usual (throughout the proving). A fog before both eyes, and a sensation as if many small glistening bodies were moving back and forth before the vision, at 2 P.M., while writing. Fog before the right eye, with lachrymation; could scarcely see the paper; an hour and a half after dinner. On looking at an object, dark clouds extend over the field of vision (after an hour and a quarter).


Burning in the left ear, extending from within outward, lasting a quarter of an hour, at 5.30 P.M. Sensation of rawness in the left ear, as if a feather were in it, without itching, at 2.30 P.M.

(third day). Violent tearing just in front of the left ear (after four hours and a half). A fine tearing just beneath the right auricle (after half an hour). Tearing in the ears. Two painful beatings in the right ear, with head coming out of it, followed by somewhat increased warmth, that continued for a long time.

Boring in the ears, with a sensation as if something were in them, though without effect upon hearing, with great dryness in the throat. Sharp sticking into the left ear, removed by rubbing.

Fine sticking in the left outer ear (after two hours). Sticking in the ears. Burning stitches in front of the right ear, at 2 P.M. (fifth day). Sensation as though the right ear were stopped.

Itching in the ear. Itching in the right ear. Itching in the left ear, disappearing on boring into it, at 8 P.M. Hearing. Tones reach the ear as through a great noise (eleventh day). Loud noises increases the roaring in the ears (eleventh day). Sudden roaring in the ears (eleventh day). Cracking in the left ear (ninth day). Singing in the left ear, at 5 P.M. (sixth day). Fine ringing in the left ear, at 5.45 P.M.


Increased discharge of mucus from the nose. The nasal mucus rapidly becomes thick and profuse, and causes tension and pain in the nose. Coryza; he could scarcely get air enough through the nose. Violent stopped coryza. Sneezing and coryza, in the morning (third day). Sneezing, with sore pain in the chest. Sneezing, causing a violent bursting pain in the chest. Great irritation to sneeze in the right nostril, followed by sneezing. Soreness in the left nostril. The nose seems sore internally. Dryness in the nose. Tearing extending up into the left nostril (after two hours). Tickling in the nose (after half an hour). Tickling in the left nostril, disappearing after scratching (after a quarter of an hour). Crawling in the left nostril, at 7 P.M. Sensation of pricking, as from an acrid vapor, in the upper part of the nose, at 2.30 p. m. Itching in the right nostril, disappearing on scratching. Itching in the left nostril, disappearing on rubbing, at 2 P.M. It seems as though he had an offensive breath (after one hour).


Color of the face pale, almost earthy, all the afternoon. Tensive spasmodic drawing in various parts of the face (first day).

Tensive spasmodic drawing in the left half of the face, in the evening, in bed (eighth day). Spasmodic drawing extending from the right superciliary ridge to the zygoma, soon. Burning in the face, especially about the chin, every morning, followed by desquamation. A paralyzed sensation in the right half of the face. Cramp like paralyzed sensation in the left half of the face (first day). Crawling in various parts of the face (first day).

Cheeks. Redness of the cheeks, without sensation of either external or internal heat, even with a cold skin. Burning in the left cheek and corner of the mouth, that is removed by rubbing, but returns. Burning in the left cheek, as if near a glowing hot iron, at 8.30 P.M., soon disappearing (second day). Tearing in the right cheekbone, extending to the ear (after twelve hours).

Tearing in the left zygoma, removed by rubbing (after two hours).

A sensation in both malar bones as if one pulled them forcibly upward, removed by rubbing (after three-quarters of an hour).

Itching on the malar bone, beneath the left eye, relieved after rubbing. Lips. Lips cracked. Twitching in both lips, so that he woke, during the morning nap (eleventh day). Burning in the fossa, above the upper lip, that is removed by rubbing (after an hour and a quarter). Jaws. Swelling beneath the right lower jaw, so great that the skin was tense; a drawing, with pain, extending into the ear. Crawling and twitching in the lower jaw. Violent cracking in the left articulation of the jaw, always on opening the mouth. Cramp in the lower jaw (first and second days). It seems as though he could not open the mouth, on account an impediment in the articulation of the jaw, at 6.30 A.M. (second day).


Teeth and Tongue. Tearing in the teeth, that starts from the ear.

Jerking and tearing in the root of a right lower hollow tooth, frequently throbbing like an ulcer, from afternoon till evening, though frequently intermitting, with a sensation of icy coldness coming out of the tips of the teeth (after two hours and a quarter). Drawing in various teeth in the upper jaw (first day).

Stitches in a right upper back tooth, that is removed by pressure, after dinner. Sudden dryness of the tongue posteriorly, lasting three- quarters of an hour (after two hours). Biting on the tongue posteriorly, as from tobacco (after an hour and a half). Itching burning on the tip of the tongue (after a quarter of an hour). Taste and Saliva. Sour taste in the mouth. Fatty taste in the mouth, the whole forenoon. Fatty taste in the mouth and on the palate (immediately). Insipid taste and tenacious mucus in the mouth. Profuse accumulation of saliva in the mouth, frequently intermitting and returning. Saliva as white as snow collects in the mouth fro a long time (after half an hour).

General Mouths. Dryness in the mouth and throat, in the morning, on waking (second day). Pricking on the palate posteriorly, lasting a long time, at 2 P.M.


Rawness in the throat, with a sensation as of a hard substance that could not be swallowed (after three-quarters of an hour).

Rawness in the throat, frequently coming and going (after a quarter of an hour). Burning in the right side of the throat internally. Rawness in a long streak in the throat, that provokes a short cough (after three-quarters of an hour). Rawness in the throat, in the morning, provoking cough (third and fourth days).

Inflammation of the throat. Much tenacious mucus in the throat.

Mucus in the throat, that cannot be raised by hawking (after half an hour). The throat is completely dried up for four days. Throat dry, with a sour taste in the mouth. Sensation of dryness in the throat on empty swallowing, at 7 P.M. Almost constant dryness in the throat, especially noticed on empty swallowing, that is relieved for a long time by eating. The throat is very dry in the morning, with a sensation as if cold air penetrated, which she was constantly obliged to swallow; swallowing was very difficult, though food and drink passed very easily through the pharynx and oesophagus. Scraping in the throat, that seems raw and dried up.

Scraping in the throat, causing slight hacking (after an hour).

Choking and constriction in the throat, especially in the morning and evening, though also frequently through the day.

Crawling irritation in the left side of the throat on coughing (after one hour and a quarter). Sensation of an acrid vapor in the throat. Fauces and Pharynx. Dryness in the fauces, without thirst (first day). Burning extending up the pharynx, as from alcoholic drinks or evening (first day). Burning in the pharynx, as from alcoholic drinks or as from pepper, that continued to extend farther down till it reached the stomach (after half an hour). When lying on the back with the head inclines forward upon the chest, in the morning in bed, there is a sensation in the throat as if something compressed the larynx, almost stopping the breath, only disappearing on speedily changing the position (fifth day). Sensation in the throat on empty swallowing as if a foreign substance were hanging down; it seems as though it could be raised by hawking, with ineffectual attempts for a long time, till it provoked vomiting, when two pieces of a thick brown glutinous substance, as large as hazelnuts, were forcibly ejected, after which the dryness in the throat on swallowing disappeared for a short time, at 8 A.M. Very difficult swallowing on account of dryness in the throat.


Appetite and Thirst. Appetite diminished (first day). In the evening she had no appetite, could eat only bread. Desire for soft eggs, that she relished (second day). She relished soup and potatoes; had no desire for meat, though without aversion to it.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.