Oleum Animale

Pain in the small of the back as if sprained, especially on stooping. Pain in the small of the back, especially violent while sitting. A sharp stitch in the left lumbar region (after one hour and a quarter). Weakness and pulsation in the limbs on returning from a short walk, in the afternoon. Throbbing and pressure, at times very violent, in the sacrum (fifth and sixth days).


Tearing-drawing pain in the knees, left shoulder, upper arm, and left side of the chest. Bruised sensation in the thighs, arms, and back, as after great exertion (first day). Paralyzed sensation in the left arm and left lower extremity (third and fourth days).

Superior Extremities.

Powerlessness of both arms, as far as the fingers, with tearing- drawing pain. Rheumatic pains alternately in the scapulae, shoulders, cervical and pectoral muscles, but worst in the right cervical muscles and right scapula, several days. Shoulder and Arm. Rheumatic pains in the shoulders, muscles of the shoulders and nape, in the morning in bed, disappearing after motion.

Rheumatic pain in the left shoulder, in the morning (first days).

Tearing drawing in the left shoulder. Burning, almost cutting tearing, in the left axilla, when the arm is rest or in motion, at 6.30 P.M. Tearing extending from the right shoulder-joint to the middle of the upper arm (after one hour and a half). Tearing in the anterior surface of the right upper arm, with yawning (after two hours and a half). Fine tearing extending from the anterior surface of the middle of the upper arm, to the wrist, in the house (after one hour). Elbow and Forearm. Tearing in the external condyle of the right elbow (after two hours). Frequent tearing in the inner condyle of the left elbow (after one hour and a half). Dull pain in the elbow-joint, in the morning, especially on moving it (second day). Stitches in the left arm, below the elbow. Tearing in the anterior surface of the right forearm, in the forenoon (seventh day). Violent painful tearing extending from the bend of the elbow to the wrist, along the outer side outwards the little finger, in which the pain is most severe; on rubbing the pain is most severe; on rubbing the pain is relieved everywhere, except in the joints; the spot is also sensitive to pressure (after one hour and a half). Tearing on the outer surface of the right forearm towards the wrist, as if in the bone (after half an hour). Slight tearing extending from the inner surface of the middle of the forearm to the middle of the wrist, disappearing on rubbing (after one hour and three- quarters). Stitches in right radius. Bruised pain on the outer surface of the middle of the left forearm, at 6 P.M. (second day). Burning on the inner surface of the left forearm, near the wrist (after two hours and three-quarters). Burning on the outer surface of the right forearm, disappearing on rubbing, at 1 P.M.

Wrist and Hand. Tearing in the right wrist. Two fine tearings extending forward from the outer condyle of the right wrist, in the open air (after one hour). Tearing above the right wrist, extending to the ball of the thumb, removed by rubbing (after two hours and three-quarters). Two fine stitches on the outer condyle of the right wrist, three-quarters of an hour after dinner. A pinching transversely across the back of the left hand on allowing the hand to hang down, in the evening while walking.

Burning tearing on the inner margin of the right hand, towards the little finger, at 2.30 P.M. (fifth day). Tearing on the inner margin of the right hand, towards the little finger, as if the flesh would be torn from the bone, on rubbing a burning, and though it immediately disappeared it returned and at last disappeared of itself. Sticking crawling in the palm of the right hand (after five hours). Stitches in the right hand, between the metacarpal bone of the thumb and index finger. Acute drawing in the hand. Tearing in all the fingers towards the back of the hand, on washing the hand in cold water; it disappears after drying them. Fingers. Tearing above the ball of the left thumb, at 9.30 A.M. (third day). Fine tearing extending down the middle phalanx of the right index finger (after three hours and a half).

Tearing jerking in the left little finger, as if in the marrow (after five hours). Violent jerking tearing in the bones of the right middle finger (after four hours and a half). Violent jerking and tearing deep in the right middle finger (after four hours and a half). Drawing and burrowing in the right thumb, as if it would suppurate. A sharp stitch above and between the right thumb and index finger, as if in the bone, frequently returning (after one hour). A sharp stitch above the ball of the right thumb (after one hour). Numbness in different fingers. Ulcerative pain on the right little finger, under both sides of the nail, both by itself, and especially when pressed upon, in the morning, on waking, lasting all day, with pressive headache that disappears on rising and walking about (eighth day).

Inferior Extremities.

Feeling of stiffness in the lower extremities, when walking (first day). Weakness of the lower extremities and trembling of the knees, while standing (second day). Sensation of weariness in the lower extremities and burning in the soles of the feet, while sitting, less while walking, at 4.30 P.M. (third day). Drawing pain in the right leg, aggravated by talking or motion. Hip and Thigh. Tearing in the left hip, disappearing on rubbing (after three-quarters of an hour). Tearing in the right hip (after half an hour). Tearing in the right hip extending backward, at 2.30 P.M., while walking. Tearing in the thighs. Tearing on the right thigh, above the knee (tenth day). Slight tearing in the inner and lower portion of the right thigh, at 1 P.M. (third day).

Tensive pain on the inner surface of the thigh, near the knee, especially on walking (eighth and ninth days). Acute drawing in the left trochanter (third day). Pinching or tense sensation in a small spot in the middle of the inner surface of the left thigh, at 1 P.M. (third day). Dull stitches in the left natis, at 3.30 P.M. (fifth day). Throbbing pain on the inner side of the right thigh, in the forenoon (second day). Twitching on the posterior surface of the left thigh, after dinner. Knee. Weakness of the knees and stitches in them, so that he could not easily stand.

Soreness, as if denuded, in the bend of the knee, as n little children. Tension in the hollow of the left knee, as if the tendons were too short. A stiff pain in the knees, when walking (after five hours). Tearing on the inner surface of the right knee (after one hour and a half). Tearing in the right knee, with ulcerative pain; on rubbing, the tearing at first disappears, and afterwards the pain (after three hours and a half). Coarse stitches in the large fleshy part of the bend of the left knee, in the morning on waking (second day). Stitches in the right knee. Leg. Spasmodic drawing extending from the hollow of the knee to the back of the foot. Pain like a tension or as after a long walk, below the left calf, while walking, not noticed during rest, several days in succession. Pain, like growing pain, below both knees, frequently repeated during the day, especially in the morning. Painful tearing on the inner surface of the left tibia, extending down to the middle (after one hour and a half). Tearing in the whole left leg, from the knee, where the pain is most severe, downward, so that the whole leg trembles (after one hour). Tearing on the outer portion of the right leg, below the knee, extending down to the toes (after three hours). Slight pressive tearing in slow pulsation sin the left ankle, lasting a long time, during rest and motion, an hour after dinner (third day). A jerking tearing in the inner and lower portion of the right tibia, at 1 P.M. (third day). Tearing drawing on the anterior surface of the leg, especially on the margin of the tibia, with so great heaviness of the feet that she could not walk easily, three days in succession. A weary pain in the calves, as after a long walk, at 4.30 P.M. Foot and Toes.

Trembling of the feet from weakness, while standing, relieved by sitting, an hour after dinner. Both feet were very weak. Sudden painful tearing on the outer margin and in the hollow of the left foot (after three-quarters of an hour). Tearing on the anterior margin of the lower portion of the right foot, at 2 P.M.

(eleventh day). Tearing on the inner margin of the left foot, in the morning (second day). Burning tearing above the outer margin of the left foot, at 3.30 P.M. (second day). Violent tearing on the left external malleolus, at 9 P.M. (third day). Burning in the left inner malleolus, at 8 P.M. Pain in the malleoli as if they had received a violent blow, and he were suffering from the pain. Sensation as if the blood forcibly pressed into the lower portion of the left foot, especially into the great toe, at 6.30 P.M. An extremely violent sharp stitch in the middle of the outer margin of the right foot (after two hours and a half). Stitches in the sole of the left foot. Tearing in the left great toe, in which there is an ulcerative pain, at 2 P.M. (third day). Cramp in the toes. Pain, like an ulcer, in the left great toe, especially by the nail, on pressure, for several days.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.