OLEUM ANIMALE symptoms from Manual of the Homeopathic Practice by Charles Julius Hempel. What are the uses of the homeopathy remedy OLEUM ANIMALE…


OL. An. Oleum Animale Aethereum; Oleum Animale Dippelii. See Hartlaub and Trinks “Mat. Medorrhinum” II.


Anacardium, Arnica, Cocc., Ignatia, Nux.-v., Opium, Phosph., Rhus, Zincum met.


Camph., Nux-v., Opium


Cramp-like drawing in different parts. Feeling of stiffness, particularly in the lower limbs, when walking. Lameness of the left arm and lower limb. Unsteadiness of the body and shuffling gait. Weariness, with heaviness in the whole body. Weariness of the lower limbs, with burning of the soles, worse in the afternoon when sitting than walking. Languor, with indolence and constant inclination to sit, after dinner. Languor, with pulsations in the extremities. Great feeling of sickness in the whole body, with sadness and drowsiness. General malaise and prostration after a meal. Great languor and weariness, with trembling of the arms. Weakness of the whole body, with tremulousness and lachrymation in the forenoon. Weakness of the lower limbs, with trembling of the knees when standing. Weakness of the knees, with stitches in the knees and unsteadiness when standing. Fainting turn.


Itching of the whole body. Itching pimple in the bend of the elbow. Vesicles on the cheek with itching sensation.


Frequent yawning without drowsiness. Yawning and stretching with drowsiness. Restless sleep with erections. Dreams.


During the whole forenoon he feels rather cold, without being chilly. Chilliness over the whole body, early after rising. Shuddering over the hairy scalp. Frequent chills. Thirst before the chilliness. Alternation of chills, with chattering of the teeth, and heat, in the evening, without thirst and sweat. Dry, pricking heat, particularly in the face.


Sadness. Taciturn and thoughtful, as if overwhelmed with grief. Ill-humor and peevishness.


Frequent vanishing of thought. Absorbed in thought. Great absence of mind. Frequent attacks of loss of sense, with vanishing of hearing and sight. Dullness of the head, as after a cold, with dullness of the ears and rheumatic drawing in the cheeks. Stupefying dullness of the head. Painful dizziness, early in the morning, in bed. Painful sensation as of feeling. Giddiness and reeling sensation.


Pressure in the forehead. Lacerating in the temples. Gnawing in the occiput. Slow pulsative beating in the right side of the head. Sensation, upon entering a room, as if the blood were rushing to the occiput. Heat in the head. Tension about the occiput. Lacerating in different parts of the hairy scalp, followed by tension with sore pain as if the skin had been cut.


Pressure in the eyes, with cutting and lachrymation. Pressure as from a grain of sand, particularly in the wind, with photophobia. Drawing through the eye-balls. Stinging smarting, as from electric sparks. Burning in the eye, with lachrymation or dim- sightedness. Inflammation of the inner surface of the lids. Lachrymation and dimness of the eyes, with burning of the canthi and smarting of the lids. Quivering of the lids, also spasmodic. Dim-sightedness, also with drowsiness. Mistiness of sight, with shining points before the eyes.


Sticking in the ears. Boring in the ears, with dryness of the heat. Lacerating in the ears. Itching in the ears. Humming in the ears, increased by loud noise.


Tickling in the nose. Itching in the nostrils. Pimples on the septum, with burning and oozing. Dryness in the nose. Coryza with sneezing. Dry coryza.


Pale earthy complexion. Drawing in the face, particularly in the mastoid process, in the evening, or in the malar bones, as if they would be raised by force. Cramp-pain in the cheek. Tingling in the face. Burning in the face. Itching pimples and vesicles on the cheeks. Chapped lips.


Creeping and quivering in the lower jaw. Cramp in the lower jaw. Swelling of the right lower jaw, with tension. Lacerating in the teeth, proceeding from the ear.


Dryness in the mouth and throat. Greasy feeling in the mouth and palate. Itching burning of the tip of the tongue.


Choking and constriction of the throat, particularly morning and evening. Inflammation of the throat. Burning in the throat, also coming up from the oesophagus. Parched feeling of the throat. Dryness with sour taste in the mouth. Roughness in the throat, also with scraping and dryness.


Sour taste in the mouth. Diminished appetite. Thirst.


Frequent empty eructations. Nauseating eructation. Burning eructations. Gulping up of tasteless water. Loathing with inclination to vomit. Nausea with sensitiveness of the stomach. Nausea with contractive pain of the bowels. Constant inclination to vomit, with paleness of face. Sudden urging to vomit.


Painfulness of the stomach when pressing on it. Bruised pain about the stomach with pain or pressure. Sensation in the stomach as when fasting. Pressure in the pit of the stomach. Contractive and constrictive sensation in the stomach. Sensation as if something were turning about in the stomach, with urging to vomit. Feeling of coldness in the stomach. Burning and heat, from the stomach to the chest, or attended with general malaise.


Dull stitches in the region of the liver, during a walk in the open air. Pressure with sticking in the region of the liver and spleen.


Pinching in the abdomen, with grumbling. Cutting colic a few minutes before stool. Cutting motion from the abdomen to the chest. Cutting pains in the whole abdomen. Distention, with painfulness of the bowels, as in obstinate costiveness, during

every motion of the trunk. Great fullness of the abdomen, in the evening, with feeling as if bloated. Gurgling as if diarrhoea would set in, after dinner. Drawing from the groin into the testicles.


Difficult stool, after long urging. Papescent stools, even preceded by anxious pressing. Diarrhoeic stools, in the evening. After stool; burning at the anus, or pressing. Early in the morning the bowels feel bruised. In the anus: burning. Stinging. Tingling.


A good deal of urging to urinate, with discharge of only a few drops. Thin stream. Greenish urine. Dense, flocculent sediment in the urine, which is less pale after dinner. Itching in the urethra. Burning during micturition.


Itching of the penis. Lancinating pain in the penis. Swelling, at times of one, at times of another testicle, with pain on contact. Both testicles are drawn up and painful. Pressing in the prostrate gland. Nocturnal erections and emissions.


Menses too early, preceded and accompanied by colic. Scanty menses, black blood, and languor of the hands and feet. Leucorrhoea, consisting of thin white mucus. Sticking and lacerating in the mammae.


Hoarseness, with inability to talk loud. Roughness in the throat inducing a hacking. Cough with irritation. Frequent dry hacking.


Painful contraction in the middle of the chest. Pressure on the chest, penetrating through the chest to the shoulders. The whole chest feels painful as if bruised. Violent darting in the chest. Cutting through the chest, in the evening. Rushes of blood to the chest, with dry heat of the face. Anxiety in the chest, with shuddering. Pressure or crushing sensation about the heart.


Pain in the small of the back, worse when sitting. Pressure in the small of the back. Pain as if sprained, particularly on stooping. Beating and pressure in the sacrum. Rheumatic pains, also in the scapulae and axillae.


Rheumatic pain in the shoulder. Lacerating in the upper arm. Dull pain in the elbow, particularly during motion. Violent lacerating along the arm to the wrist-joint and fingers. Intensely painful drawing in the hands. Lacerating in all the fingers, in the direction of the dorsum of the hand. Drawing and digging in the thumb, as if it would ulcerate.


Drawing pain in the thigh, increased by motion. Bruised pain in the thighs, arms, and back. Lacerating in the thighs, above the knee. Tension in the bend of the knee, as if the muscles were too short. Painful stiffness in the knees, in walking. Lacerating in the knee, with ulcerative pain. Lacerating drawing pain in the knees, shoulder, upper-arm, and side of the chest. Sticking in the knee. Sticking in the sole of the foot. Cramp in the toes.

Charles Julius Hempel
Charles Julius Hempel (5 September 1811 Solingen, Prussia - 25 September 1879 Grand Rapids, Michigan) was a German-born translator and homeopathic physician who worked in the United States. While attending medical lectures at the University of New York, where he graduated in 1845, he became associated with several eminent homeopathic practitioners, and soon after his graduation he began to translate some of the more important works relating to homeopathy. He was appointed professor of materia medica and therapeutics in the Hahnemann Medical College of Philadelphia in 1857.