
Jaundice, with biting itching over the abdomen. Scaling of the backs of the hands. Small cracks on the finger-joints, that ulcerate somewhat. Deep cracks in the hands, like cuts (chapped hands). Deep cracks in the fingers, the bases of which are sore and bleeding. Deep cracklike cuts, in the fingers, especially on the inner side. A deep crack like a cut between the thumb and index finger, bleeding and painful. Eruptions, Dry. Eruption commencing upon the forearms and chest, and gradually extending over the whole body (except the face and posterior surface of the upper and lower extremities); it begins as small scattered red spots gradually run together and become continuous; the color is at first light-red, afterwards either scarlet or bluish-red, darker on the margin and lighter in the center; as the spots enlarge, the skin in their centre becomes healthy; they are slightly elevated, rough and dry, and covered with small whitish scales, which are continually rubbed off by the clothes, and redevelop, so that in the evening the clothes look as if sprinkled with meal; the tetter is worse in the axillae, bends of the elbow, inguinal regions, and hollows of the knees, burning and paining continually, and when first making their appearance accompanied by some fever; the affected portions of the skin are swollen, red, extremely sensitive to the contact of the clothes; the use of the arms is impeded; sleep wanting or very restless; itching on the contact of cold air when undressing; itching disappearing in the warmth of the bed; violent burning after contact, rubbing, washing, or taking wine; the axillary and inguinal glands swollen and painful; in some places, as for example, in the inguinal region, small superficial moist ulcers develop on the tetter, which after some days become covered with yellow scabs, and heal; tearing pains in the joints, especially the elbows and knees, in the evening; on the palms of the hands, small transparent vesicles without sensation; the eruption lasts between two and three months. Eruption of red elevated spots, with itching-sticking pain. Swollen spots upon which gray flat scabs develop, without previous moisture; after these appear, the swelling and pain disappear. Dry, elevated, burning itching tetter over the whole body, especially on the lower extremities, arms, wrists and hands, even between the fingers. An eruption of small, red, itch, burning after scratching; on the left arm, especially on the elbow. Eruption of itching rash on the forearm. Nettlerash eruption, which becomes a red spot, after two days. Intolerable itching all over the body, afterwards assuming the appearance of nettlerash (after several doses). Itching eruption on the lower extremities, especially on the inner surface of the thigh. A papular eruption, with biting pain when touched, beneath the red of the lower lip and farther towards the corner of the mouth. Pimples on the pudenda. Itching that became pleasant from scratching, on the inner sides of the thighs, after which some pimples appeared. A large pimple beneath the skin of the left cheek (tenth day). Eruption of small pimples on the inner side of the thigh. Pimples on the lobule of the ear, from which it was immovable; only at first painful, and lasting four weeks (after thirty-four days). A red pimple on the back of the hand, with a burning sensation on its appearance. A red pimple with a white tip on the nates, with sticking pain. Eruptions, Moist. A tetter which burns when touched. Very small transparent vesicles, containing water, appear in various parts of the body, in the morning before daybreak. Itching pimples and watery vesicles over the arms and different parts of the body. Burning, corroding, itching, and moist pimples, of a scaly look, like a small tetter, on the lobule of the right ear, that compels scratching. Eruption on the lower extremities, genitals, and hollows of the knees, throat, and abdomen; it is red, sore, moist, itching, moderately elevated, and in several places looking like a fatty kind of itch. An eruption on both thighs, which itched, and after scratching oozed a burning water, as if one had poured brandy into a wound, in the evening (following the heat of the head and on the back of the foot); after the itching, moderate perspiration on the abdomen and thigh, all without thirst. Very painful blisters on the nose. Vesicles full of water on the inner side of the wrist. Several small red vesicles on the end of the glans penis under the prepuce, that after four days become ulcers and discharge a yellow white matter of a strong odor, staining the shirt; afterwards the large ulcers bleed, and when touched there is a pain affecting the whole body; they are round, the margins everted like raw meat and their bases covered with a caseous coat. Tetter on the right forearm, becoming round, with desquamation, causing voluptuous itching, and lasting eighteen days (after six hours). Tetter on the posterior portion of the thigh, with desquamation of the epidermis when scratched, and with pain always on scratching, lasting thirty days (after five weeks). A rough, partly red, partly white, tetter-like spot in the skin of the left zygoma. Large, red, round, scaly tetter, with burning pain, an inch in diameter, on the forearm and wrist. Eruptions, Pustular. Small round points, that gradually become round ulcerating spots, and at last scurfy, especially on the thighs and legs. Ulcers three lines in diameter, developing from small very itching pimples, healing after eight to fourteen days, and followed by desquamation of the skin round about. Eruption on the upper lip, more on the margin, with a yellow crust, and biting-burning pain. An eruption with yellow scabs, elevated a quarter of an inch, almost painless, below the skin. Pustules on the upper and lower extremities, with itching. A pustule as large as a pea, filled with matter, on the chin. Itch-like, itching eruption on the abdomen and thighs. Pocklike eruption just above the anus, with a pressive pain, worse while sitting. Small boils in the left groin, and burning during micturition. A boil on the upper part of the left thigh, painful when walking and when taken hold of. Several suppurating sores arising from small pimples that itch very much, on the left leg, remaining open from eight to ten days; on healing, the skin around about desquamates. Pimples and ulcers on the scapulae and abdomen. Red ulcer as large as millet-seeds on the right side of the chin, not painful to touch. Red suppurating ulcers on the left side of the chin, not painful (third day). (In so-called dropsical patients, the swelling disappears very rapidly, and instead there appear offensive rapidly decomposing ulcers on the thigh). Corrosive itching ulcer on the external portion of the right thigh, that compels scratching. Bleeding of an ulcer that had previously existed. Sensations. Itching that becomes pleasant on scratching. Violent itching on all parts of the body, so that she is obliged to scratch a great deal at times at night, with bright redness and heat of the face. Intolerable sticking itching, here and there, over the body, as from fleabites in the evening (seventh day). Burning in the skin on the left side of the forehead. Burning in the skin of the check, in from of the chin. Drawing pain on the anterior surface of the left thigh. Sticking and itching in the skin of the thigh, that woke him, about 3 A.M. Biting pain in the back, especially while sitting. Crawling as from the creeping of a large insect, from the right knee up in from as far as the middle of the thigh. Violent tickling in the palm of the left hand, that compels scratching (after six hours). Fine tickling in the palm of the right hand, that provokes scratching (after five hours). Itching on the forehead. Itching on the pubis above the penis (after two hours). Itching of the right testicle. Itching of the pudenda. Itching on the back, in the evening in bed. Itching on the right scapula, on the back. Itching on the sacrum, while walking. Itching on the joints, as from the itch, day and night; worse in the evening, though without visible eruption. Itching on the left elbow. Itching on the lower limbs, itching between the toes, mostly in the afternoon and evening. Obstinate itching of the pudenda, shortly before menstruation. Violent itching on the legs. Itching between the toes, mostly in the afternoon and evening. Obstinate itching of the pudenda, shortly before menstruation. Violent itching on the right side of the nose; he was obliged to rub it. (A burning itching and a heat over the whole back, mostly while walking in the open air). A sticking itching in the abdomen, in the evening a burning after scratching, on the skin no eruption is seen. Sticking itching in the sacrum, while walking. Tickling sticking itching on the inner side of the first phalanx of the right thumb, in the evening in the bed, disappearing after scratching, but soon returning. Tickling itching on the left side of the back that compels scratching.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.