
Appetite. Excessive appetite and hunger, wherewith he could eat scarcely anything, because everything was tasteless; without hunger; she feels that it is not a genuine hunger (after one hour). Very transient ravenous hunger, soon after a full meal (immediately). Wild ravenous hunger (after half an hour and one hour). Constant greediness, wherewith he constantly becomes weaker. Loss of appetite, especially in the morning. Complete loss of appetite. No longing for food, but when set before him it is relished. He is immediately satisfied if he eats only a few morsels. The smell of food is more agreeable than eating. No desire for warm food, only for cold, bread and butter, etc. Aversion to sweets. Sensation as if he had eaten something sweet that caused aversion and consequent nausea. Aversion to meat, and afterwards vomiting. Extreme aversion to meat. Aversion to beef; does not relish it. Aversion to butter. Aversion to coffee. No desire for wine or brandy, to which he was previously accustomed. Thirst. Greater desire to drink than to cat. He has no desire for dry food, but takes liquids willingly. Greater thirst than hunger, with constant chilliness. He constantly wished to drink. Thirst during the day. Much thirst. Much thirst day and night. Extremely violent thirst. Thirst for water (towards evening). Thirst for cold drinks, especially fresh water. Very great thirst for ice-cold water. Eructation and Hiccough. Eructations soon after dinner, with offensive exhalation form the mouth. Eructations not loud. Constant eructations of air. Eructations while eating, so that the eructate liquid comes into the mouth (ninth day). Eructations frequently, without taste, at times with a sour taste. Eructations of a bitter taste and offensive odor. Eructations of bitter water. Bilious eructations, in the afternoon. Eructations as of freshly baked bread. Hiccough like eructations during dinner (ninth day). Gulpings after eating and drinking. At times a liquid, acrid like brandy, not like an acid, rises into the throat. Hiccough. Frequent hiccough. Frequent hiccough, especially in the forenoon. Violent hiccough after eating. Hiccough was very distressing and painful, as if he had been burnt low down in the throat, or had swallowed boiling oil. Heartburn. Heartburn. A rancid scraping heartburn after a simple supper (first day). Nausea and Vomiting. Nausea, aggravated after eating. He became nauseated, and had many eructations, with diarrhoea. Nausea, quite high up in the throat and not in the stomach, so that he was unable to vomit (especially after eating). Nausea in the epigastric region (immediately), and afterwards a bruised pain in the right side just above the hip, which is aggravated by motions and touch. Nausea in the pit of the stomach, followed by eructation; the eructation at times takes away the breath. Nausea and shivering all day. He was so nauseated and qualmish that hearing and sight vanished. Great nausea in the chest, where he feels a cutting pressure; he feels as if he would vomit and has no resting any position because great anxiety drives him hither and thither. The usual smoking causes qualmish nausea in the chest, at times extending from the pit of the stomach to the pit of the throat, with pressure and cutting. Constant qualmish nausea, with pressive cutting in the chest and dull stitches here and ther (towards the sides of the chest); cutting in the abdomen and cutting pressure in the pit of the stomach. Qualmishness in the morning, heaviness of the lower extremities, weakness and sleepiness. Qualmishness immediately after eating, with perfectly good appetite and taste. Qualmishness, bordering upon nausea, while urinating. Qualmishness accompanied with vertigo obscuring vision, and flushing heat. Inclination to vomit while coughing. Much water collects in the mouth at 1 A.M., together with nausea, that wakes her and obliges her to vomit; a very bitter substance is expelled. Violent bitter vomiting of mucus. Stomach. On bending forward, digestion is immediately impeded. Violent pain in the stomach, as after violent vomiting. Burning, extending at first towards the oesophagus, afterwards in the abdomen. Burning pain in the pit of the stomach (immediately). The stomach is full and constricted. Fulness and tension in the pit of the stomach, restricting respiration, with diminished appetite. Griping in the pit of the stomach, followed by a soft stool, and afterwards still griping and rumbling in the abdomen, in the evening. He is unable to tolerate the most easily digestible food; even a little bread lies in the stomach and drags it downward, though he is very hungry; if he eats a little more he becomes ill-humored, so that he can scarcely endure it. If one eats a little, the stomach is drawn down for two hours and there is a kind of cramp in it. A pressure in the pit of the stomach, with nausea, after eating. While sitting, the food lies like a stone in the pit of the stomach, as if collected into a ball. Bread lies heavy on the stomach. A constrictive tearing in the pit of the stomach, especially on deep breathing and on touch. A pain like a scarification in the pit of the stomach. Ulcerative pain in the stomach and abdomen.


Hypochondria. A pushing, pressing-out pain in the region of the liver. Violent stitches in the hepatic region, on account of which he could not breathe nor eructate. He feel the violent beating of an artery, it can be seen through the clothes, on the right side near to and on a line with the pit of the stomach. Umbilical and Sides. Burning about the umbilicus. A deeply seated tensive pain above the umbilicus, relieved by eating. A painful pressure on the right side of the abdomen, even in the morning in bed. General Abdomen. Distension of the abdomen. Painful inflation of abdomen. Abdomen hard, distended. Rumbling in the abdomen always after drinking. Rumbling and gurgling in the abdomen previous to every stool (second day). Frequent emission of flatus. Profuse emission of flatus. Indescribable pains in the abdomen, disappearing only while lying. While walking in the open air, a sensation in the abdomen as though he had when cold. A sensation in the intestines as if they were too loose; while walking they were shaken, as if they had no firmness. Pain in the abdomen as if the intestines were relaxed, while walking. Burning in the abdomen. Tormented by flatulence for an hour in the evening before lying down in bed, and always on passing urine; the abdomen is very much distended, followed by emission of odorless flatus. Griping in the abdomen. Griping in the abdomen woke her at midnight, two nights in succession, and lasted an hour. At first redness and heat of the cheeks, followed burning- griping pain in the upper abdomen. Much dragging, anxiety, and trembling in the whole abdomen before the diarrhoea-like stool; after the stool bitter scraping eructations and some heartburn. Pressure in the abdomen (immediately). Pressure in the abdomen, as from a stone. Violent pressure in the right side of the abdomen, as if the intestines would be twisted out. Pressive pain in the abdomen, rising to the throat, as if a crust of bread were scraping in the pharynx, and as if heartburn and eructations would occur. Twisting and cutting about the abdomen, with a sensation of qualmishness. Cutting in the abdomen on urinating. Cutting or rather tearing in the abdomen, which was externally cold to touch, at night. Cutting pain in the upper abdomen. Colic, as from taking cold. Colic and much loud emission of flatus. He is attacked with colic if he takes hold of anything cold (for example, a piece of cold wood). He cannot sleep on the right side, for the intestines are sore as if pressed. A bubbling in the abdomen, or abdominal muscles, rhythmical with the pulse, after eating. Rumbling sensation in the bowels. Hypogastrium and Iliac Regions. Pressive-tensive pain in the lower abdomen; aggravated by pressing on it, disappearing on expiration; while walking it becomes worse, especially on ascending steps, it becomes a king of cutting pain. Painful contraction in the lower abdomen. A sensation in the lower abdomen, just above the genitals, as if something very heavy pressed downward towards the genitals, for forty-eight hours; with pulling pains in both thighs, as if the muscles and tendons were too short. Shooting diarrhoeic feeling in lower bowels. Cutting in the lower abdomen in the evening, with pressive pain in the upper abdomen, which compels him to loosen the clothes about that region (after twenty-four hours). A boring stitch vertically from the middle of the lower abdomen out through the anus. Cutting stitches, as with a knife, very low down in the lower abdomen, from the right to the left side, worse while walking than while sitting and standing together four days. Swelling of the inguinal glands, with circumscribed redness, not very painful, except on pressure and long walking. The inguinal glands become swollen, red, and inflamed, and painful when touched and on much walking. Swelling of the inguinal glands (bubo), at first with circumscribed redness, painful on walking and on pressure, then red, elevated, and inflamed; he could neither stand nor walk without great pain; was obliged to lie down. Bubo. Tension in the left inguinal region. Pain as from swelling of the inguinal glands (first day). Drawing pain in the groins and testicles. Pressive-boring pain in the right groin, while lying and walking (after twelve hours). Pressive pain in the left groin (after thirty hours). Pressive pain in the inguinal glands from time to time. Stitches in Poupart’s ligament (and heels), towards evening. Pain like needle-stitches in the right groin, on the ilium. Acute stitches in the left groin, aggravated by inspiration. Acute, rhythmical, sharp stitches in the anterior inferior spine of the left ilium (after twenty-four hours). Violent, large knife-like stitches in the right inguinal region, which always made him start up. Crawling in the inguinal glands.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.