Mercurialis homeopathy medicine – drug proving symptoms from Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica by TF Allen, published in 1874. It has contributions from R Hughes, C Hering, C Dunham, and A Lippe….

Common names: Dog’s Mercury, Bingelkraut.


Mercurialis perennis, L. Natural order: Euphorbiaceae. Preparation: Tincture of the whole plant.


Emotional. Excited mood; (first to third days). Very excited mood; everything was accomplished hastily and rapidly. Lively mood (after one hour). Lively, excited mood. She was very much excited and lively, so that she was constantly inclined to make foolish remarks, lasting all day (after half an hour). A condition similar to slight intoxication (after two to six hours). Excessive cerebral excitement; they became delirious (after half an hour). Lively mood, inclined to sing and joke. Lively mood; inclined to laugh, though she was very much affected by the drug, so that she even laughed about her condition, especially about the dizzy intoxication. She complained of despondency and sadness, and wished to weep (after one hour). Fretfulness. Very fretful mood (second day). Lively mood; at times easily excited to anger. Excited, violent mood. Morose, quarrelsome, and peevish. Fretful, exhausted, indifferent, depressed peevish; very quite during the first five hours; afterwards, very lively; ill- humored (after half an hour to six hours), followed by feeling well. Intellectual. It was frequently difficult to put his mind upon different things. Difficulty in collecting his senses (first and second days). Coma (after half an hour).


Confusion and Vertigo. Confused and full feeling in the head, with painfulness, tension, and pressure (after a quarter of an hour). His head feels confused; he seems lost in thought (after three hours). Vertigo in the sinciput (after two hours). Vertigo, with heat of the head. Vertigo, preceded by headache, so that she staggered like a drunken person and on stooping was obliged to steady herself to prevent falling; while walking, she could not step correctly, and at times rolled to and fro; she was dizzy while sitting, though still more while standing (after three-quarters of an hour to two hours). She was attacked with vertigo on going down stairs; and it seemed as though thought and consciousness would vanish (after one hour and a half). Vertigo towards the left side, while sitting, standing, and even while lying down; it constantly seemed as though the body would fall towards that side (evening first day, and next morning). Whirling vertigo, after a long walk (after one hour and a half), Whirling in the head (second day). Inclined to be dizzy, while sitting (after three to six hours). Dizziness (after two hours); (after three to four hours). Dizziness and confusion of the head, as after loss of sleep and night watching, in the morning (second day). Dizzy sensation in the head (after two hours). Head dizzy, as if distended. Dizzy intoxication (after two hours). The head seemed to turn around; some pressive headache in the forehead; a portion of the occiput very numb (after a quarter of an hour). General Head. Slight pain in the head (after three hours). Burning heat and pressure in the head (after four to five hours). Fullness and tension in the head (after a quarter of an hour). The head feels full and confused, as if something were lying before the ears (after three-quarters of an hour). Pressure and tension in the head, as if it were too full, on stooping (after half an hour). Tension in the head (after one to two hours). Feeling of tension in the head and face. Tension in the head, especially in the forehead and above the eyes; on stooping, changing to a pressing-out pain (after one hour). Tension and a numb sensation in the head; at times also in different places, especially in the superciliary ridge, at times also with some stitches (after five to eight hours). Tension and heaviness of the head, with a sensation of heat (after three hours). Sensation of puffiness in the head (after one to five hours). Dragging and pressive headache, commencing in the right temple (after a quarter of an hour to two hours). Pressure in the head (after one hour). Pressure in the head (after one hour), Pressure, especially in the forepart of the head (third day), Constant pressure and tension in the head, and in the sinciput (first day). Sensation of heaviness in the head, as if were pressed down by a weight; the scalp seems tense, numb, and difficult to move; with sometimes a slight painful sensation in it (after quarters of an hour). Stitches shoot through the head at times so that she would start up or cry out. Forehead. Constant pain in the right side of the forehead (after two hours). Slight pain in the forehead, with isolated painful points (after three-quarters of an hour). Tensive pain in the forehead and forepart of the head (after half an hour to four hours). Tensive pain in the forehead and eyes; afterwards extending to the temples and vertex (after three hours). Sensation as if the forehead were too large (after one hour). Pressure in the forehead and sinciput, in the region of the glabella and root of the nose (after one hour and a half). Pressure in the forehead, especially above and between the eyes, and also in the occiput, as if the head were pressed downward from behind. Pressure pain in the forehead and temples, lasting half an hour (after half an hour). Pressive pain in the forehead and eyes (after half an hour to five hours). Pressive headache in the forehead. Violent pressive headache in the forehead, in the morning, lasting two days. Slight tearing in the forehead (second day). The frontal and temporal regions, and the upper part of the face, are painfully sore to touch (second day). Temples. The temporal muscles are difficult to move (after three- quarters of an hour). Sudden pain in the left temple (after half an hour). Pressure in both temples (after three hours). Pressive pain in the temples (after five hours). Transient sticking pain deep in the left temple, extending down to the articulation of the jaw (after two hours and a half). Pressive sticking in the left temple, lasting a quarter of an hour. A stitch in the left temple (after ten hours). Wandering tearing, and sticking pain in the left temple, accompanied by heat (second day). Slight tearing in the left temple (after six hours). Dull tearing in the right temple (after four hours). Pressive tearing in the right temple, extending to the vertex (after eight hours). Slight sticking tearing pain in the right temple (after one hour). Vertex. Burning sensation in the region of the vertex (after four hours). She experienced uneasiness in the head on the vertex; no pain but a real twisting sensation (after three-quarters of an hour). Parietals. The left side of the head seems hollow. Tearing in the left side of the head. Tearing in the left side of the head, and in the teeth of the right side; changing to headache in the evening (first day). Slight tearing in the skull above the right ear (second day). Occiput. Slight tearing in the occiput, as if in the bone (second day). External Head. Burning and digging in the scalp (after one hour).


Objective. Staring look; (after three hours and a quarter). Dimness of the eyes; (after four hours). The eyes have a dim look (after two hours) The eyes look dim to another, after waking from sleep. The eyes seem dim, misty, as if swimming in tears (after four hours). Eyes seem prominent (after six hours). Eyes difficult to move (in several provers). Stiffness and pressure in the eyes (after half an hour). Weakness of the eyes (after two to six hours). Eye weak; intoxicated look (after two hours). Subjective. Dryness of the eyes and lids (after one to two hours). Dryness and stickiness of the eyes, usually with burning (several provers). Painfulness of the eyes. Pain in the eyes, especially in the right, while reading (after six hours). Slight pain in both eyes, while reading and writing (after six hours). Burning in the eyes, especially in the lids and canthi (first day). Burning in the eyes, with lachrymation (after two to four hours); more dryness (after four to six hours). Burning in the eyes, as if they had been exposed to horseradish. Burning heat in the eyes, extending over cheeks (after three hours). Eyes seem too large and difficult to move (after four hours); afterwards a sensation as if they were smaller than usual (after seven hours). Tension in the eyes and temples (after two and seven hours). Tension in the eyes; as if they were swollen, in the morning (second day). Painful tension in the eyes, with dryness and heaviness of the lids (second day), Aching in the eyes, in the evening by the light. Pressure in the eyes (after half an hour); worse on stooping. Pressure with dryness in the eyes (second day). Pressure in the eyes and in the forehead; it seems like a veil before the eyes (after one hour and a half). Pressure deep within the eyes. Pressure in the posterior portion of the eye (after four hours). Pressure in the left eye; if she closes the lids they become agglutinated, and she cannot immediately open them. A sensation in the eyes as if something were, pressing upon them, especially when reading. A sensation as if something pressed the eyes together. Pressing-out sensation in the eyes (after two hours). Forcing-out sensation in the eyes, with an unsteady look. Some stitches in the eyes (after three to five hours). Tearing in the right eye (after five hours). Tearing in the right eye, persistent in the upper part (after eight hours). Biting in the eyes as after being in a wind. Itching of the right eye (after fourteen hours). Brow and Orbit. Pressure and tearing in and above the eyebrows. Pressive pain in the region of the left infra-orbital foramen (after three hours and a half). Acute pressive pain beneath the upper orbital margin of the right eye (after two hours and a half). Sticking in the region of the right infra-orbital foramen (third day). Tearing above the left eyebrow (sixth day). Tearing in the left lower orbital margin, extending down to the upper portion of the side of the nose. Tearing or pressive pain in the margins of the orbits, especially in the upper (several provers). Fine sticking- tearing in the region of the left lower orbital margin (second day). Lids. The inner surfaces of the lids, especially towards the margins, are red (many provers). The margins of the lids maturate easily, especially in the morning (several provers), (after two hours). Blinking of the eyes, in the open air and sunlight (first day). Frequent blinking of the eyes, even when not looking at the light, with burning in them (first day). Twitching of the upper lids, especially of the left eye (soon). Twitching of the left upper lid. Lids and eyes difficult to move (first day). The lids are difficult to move, as if they would draw together (after half an hour). On waking at night, she was unable to open the lids immediately; they seemed paralyzed and could not be opened until she had rubbed them (second night). Weakness of the upper lids, so that at times she could not completely raise them. Heaviness of the eyelids. Heaviness and agglutination of the lids. Heaviness and dryness of the lids; she could scarcely move them (after three-quarters of an hour). Heaviness, tension and dryness of the lids (after three hours). Heaviness of the lids with pressure and burning in the eyes. Lids somewhat heavy and dry (after five hours). Burning in the eyelids, with dryness (after six hours, and even next morning). Burning in the eyelids followed after an hour by watering of the eyes; next morning the lids were agglutinated (after a quarter of an hour). The eyelids seem tense and dry (after one hour). Constrictive sensation in the left eyelids; the eyes seemed closed; on closing the lids, a glutinous sensation in them (after two hours). The eyelids are difficult to move; sticky on the inner surface and margin; when closed she can hardly open them (after three to eight hours). Lachrymal Apparatus. The eyes are moist, and at times smart, as if coryza would come on (after half an hour). Watery eyes (after one hour). Watery, dim eyes (after half an hour). Lachrymation as if coryza would come on; therewith the nose is sometimes moist. Ball. Slight tearing pain in the eyeballs (third day). Pupil. Pupils dilated, with great sensitiveness to the light (after six to eight hours). Pupils somewhat dilated; they contract slowly, even when exposed to a strong light (after four hours). Decided dilatation of the pupils after taking a walk, so that she is frightened on looking into a mirror; they only become normal after eighteen hours (after eight hours). Pupils perfectly dilated (after half an hour). Vision. Vision foggy (after three hours). Cloudy vision in the open air (second day). It seems as though a cobweb were before the eyes (after one hour and a half). Vision as if a veil were before the eyes, with twitching of the lids, so that he could scarcely recognize objects (after six hours). Weakness and sensitiveness of the eyes to bright and artificial light (third day). Blinding sensation in the eyes, on looking at the daylight. Blinking of the eyes, while sewing or reading by the light. He was frequently obliged to blink the eyes in the open air on account of the snow, which blinded him (first day). She is unable to continue her work on canvas, in the evening by candlelight, because the threads run together; also to read because the letter run together (after twelve to thirteen hours), While reading, everything ran together, while sewing, she was unable to distinguish the stitches; she thought there was a veil before the eyes (after four hours).

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.