
Objective. Bluish-red rings around the eyes, especially beneath them. Many red vessels became visible in the white of the eye. An inflamed swelling in the region of the lachrymal bone. Inflammation of both eyes, with burning-biting pain, worse in the open air. The eyes were forcibly drawn together, as if long deprived of sleep, while sitting, standing, and walking. Weakness of the eyes. Subjective. Eyes hot, a kind of dry head. Heat, redness, and pressure in both eyes. Heat in the eyes, and lachrymation. Burning in the eyes. Burning and biting in the eyes, as from horseradish. Burning in the eyes, as after reading very much at night; one eye was red. Pressure in the eyes. Pressure as from sand in both eyes. Pressure in the eyes on moving them; they are even sore when touched. Sticking in the eyes. A sticking pain in the left eye, for several minutes (after seven days). Brow. Burning sensation in the right superciliary ridge. Lids. The upper lid is thick and red, like a stye. Great swelling, redness and constriction of the lids, which were very sensitive to touch. The left lower lid was greatly swollen, especially towards the external canthus, with burning pain, for five days, and much lachrymation; preceded by much sneezing for three days. Eyelids agglutinated, in the morning. He is unable to open the eyes well, as if the eyeballs were agglutinated (in the lids). Twitching and jerking in the lids. Constant twitching of the lower lid. Burning in the right upper and lower lids. A sensation as of a cutting substance beneath the left upper lid. Lachrymal Apparatus. The eye was full tears. Watering of both eyes, in the morning. Watering of the eyes and lachrymation. Lachrymation in the open air. Very profuse lachrymation of the right eye. Ball. Itching of the eyeballs. Pupil. Pupils dilated (after one hour). Vision. If she attempts to look at anything she cannot distinctly recognize it, and then the eyes are almost always involuntarily drawn together; the more she tries to restrain the contraction the less able is she to prevent it; she is obliged to lie down and close the eyes. A fog before one or both eyes. A fog before one or both eyes. Dimness of vision of both eyes. Amaurotic dimness of the left eye, gradually increasing, lasting ten minutes. Amaurotic blindness of the left eye without pain, for several minutes, while walking in the open air. Vision completely vanishes for five minutes; a similar attack occurs every half hour, and for five minutes he is completely deprived of vision. The eyes cannot tolerate the firelight or daylight. Firelight blinds the eyes very much, in the evening. (The letters seem to move, while reading, in the evening). Pointed objects (for example, an awl) seem to have double points. Illusion of vision; it seems as though a straw were hanging before both eyes. Black points before the eyes. A black point before the eyes, which constantly seems to move downward before him. Things like black insects or files constantly float before the vision. Everything seemed green and black before the eyes; the room whirled around in a circle; he was obliged to lie down (while eating). Sparks of fire before the eyes. Fiery points before the vision, tending upwards towards the clouds, especially in the afternoon.


External. The ear was inflamed internally and externally, with pain partly cramplike, party sticking, and a feeling as if stopped by swelling. Matter flows from both ears; in the forepart of the right ear is a sac of matter, which when touched discharges through the ear; with pains in the whole right half of the head and face, so that she was unable to lie upon that side. Yellow matter is discharged from the left ear. Bloody and offensive matter flows from the right ear, with tearing pain. Blood oozes from the left ear, in the morning. The left ear is painful as if inflamed, also the meatus. The lobule of the ear is very painful for eight days, red and hot; two days afterwards, a pimple appears on the lobule, and lasts twelve weeks. Burning pain in the cartilage of the left ear. Pulling and jerking behind the left ear, that prevents sleep; the spot is sore to touch. Middle. The ears seem stopped, with roaring in them. Several times daily in the inner right and left ear, a sensation as if cold water were running out, suddenly appearing, and after a few minutes disappearing; between the attacks there was great itching in both ears. Violent pain in the ear, as if something were forcing its way out. Twinging in the ear. Twinging and pulling in the ears. Sticking and burning deep in both, ears worse in the left. Pressive-sticking pains in the ears; the warmer she became in bed, the colder and more moist did the ear become, until at last it seemed as if ice were in it. Stitches within the ear on stooping. Tearing deep within the left ear, on the appearance of the menses. Both ears internally sore and denuded, the right worse. Hearing. Fluttering and crawling in the left ear. Difficulty of hearing in both ears. He can hear scarcely before the left ear. Humming as of wasps in the left ear (after five minutes). Ringing in the ears, as from various high-sounding glasses, especially in the evening. Various kinds of ringing in the ears, worse in the evening, for several days. Roaring in the ears. Roaring in the ears, in the morning. Roaring in both ears, when lying in bed. Roaring in the ear, as if something had been stuffed into it. Roaring and humming in the ears, as if something were sticking in them. Roaring in the ears, with difficult hearing in both ears. Roaring before the left ear. Pulse like roaring in the ears. Whizzing before the ears, as if he would faint.


Objective. The whole nose, especially the left side. is swollen, very red and shiny, with itching, especially within the nostrils. Tip of the nose red, swollen, inflamed and itching. Swelling of the left wing of the nose, as in severe fluent coryza. Swelling and cracking of the septum of the nose. Inflamed swelling of the nose. The nose in scaly internally, and bleeds on cleaning it. An offensive odor from the nose as in violent coryza. Much moisture drops from the nose without her having coryza, the whole day. Acrid matter flows from the nose, knowing the odor of old cheese. Coryza, lasting two days. Coryza, with much sneezing. Nosebleed of varying severity. Nosebleed during sleep. Bleeding from the left nostril; the blood clotted on dropping, so that it remained hanging in a string from the nose. Profuse bleeding from the nose. Profuse nosebleed during cough. Sneezing (after five minutes). Frequent sneezing. Frequent sneezing, without fluent coryza. Very frequent sneezing, especially in the morning. Almost constant sneezing for three days, followed by great swelling of the left lower lid, especially towards the external canthus, with burning pain and lachrymation, lasting five days. She was obliged to sneeze once daily for twelve days in succession. One very violent sneeze 9immediately). Want of air through the nose. Subjective. Distension at the root of the nose. Tension transversely across the nose. A pressure downward in the nose, s if something heavy were bound upon it. The nasal bone is painful when taken hold of. Crawling and gnawing sensation in the skin of the root of the nose.


Paleness, with coldness; together with heaviness, indolence, and sleepiness. Red spots in the face. Features sunken and elongated, eyes dim and obscured, face white and earthy. The right side of the face, especially beneath the eye, swollen and hot. Cheeks. Pressive pain from within outward, in both zygomata. Dull stitches in the left superior maxillary bone, near the eye. Some sharp stitches occurring every five minutes in the zygoma (also in the chest, knee, and outer condyle of the elbow), more in the forenoon and walking. Great swelling of the left cheek. Tearing in the left cheek and in the whole ear. Tearing in the right masseter muscle. Lips. Internal swelling of the upper lip. Great swelling of the upper lip and lower part of the cheek, soft but very red, in which holes an inch deep (as if excavated) penetrate, looking very livid, with grayish-yellow matter, with discharge of only watery yellow moisture; they had a somewhat offensive odor, and bled when touched, but only on the margins. Soft, red swelling of the upper lip, that internally separates from the gum, where it looks shaggy; on its inner and outer surface deep suppurating sores form with sticking pain, at times with itching. A crab in the corner of the mouth. Cracking and smarting in the mouth. Corner of the mouth ulcerated and painfully sore. Distortion of the mouth to one side, about 3 A.M., with dyspnoea. Dryness of the lips. Pain in the corners of the mouth as if they had been cut. The lips are painful when touched with the finger as if burning and fiery, as form stinging nettles. Roughness and dryness of the lower lip, as from cold raw air (after seven hours). China The muscles between the lower lip and chin were visibly and spontaneously contracted and drawn Almost complete immobility of the jaws, so that he could scarcely open the mouth; yet with the most violent pain. He cannot separate the jaws. She is unable to separate the jaws, with tensive pain in the right side of the hyoid bone; bitter taste too all food (except milk, which has a good taste); tearing and difficulty of hearing in the right ear; loud emission of much very offensive flatus, and moist eruption on the head. Tension in the articulation of the jaw, on opening the mouth. Tearing in the lower jaw, toward evening.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.