Rectum and Anus

Objective. A haemorrhoid protrudes, and is painful during stool; also, sticking when touched. Discharge of blood from the rectum, while urinating. Ascarides crawl out of the rectum (after half an hour). Subjective. Burning in the anus. Burning in the anus always after a stool. Burning pain in the anus with soft stools. Sensation of griping in the anus, as in diarrhoea, with each emission of flatus. Sharp stitches in the anus, that make him start. Soreness of the anus (tenth day). Itching in the anus, as from threadworms. Boring stitch in the perineum, while walking and sitting. Urging Ineffectual desire for stool, in the morning. Ineffectual pressure to stool, with protruding haemorrhoids, which are painfully sore. Ineffectual urging to stool every moment, with tenesmus in the rectum. Much urging, that often drives him suddenly to stool. Anxious dragging to stool, always preceded and accompanied by nausea and pressure in the temples.


Diarrhoea. Diarrhoea, in evening, at night. Diarrhoea, with much wretchedness and dejection of spirits. Burning diarrhoea. Diarrhoea, with cutting and pressure in rectum. Green diarrhoea, with violent griping and cutting. Diarrhoea of green mucus, with burning and protusion of the anus. Diarrhoea, with streaks of blood. Diarrhoea, with much blood, for several days, followed by a hard stool with blood. The evening air causes colic and diarrhoea. He is frequently unable to evacuate the stool quickly enough; if he neglects, it passes involuntarily, though only pasty. Yellow diarrhoea-like stools, without sensation, twice daily for several days. During the day, several burning-biting stools, causing distress in the anus, but without much being evacuated. Stool, after griping and twisting in the abdomen (tenth day). Stool after some cutting colic (second day). Soft, brownish, easy stool, which floats on the water. Pasty stool, with mucus. Whitish-gray stool. Stool sulphur-yellow. Green, slimy, acrid stools, that excoriate the anus. Stool dark-green, bilious, frothy. Stools of dark-green mucus, preceded by pressure as form a ball in the rectum. Red slimy stool (after a few hours). Stool of a sour odor. Bloody stools, with a painful acrid sensation in the anus. Small evacuations of blood, with colic and tenesmus. Tenacious stool. Much dragging to stool, with a scanty evacuation (third day). Constant desire for stool, but only little is evacuated, with a griping in the abdomen. Stool evacuated in small pieces like sheep-dung. Hard stool. Evacuation of a few hard faeces, with pressure (twenty-fourth day). Frequent urging to stool, followed by an evacuation of a few large hard faeces, with great exertion, at long intervals. Discharge of mucus with the stool, with but little faeces, four or five times. Discharge of blood after an evacuation of faeces. Discharge of clotted blood, mixed with the faeces, but without any straining)after five to six days). Mucus and blood on the faeces, which, however, were not hard. Evacuation of several large roundworms. Constipation. Constipation, with catarrhal fever for several days, hypochondriac prostration, and aversion to all food, except beer. Stool only at night. Stool only once every three days (after fourteen days). Very hard stool, which could not be evacuated for a long time, with excessive pains in the anus.

Urinary Organs

Urethra. Swelling of the forepart of the urethra, with suppuration between the glans and prepuce, which is red and hot to touch, and very painful when walking and on touching; together with a raging pain in the forehead, and a rough itch-like eruption on the hands, especially in the region of the first joint of the thumb, more on the upper surface, itching very much at night. Gonorrhoea. Greenish painless gonorrhoea, especially at night. Discharge of blood from the urethra. Burning in the urethra, when not urinating. Burning in the urethra, on commencing to urinate. Burning while urinating. While urinating, at first a burning, then biting pain. Burning in the (male urethra) during coition (seventh day). Cutting when beginning to urinate (tenth day). Cutting during micturition, in the morning (eighth day). Biting- cutting pain in the whole urethra, while urinating, especially towards the end, even to the last drops; therewith he cannot urinate quickly enough, and some passes involuntarily. A dull sticking in the urethra (after a few times). A drawing sticking in the urethra, when not urinating. Stitches in the forepart of the urethra, when not urinating. Stitches in the urethra, extending towards the abdomen, towards evening. Biting in the female urethra, while urinating. A throbbing rather than a sticking in the urethra. Bubbling, like a sticking, in the urethra. Micturition. Frequent pressure to urinate (after a nocturnal emission). Frequent urging to urinate, with scanty discharge (after two hours). Urging to urinate, so that he was obliged to urinate at least every hour, day and night, with a violent burning in the urethra on beginning to urinate. Constant desire to urinate; indeed, every ten minutes; but only a little passed. Constant urging to urinate, but none passes. She was obliged to rise three times at night to urinate, and passed much urine each time. She was obliged to rise to urinate at 4 A.M. He woke every night about 4 o’clock, and was obliged to urinate. When he feels a desire to urinate he is obliged to hurry, otherwise he cannot retain it. Pressure after micturition. Frequent micturition, even several times at night. Frequent and profuse micturition (third day). Micturition excessive, much too frequent. Much too frequent micturition, with burning-biting pain. Far more urine was passed than water had been drunk. He passes very little urine, and it seems to be mixed with blood. Unusually weak stream of urine. Urine. Urine passed at first clear, but afterwards white, as if mixed with chalk, and soon followed by pain; a burning sensation in the urethra after even touching the penis. Urine reddish, becoming thick on standing, and causing cutting when passed. Red and brown urine. Urine fiery red; seldom discharged. Urine dark-red, seeming to be mixed with blood. Brownish-red urine. Urine dark. Very dark urine for several weeks. The urine has a sour odor. Urine acrid. Urine with a flocculent white cloud. Urine extremely turbid, immediately on passing, and depositing a sediment. The urine looks as if mixed with meal, with a thick sediment. Large pieces of white fibres and flakes pass after the urine, without pain. Pieces of hardened mucus, like pieces of flesh, pass with the urine.

Sexual Organs

Male. Swelling of the prepuce and inflamed redness of its inner surface, with painful sensitiveness. Swelling of the prepuce, with burning, biting, and redness; tearing and smarting on its inner surface, but externally a red fine eruption. Great swelling of the prepuce, as if it were distended with air or water to a blister. Inflammation of the prepuce, with burning pains in it. Vesicles on the forepart and sides of the glans penis; they eat deeply in and spread; several small white blisters, which also ooze fluid but soon disappear. The glans penis is very cold and shrivelled (after three hours). Incomplete erection, with tension of the pubic region, seeming to be caused by much flatulence. Painful erections. Falling asleep (deadness) of the penis, lasting a quarter of an hour. Burning about the glans penis, in the evening, followed by blisters on the inner surface of the prepuce, which become ulcers (soon healing of themselves). Tearing-sticking pain in the forepart of the glans penis, extending through the whole penis back to the anus, also at times in the groins. Itching sticking in the glans penis, if it is pressed. Itching sticking in the glans penis, after urinating. Spasmodic tearing pain beginning between the testicles, extending into the penis, and causing decided itching in the ulcers. Soreness between the genitals and thighs. A crawling on the fraenum of the glands, and on the scrotum. Itching on the glans penis. Voluptuous itching on and in the prepuce, compelling scratching. Voluptuous tickling itching on the forepart of the glans penis, provoking scratching (after nine hours). Sticking itching on the fraenum preputii. Crawling itching on the glans penis. Violent stitches in the scrotum. A drawing in the spermatic cord, paroxysmal. Feeling of coldness in the testicles, in the afternoon and evening, for fourteen days. A pressive drawing in the testicles, though a drawing rather then a pressure. Drawing pain in the testicles and groins. The swollen testicles are sensitive to air, not painful, before the emission of flatus. Emission, without a voluptuous dream. Emission during the midday nap, followed by burning pain in the orifice of the urethra while urinating. Nightly emission. Nightly emission mixed with blood. Female. Internal inflamed swelling of the vagina. Nodes on the labia. Coition unusually easy, with certain receptivity and conception. Discharge of flakes of mucus and pus as large as hazelnuts from the vagina. Leucorrhoea, with a biting sensation. Leucorrhoea, especially from 8 to 10 P.M.; it does not drop, looks greenish, and causes a biting in the forepart of the genitals, so that she is obliged to scratch much, especially in the evening and night, with violent burning after scratching. Bland leucorrhoea. Corrosive leucorrhoea. Purulent leucorrhoea. Pressure in the genitals, whereupon she was obliged to urinate much. Menstruation too profuse, accompanied by colic. Menorrhagia for three weeks. Discharge of blood renewed six days after menstruation. Discharge of blood from an old woman whose menstruation had ceased eleven years before. Menses suppressed.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.