

Chilliness. The temperature of the axilla was reduced from 1 degree to 1-1/2 degree cent by the use of lettuce. Chilliness in a warm room (after 1 hour). Chilliness in a warm room; the hands and feet are cold, with cold creepings over the head and back (after 1 hour). She easily becomes chilly during the day (1st day). An unusual sensation, allied to coldness, but not unpleasant. Slight shivering (after a quarter of an hour). Diminished temperature of the hands. Coldness extending over the head and back, alternating with heat in the face, in the forenoon (1st day). Feeling of coldness in the chest (from 10 to 15 grains of Parisian Lactucarium). Frequent coldness creeps over the back and head (1st hours). Cold feet (after 2 and 3 days). Shivering as if creeping under the hairs. Heat. Temperature 29.9 degree. (before taking); 30 degree (after taking); 29.9 degree (next morning); (average of all cases). Sensation of heat, intolerably dry, especially on the lower legs, coincident with aching like that after excessive exertion in walking; from 3 to 6 A.M. (3rd day). Fever; very decided headache; even the scalp is painful to touch, increased by tearing, which also affects the joints of the limbs, nape of the neck, and face; towards evening the head became so heavy that she was obliged to incline it forward; unusually dry, extremely distressing heat in the head and upper part of the body, with icy coldness of the feet, burning and lachrymation of the eyes; incessant, dry, hollow, spasmodic cough, recurring periodically, increasing to threatened suffocation, violently shaking the chest and head, together with spasmodic and painful constriction of the abdominal muscles, and region of the short ribs; at noon (3rd day). Heat in the face, with a feeling of swelling and trembling of the lips, several minutes after taking. Sweat. Sweat, during the night. Slight general perspiration, at night (first and second nights). Copious perspiration. Profuse sweat. Outbreak of cool sweat (from 10 to 15 grains of Parisian Lactucarium).


Aggravation (Morning) Mucus in throat; after rising, pain in chest; pressure on both sides of chest; after rising, weakness of limbs, etc. (Afternoon) Headache; towards evening, feeling in chest. (Evening) After lying down, dyspnoea, etc. (In open air), Pain in shoulder, etc. (Walking in open air), Pressure in upper chest; feeling in chest. (After eating), Stitch through hypochondrium. (Rest), Pain in deltoid muscle; drawing, etc. in lower leg; pain in left sole. (Standing), Feeling of weight upon abdomen. (Warm room), Vertigo, etc.; pain in forehead. (Writing) Burning in lids.


(In open air), General relief; especially of chest. (In bed), Ill humor. (Sitting erect), Chest symptoms.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.